Elena collection – eSuccubus.com
Elena eSuccubus
[65 MP3]
This is a collection of files (not a siterip). I am uploading all the files in a single product, but you can find each file with a complete description so you can select what files you want to download.All files are “at your own risk”. We place clear warnings here on this page and in addition in a text file accompanying each mp3: If you get unwanted hypnosis results because you did not take things seriously, we will not be sympathetic.Seriously. THIS FILE MAY ENSLAVE, MANIPULATE, CHANGE OR EFFECT YOU. IT DOES EXACTLY WHAT IT SAYS ON THE TIN. If this file’s description in the store is not something you want, don’t listen to it.——————————————–Obey Women – This file induces obedience to all women, especially those trying to hypnotize you. It uses the arm lift and visualization induction from this site, and has no awakener. Instead, the file ends with subliminals: suitable for dozing off to. This file encourages repeated listening and drives the desire for enslavement to women in general even deeper. Obedience to women outside of trance is also stressed.Night Night Induction – This file causes the subject to go into a deep trance whenever they hear the words “Night Night Pet” or “Night Night”. The file first takes a subject deep into trance, then anchors the memory of that deep, drowsy state on to their mind: and links it to this trigger. Most of the files on this site start with this trigger, so that the induction can be skipped. Those files require either that one of the files from the induction section be placed in front of it to put the subject under first.Abduction – This file is a “prequel” to the coming Initiation Day series. It is the beginning of an elaborate set of mental fantasy files that might wash over into your regular life a tad. It walks you through abduction by Elena during a “routine” erotic hypnosis session. At the end, the subject is given a card and an overriding urge to move on to the next step in the series. This file has light humiliation elements and sets one up for the rest of the series quite admirably. A file and series composed mostly of elaborate fantasy, subjects should train with the Mind’s Eye Induction series of files if they haven’t tried this kind of thing before. This file has no lasting effects, the other ones in the series do.A Day At The Spa (non-erotic) – This file places the subject deep into trance and then walks them through a pure relaxation experience at a very special spa. This file is a prequel to the Erotic Day At The Spa file, and is essentially a sample. This file does include an induction.Advanced Triggers 1 – This set of triggers, like the Basic Triggers, enhances devotion and obedience to Elena in particular each time they are used.These triggers can be used only by Elena, in text or in voice.Full Pet: The subject experiences Elena pinning them down and filling (then thrusting into) them anally with her strap-on whenever this trigger is said.Cum, Pet: The subject experiences a mind-blowing orgasm and feels Elena’s strap-on “cumming” some warm, submission-inducing substance into them.Cowgirl Time/Cowgirl Pet: The subject grows a pair of huge breasts which are brimming with milk, needing to be milked. The need is desperate, and the subject cannot be milked except through the next trigger. When milked, the subject’s level of submission and arousal linked to this trigger increases each time. This trigger is addictive in nature.Milking Time: After the previous trigger, this trigger causes the subject to experience an incredible orgasm while feeling their breasts being milked.Honey Pet: The subject experiences Elena’s pussy pressed into their face, as they are made to lick and service it. Doing so causes the subject to slowly feel more and more permanently enslaved to Elena.Normal Pet: Ends any of the other triggers, except Cowgirl Time which can only be ended with “milking time”.Advanced Triggers 2 – This set of triggers is useable only by Elena, and each use of the triggers through either text or voice causes a permanent increase in the subject’s overall submission to Elena.Hooked Pet: Causes the subject to have a sudden and absolute addiction to Elena’s voice, forcing them to go listen to Elena’s files immediately and not stop listening to different files until untriggered. If a specific file is mentioned after this trigger, the pet will listen to that file and only that file until untriggered. Attempts to resist will prompt a growing and unstoppable urge.Tentacle Pet: Causes the subject to feel prehensile tentacles doing whatever I describe them doing. The tentacles are aphrodisiac-soaked and permanently raise the level of submission to me which is present in the subject.”You Must Do, Pet”: Followed by any command, causes the subject’s body to obey that command, even if not with their mind. The act of carrying out the instructions, no matter what they are, causes intense pleasure. Each time this trigger is used, the subject’s body becomes a little more obedient to Elena, even if the mind resists. This ascends to the point where orders are obeyed even if the trigger is not used.Normal Pet: Ends all other triggers currently operatingA Gift From Beyond – This file is a 9 minute brief piece of work. It ends in an awakener, and it is advised you begin with an induction of your choice or the Night Night Trigger file. This is meant for advanced trancers. Over the course of the session, the subject “accidentally” summons an entity from another dimension which then pleasures them into sexual fever and leaves them with a little curse afterward.Somnophilia – This file has no awakener at the end, and is intended to help alleviate some kinds of insomnia. While it’s not a cure or a medical treatment, and does not profess to be either, it can probably help those with anxiety-based insomnia or a simple inability to quiet down and sleep. Naturally, this file will help the very hypnotically susceptible more. This file has an induction.Arm Lift And Visualization Induction – This file is just an induction, requiring a body file to be placed after it. It is entirely possible to just use this file as trancing practice, but it ends with no awakener, so have a wakeup plan. For those of you who have not listened to the Night Night file, this is a good induction to place in front of files which don’t explicitly note that they have an induction. This induction uses pseudo-tactile methods analogous to the arm lifting and simple visualization that are often used in real hypnotherapy sessions.Awakener – This file is meant to go at the end of files which do not normally have an Awakener. If you’ve recut some of the files on the site to string them together, this gentle reinforcing awakener which begins with the word “Now”, like most of Elena’s file bodies. This short awakener reinforces the suggestions and triggers contained in the file with language designed to keep the mind receptive while waking, and counts the subject out with Elena’s voice. Useable with other body files from other hypnotists, too, obviously.Basic Triggers – This set of triggers can only be used by Elena, via text or voice. Some other files utilize these triggers. Each use of the triggers in this file causes a slow increase in obedience and submission to Elena. This obedience and submission encourages the subject to listen to this and other files, to enjoy the triggers even if they would not normally enjoy those effects, and to desire to be triggered more in future. This file has no induction and requires that a subject have listened to the Night Night file before listening.Bondage Triggers – This is a set of simple triggers related to bondage and general enslavement. These triggers are not locked to Elena, and can be used by anyone unless locked or put under safety by another file. This file uses the Night Night trigger instead of a regular induction. Triggers include:See Nothing – Removes the sense of sight, though the subject is explicitly instructed that they will be able to see untriggering phrases despite not perceiving that they see them.Hear Nothing – Removes the sense of hearing, though the subject is explicitly instructed that they will be able to hear untriggering phrases despite not perceiving that they hear them.Feel Nothing – Subject experiences no sensation in any part of their body, no matter what is done to them, until untriggered.Smell Nothing – The subject has no olfactory sense until untriggered.Taste Nothing – The subject experiences no taste in anything placed on their tongue until untriggered.Be Nothing – The subject loses their sense of self and becomes a blank doll, obedient, making no judgements and having no original thoughts except under instruction until untriggered.Latex Pet – The subject experiences a latex bodysuit coating them. Said suit restricts the subject as instructed and forces the subject to carry out any action they are instructed to by the one who triggered them.Bind You – Said on its own, this trigger encourages the subject to mentally re-enact and experience an elaborate bondage fantasy taken from their own imagination. Said, then followed by a description of any bondage-related event happening to the subject, the subject experiences that event: for example, “Bind You – Your legs are lightly bound to your chair and you feel a small ball gag being inserted into your mouth, comfortably sitting there. Your hands remain free so you can type.”All of this is undone by the phrase “Return to normal” or “normal pet”, depending on the set of triggers, said or typed by anyone.Bondage Triggers 2 – This set of triggers has a distinct bondage theme and no induction. It uses the Night Night Trigger and does include some deepening and NLP. These triggers can be used by anyone.Triggers inserted in this file:Chastity Pet – Latex chastity underpants and imposed chastity. Free Pet – Underpants gone and sudden intense sexual desire present.Position Pet – Causes the subject to get into any position ordered by the triggerer and stay there. Attempts to move are stopped by intense pleasure. Normal Pet – Ends this state.Leashed Pet – Makes the subject follow the triggerer, and rewards the subject with intense pleasure any time they obey an order from the one who holds their leash. Normal Pet – Ends this state.Pleasure – This trigger causes intense pleasure but can only be used by Elena, and makes the subject WANT to be triggered by any triggers associated with the word “pleasure”.Love the One(s) You Are With – This file is conditioning for submissives who want to be devoted to one particular person or a group of specific individuals. At the beginning of the file, the subject is told to envision the one or ones they are most devoted to, collectively “their beloved”. This is followed by some deepening and then the impression of seven rules of behavior. The file has some light cuckoldry elements and absolute obedience elements. For the hypnotically sensitive, this file is quite direct in its wording. The file does not make one obedient to Elena in particular, though she does not mind if you visualize her and use this file as a vehicle to feel closer to her.Obey your beloved in all things, without counter-argument or suggestion.Orgasm only when permitted to do so.Keep healthy, eat healthy, and live a healthy lifestyle where able.Sleep at the foot of your beloved’s bed.You are responsible for your own training, including listening to this file to hypnotically train yourself to be a better pet.You are to behave as a dog-like pet for your beloved at all times whenever possible and safe to do so. You will not be jealous of any other lover or individual in your beloved’s life, since you only want them to be happy. You will be happy whenever you think of your beloved, no matter the context.While Elena doesn’t mind if you picture her as your beloved for the purpose of this file, it contains no mention of her and doing so would present problems since you couldn’t then sleep at the foot of her bed or get much chance to serve her. The love might also not be reciprocated. Those doing so with Elena in mind might want to request a custom file which makes them believe she’s in their bed or sexing them up or whatnot, to help fill this gap in fantasy.Brain Drain Triggers – This set of free triggers are usable by anyone including the subject.Be Blank – Feel your brain drained away by a set of pleasurable mental commands that can remove all thought and leave you a blankly poseable puppet floating in the warm breeze flowing through the empty space between your ears.Think Only Of – Experience being hyper-fixated on one command, one thought. If someone says the trigger and then instructs you to do something or to think of something, you’ll only be able to focus on that concept.Don’t Think Of – Forget something you are told to forget, can be as simple as “your name” or as complex as “all of your sexual inhibitions”.Normal Pet – This trigger undoes the effects of the other triggers.This file does not include an induction, so choose one from the site or use your own prior to the body and put it before this on your playlistBursting With Pleasure – This file inserts a trigger whereby when a subject is given a piece of gum and ordered to “blow bubbles”, or triggers themselves in the same way, they blow a bubble which removes their conscious thoughts and gently wafts in front of them as they stare at it, fixated. the result is a complete divorce of sensation from the body and an overall reduction in stress. When the bubble is in front of them, the subject is pliable and obedient, mindless, unaware of sensations unless they become uncomfortable, unsafe, or need to go to a meeting, eat or similar things that are important. When the bubble pops, all the sensations the subject SHOULD have experienced, come flooding back with possibly marvelous results.Butt Bunny Bondage – This recording takes the subject deep into trance, with Elena slowly binding them down and then taking them with her strap-on. The subject is changed slowly into a horny female bunny, obsessed with anal sex and being filled. This personality is then buried, brought out whenever the trigger “Butt Bunny Bouncing” is said.The resulting personality remains until the subject is untriggered with the words “normal pet”. The trigger can be said by the subject, by Elena, or by anyone the listener gives permission to. In addition to the bondage fantasy, the bunny personality makes the subject forget their former form and indulge utterly in anal pleasure, including implanting a fetish for anal sex if it did not previously exist. The subject will feel a growing urge to trigger themselves if they have not done so in some time. The file encourages repeated listening. This file contains a playful provision whereby the subject will email Elena a short message to let her know that they have listened.Chasstity – This file was originally a custom file request that ended up being put on the site. It installs a fetish for women’s asses and feminine butts in general. The subject is encouraged to serve, stare at, fantasize about, and lick feminine butts if afforded the reasonable opportunity. However, this is not the main part of the recording. The file installs a deep and abiding need to stare at feminine butts either in real life or in pornography while masturbating. The masturbating subject will find themselves absolutely unable to orgasm, forced to stare at the feminine butts: turned on by them but simultaneously locked into chastity for as long as the subject thinks of female asses. The file goes on to encourage repeated listening, permanent chastity, and a greater and greater ass fetish. This file comes with a free mantra for listening to while pleasuring yourself and staring at female butts. Enjoy!Cock Converstion – This file is about 30 minutes long and comes with a loopable reinforcing mantra. It is without an induction, so add one of your own in front from the Inductions category on this site or your own file collection. This file permanently conditions the subject into a cock-loving female with a need to serve me, Elena, personally, and a desire to look at porn of women sucking cocks and observe women on the streets to become more feminine. The file incorporates elements of deep obedience, some financial submission to me personally as long as it doesn’t cause you problems, and elements of lingerie wearing combined with an unending lust for cock. The feminine body becomes permanent if the file takes root in your subconscious, and it reinforces itself and encourages repeated listening. The file includes a 10 minute mantra you can loop to listen to any time, consisting of the three cardinal rules of Elena’s Cock Sluts:Need CockObey ElenaBe Feminine…and elaborations on same.Elena’s commentary: This is a masterpiece for feminization fans. Elena is very proud of it. The mantra is one of obedience to Elena through femininity and serving cock. It has no special outside metronomes, it’s just me using my vocal discipline to keep as close to a regular metronomic beat as I could. I think anyone who hears it will love it. Lots of people got turned on just by hearing me say “submit” like a thousand times during the mantra.Confident Vixen – Changes the subject into a horny and confident female anthropomorphic fox. The subject is predatory, dominant except when the occasional subby urge takes her, and the file’s effects are intended to be constant through wiping the subject’s previous body template.Cum Only For Me – This file is worded to seriously and permanently remove your ability to cum, encourage addiction and repeated listening, and to condition the subject to only be allowed to cum when they make a donation to the site or buy a file or else are given personal permission by Elena. It’s worded strongly and in a concentrated fashion after a short deepener. This file has no induction, so choose your own. File causes obedience to and addiction to Elena’s control over your orgasms, along with giving her a powerful control over you which is tied to your natural impulses and horny desires. The language of this file tempts the subconscious, convincing it to choose between giving Elena control of all of your orgasms and making you want to donate to the site (which this file will stress), or resisting and not doing it. If you resist, this file may not work for you at all. This is to make sure people are serious.Message from Elena: Seriously. Unless you are financially comfortable and like me personally, don’t listen to this. Check out my site, “get to know me” and then (and only then) should you listen to this, especially if you’re hypnotically sensitive. If you’re sure huge orgasms but only at my behest are what you want, feel free to listen to and get hooked on this file.Open the Door – This file has no induction and is loopable (it has no clear end or beginning and so you can put it on repeat or leave it on a loop all night after an induction). It makes it so commonplace events including opening doors, listening to Elena’s files or hearing her voice, and hearing specific words, trigger obedience/submission responses to Elena personally. This file makes the subject one of Elena’s personal pets. It gives them qualities which appeal to her, encourages positive life changes and encourages people to donate to the site if and when they can. The door imagery is used to reinforce the file so that it will nest itself deep and effectively in the subject, and it imposes some small rituals and makes the subject want to listen to this file again. This is a file for those who want to feel owned and have bits of trance pop up in their days. It will encourage repeated listeningDress to Obey – This file focuses on ordering the subject to wear panties, pantyhose, and a bra at all times unless bathing or sleeping, or changing out of them into another set. Further, the file stresses orgasm control and commands the subject so that if Elena orders them not to cum, they will not be able to until allowed again. This file includes some feminization elements but is mostly gender neutral and urges the subject to worship Elena’s strapon. Goes good with Basic Triggers or Cock Conversion and its mantra. This file has no awakener, so you can go into another file in the horny obedient and submissive state regarding Elena that you’ll be in when it ends.MY Girl – This is a custom file someone requested with the specific stipulation to make them mine, obedient, servile – feeling constantly owned and divinely feminine. Elena did her best. This file assumes a submissive posture on the part of the listener, and also that the listener is experienced at going into trance for Elena’s voice. It incorporates the “Bliss” and “Pleasure” triggers, as well as the “Imagine” and “Night Night” triggers, by request. The file’s intended end results include permanent feelings of submission to Elena, and a body that is perfectly pleasing to the subject’s senses in every way. This file makes no specific gender references, but large breasts and feminine curves will be the end result regardless. This file goes good with the Mind’s Eye Induction because of how much visualization and “active” fantasy takes place.Comment from Elena: This file uses triggers from Siren’s Voice, Open The Door, and the Bondage Trigger files, I think. I kinda got into it.
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