Elena McIvor eSuccubus – Arousal Succubus Pack
Elena McIvor eSuccubus – Arousal Succubus Pack [WebDL – 12 MP3s, 1 TXT]
[WebDL – 12 MP3s, 1 TXT]
Elena gets a bit of a bad rep as a hypnotist because she takes commissions from people into some really sick stuff to pay the bills. She’s a decent hypnotist when not whoring herself out to pay the bills.These are somewhat similar to Talmadge’s Mind Doll in their aim, but not exactly. While Talmadge’s program aims to create a real thoughtform you can interact with in the physical world, this is designed to help you create a pure hallucination for you to physically interact with.There are two versions of the files. The Ruins files uses an encounter from the online game Corruption of Champions as the setting. The Non-COC files create a succubus without using this theme.Like a lot of her stuff it was for sale for a brief time and then disappeared, so this is now the only way to get it.I was able to pull Elena’s description of the program as a whole and the safety files from archive.org, which are below.A mental companion, an externalization of your subconscious who is sexual, feminine, aroused by you, wants you constantly, and provides support while dwelling in your mind. Want a mental succubus who feeds off your desires and provides a teasing mental conditioning? Try it out. Safety file is included along with description, behaviours, and sexual file. This file has been a long time coming and is some of my best work. Part self help, part fantasy/hallucination piece, part sexual, at least a good example of deepening and conditioning. Each “session” clocks in under an hour, made to be listened on various nights, not all in one session. Want to invite her into your head? Well here you go.Listen to Description first. Then for later training sessions you can listen to any of the 4. Behaviour is nonsexual self-help, Desires is sexual. If you listen to Safety, make sure you have an object nearby like an item of jewelry or clothing. That object, when worn, will tell her to back off.Safety:This is a Safety file. have an object nearby you can wear or hold onto throughout the day. Whenever you are in contact with this object, your succubus will recede into your mind. She will relax and give you time to focus. Good for those of you with very vivid imaginative lives who end up too stimulated and overworked by your succubus partner to think straight. This file will also come in handy with the more intense succubus categories like bondage or chastity.The effects are added on top of your existing mental succubus from the Ruins Succubus Description file, and you can keep listening to files like this to add more description and precision to your mental externalization of your subconscious. Hope people enjoy.
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