Elizabeth Lipski – Digestive Wellness: Strengthen the Immune System and Prevent Disease Through Healthy Digestion, Fourth Edition
Digestive Wellness-Strengthen the Immune System and Prevent Disease Through Healthy Digestion
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From the Introduction:Quote:In Digestive Wellness, you’ll find a functional medicine approach seen through the lens of a nutrition professional. What is functional medicine (FM)? The original idea was developed by Jeffrey Bland, Ph.D., and David Jones, M.D., and continues to be refined and expanded by the thousands of health professionals who use it every day. FM, as evolved through the Institute for Functional Medicine in Gig Harbor, Washington, in corporates all of what is considered to be the best medical practices while also embracing a wide philosophy of health and healing. It offers clinicians a system for quickly assessing and evaluating underlying antecedents and triggers of disease. Functional medicine cuts across all disciplines and includes all types of clinicians—medical doctors, naturopathic physicians, chiropractic physicians, acupuncturists, nutritionists, nurses, physical therapists, psychologists, massage therapists, and more. It blends the best of science with the art and care of the person to find a personalized, patient-centered approach toward well-being.In functional medicine, finding the underlying triggers of illness and listening to the person’s story are key. For example, I recently had a client whose main complaints were stomach pain, diarrhea, fatigue, and a feeling that she was failing. She’d been to many doctors without respite. She’d tried many approaches. After a single conversation, it became apparent to me that she had detoxification issues. Her health issues all began about a year after she moved into a brand-new home that was off-gassing toxic chemicals. Treating her digestive systems would have been the norm, yet finding a way to gently detoxify her achieved the best results. On the other hand, I recently worked with a client whose main complaints were depression and fatigue. Although she didn’t at first express issues with digestion, supporting her digestive system and an elimination diet were key to her improved health.Functional medicine embraces person-centered therapies rather than setting protocols. It recognizes and honors the biochemical uniqueness of each person. Throughout this book, use your own story and initial triggers of disease to guide you. Recognize that one size does not fit all, and try what makes sense. Begin with the recommendations on diet and lifestyle. If you aren’t eating well, sleeping, moving, or spending time to relax and renew, begin with small changes in lifestyle.ContentsForeword: Why Is Your Gut Making You Sick? by Mark Hyman, M.D.AcknowledgmentsIntroductionPART I FundamentalsCHAPTER 1 Changing the Way You Feel: When in Doubt, Begin in the GutCHAPTER 2 A Voyage Through the Digestive SystemPART II The DIGIN Model and the 5 RsCHAPTER 3 Digestion/Absorption: Replace and RepairCHAPTER 4 Intestinal Permeability/Leaky MembranesCHAPTER 5 The GI Microbiome: “Aliens Have Overtaken My Body!”CHAPTER 6 The GI Microbiome: Probiotics Naturally from Food and SupplementsCHAPTER 7 The GI Microbiome: Dysbiosis, a Good Neighborhood Gone BadCHAPTER 8 The GI Microbiome: Specific and Common Dysbiosis InfectionsCHAPTER 9 Fire in the Gut: Immune and InflammationCHAPTER 10 The Enteric Nervous System: The Second BrainCHAPTER 11 Functional Medicine/Functional TestingPART III Coming Back into BalanceCHAPTER 12 Food Is Your Best MedicineCHAPTER 13 Restorative Foods for HealingCHAPTER 14 Food Sensitivities, Intolerances, and AllergiesCHAPTER 15 The Elimination Diet, or How to Feel Remarkably Better in Two WeeksCHAPTER 16 Managing Stress and Finding BalanceCHAPTER 17 Rebalance Biochemistry: Acid-Alkaline BalanceCHAPTER 18 Cleansing and DetoxificationPART IV Natural Therapies for Common Digestive ProblemsCHAPTER 19 The MouthCHAPTER 20 The Esophagus and StomachCHAPTER 21 The LiverCHAPTER 22 The PancreasCHAPTER 23 The Gallbladder, Gallstones, and Cholecystectomy CHAPTER 24 The Small Intestine CHAPTER 25 The Colon or Large IntestinePART V Natural Therapies for the Diverse Consequences of Faulty DigestionCHAPTER 26 ArthritisCHAPTER 27 Autoimmune DiseasesCHAPTER 28 Behcet’s DiseaseCHAPTER 29 Cardiovascular Disease: The GI LinkCHAPTER 30 Chronic Fatigue SyndromeCHAPTER 31 Eczema or Atopic DermatitisCHAPTER 32 FibromyalgiaCHAPTER 33 Interstitial CystitisCHAPTER 34 Migraine HeadachesCHAPTER 35 Obesity, metabolic Syndrome, and the GI ConnectionCHAPTER 36 Osteoporosis: The GI ConnectionCHAPTER 37 PsoriasisCHAPTER 38 RosaceaCHAPTER 39 SchizophreniaCHAPTER 40 Scleroderma (Systemic Sclerosis)CHAPTER 41 Sjogren’s SyndromeAfterwordIndexPaperback: 464 pagesPublisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 4 edition (Sept. 13 2011)Language: EnglishISBN-10: 0071668993ISBN-13: 978-0071668996ASIN: B005K8H13G
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