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Encyclopedia of Medical Breakthrough

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This is the result of a GB. Don’t share outside of elib. Breaking the rules will get you banned! The Most Important Health Book of the 21st Century Shows You How to… Open the Door to a New World of Healing Options   Solve the Mysteries of Reversing Heart Disease, Healing Cancer, Curing Diabetes, and Defeating Over 60 Additional Medical Conditions by David Allen, President, Medical Research Associates f you’ve been a seeker of alternative cures for any length of time, I’m sure you’ve come across many “secret health information” books that claim to have the cure for everything — from cancer to AIDS, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, asthma, emphysema … to every health condition in existence.  You may already have discovered — to your dismay — that those books containing a compilation of so-called “miracle cures” seldom live up to their claims and promises. While some of the books do offer honest but misguided information, some are deliberately deceptive. They often make misleading promises that might prove to be more dangerous than beneficial to those who are suffering from pain and disease.  The 2 most important questions you have to ask in order to determine if an alternative “cure” really is a bona fide cure are the following: Are the therapeutic claims based on verifiable scientific research — or mere anecdotes and folklore? Have there been a significant number of cases cured by the alternative treatments presented?  The GOOD NEWS is … there definitely are alternative treatment options available — real cures that successfully treat every disease in existence. And your doctor has probably never heard of them! And yet such alternative treatments and medical breakthroughs are well documented in highly respected scientific research institutions and publications.  Here’s just a small sample of some of the phenomenal, hard-to-find, virtually unknown, but scientifically documented medical breakthroughs that almost no one knows about — even your doctor: A $200 “Cure” for AIDS / HIV.  There’s a patented low-voltage device that stops the AIDS virus dead in its tracks.  This is validated by doctors at a prestigious college of medicine — and published in Science News.  The expensive version of this device costs thousands of dollars per treatment.  But a university physics professor developed an inexpensive “in-home” device that accomplishes similar results.  This alternative device costs only $200, and is safe for home use.  (See pp. 138-139) A Seven-Time Nobel Prize Nominee Cures Cancer With 2 Common Household Items. A German-born biochemist, who was the world’s leading expert on lipid biochemistry, and a 7-time Nobel Prize nominee, pioneered a simple protocol for cancer treatment and prevention.  It is based on the use of small amounts of 2 inexpensive food substances combined together in specific proportions.  Numerous independent clinical studies published in major medical journals worldwide have confirmed these 2 food items provide a powerful and effective means of treating even the most advanced cancers. (See pp. 60-61)    A once-skeptical oncologist became a believer, and reported in the Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients that he was initially in disbelief, but was later convinced that “cancer is easily curable” using this method.  One can’t deny the compelling evidence that shows that this method saved 90% of the German doctor’s terminal cancer patients from certain death. (See pp. 60-62)  An Infra-Red Helmet That Has a 90% Success Rate in Halting the Progression of Alzheimer’s Disease. There’s a space-age helmet that uses new “light beam” technology to reverse Alzheimer’s when used 10 minutes a day!  A study conducted at a British university proves this helmet works in as little as 30 days to halt the progression of Alzheimer’s Disease — and restore memory.  This totally safe and painless device yielded amazing results in 90% of patients tested.  (See pp. 19-20) An Extremely Potent Anti-Inflammatory Breakthrough Does Wonders for Arthritis Sufferers. Over 3 decades of painstaking research has led to the development of an anti-inflammation remedy that reduces swollen joints by 79%!  The anti-arthritic marine lipids derived from a New Zealand mollusk have been tested extensively at the University of Queensland in Australia — and the results are quite dramatic!  The stabilized, highly purified lipids, now available to the public, were shown to have 200 times the anti-inflammatory power of even the most potent fish oil.  And the lipid formula is also non-toxic and produces no side effects. (See pp. 27-28) An Herb That Virtually Eradicates Heart Disease.   FACT: Every 25 seconds, an American will have a coronary event.  According to the Centers of Disease Control (CDC), heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. — not cancer, not diabetes, not some exotic disease.  But there’s an herb that has been used overseas to treat over 15,000 cardiac patients over a 20-year period — and there has been no recurrence of their disease! (See pp. 78-79) ����    The above examples represent only 5 of the countless medical breakthroughs and alternative treatments that remain hidden from the general public.  In fact, alternative treatments, advanced devices, procedures, and powerful natural medicines do exist which have been shown to eliminate virtually every disease including, but not limited to, the following:   Cancer    AIDS    Alzheimer’s Disease      Arthritis    ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease)    Asthma      Diabetes    Autism    Chronic Fatigue and Fibro   Emphysema    Hepatitis    Herpes      Cataracts    Glaucoma    Hair Loss   Hot Flashes    Kidney Stones    Macular Degeneration      Migraines    Multiple Sclerosis    Osteoporosis      Parkinson’s Diseases    Prostate Problems    Psoriasis      Scoliosis    Sleep Apnea    Tuberculosis      Varicose Veins   Vision Disorders    Stress     Why Haven’t You Heard About These Remarkable Treatment Options? ‘m sure you’re asking yourself … if these discoveries are indeed such amazing “breakthroughs” that really cure diseases, alleviate suffering — and even prevent death — why haven’t you heard about them in the news, or from your doctor? Here’s why: Most doctors don’t know these medical breakthroughs even exist.  That’s because alternative and unconventional healing modalities are not taught in medical school.  And the average doctor is unable to keep abreast of all the new alternative treatments that are constantly being developed. Many of these alternative treatments are discovered outside the U.S., and as such, they often get very limited press coverage, and never reach mainstream media. But by far, the MAIN REASON why you never hear about these healing discoveries is because … The pharmaceutical and medical industries are deliberately trying to suppress the dissemination of information regarding these breakthroughs. They’re trying to protect their financial interests and, as such, they have to propagate the MYTH that “drugs and conventional medicine are the only way to cure disease.”    Obviously, the pharmaceutical and medical industries have more to gain when people are sick than when they’re well.  Because of the trillion-dollar revenues they make from drugs, there’s no incentive for them to promote better health.  Therefore, they manufacture drugs that only alleviate the symptoms and sometimes the pain of disease, but do not cure disease.      How does it make you feel … knowing there actually are effective treatments for cancer, AIDS, diabetes, Alzheimer’s Disease, arthritis, herpes, asthma and practically all diseases that plague mankind — and that information has been kept hidden from you all these years? I personally consider it an outrage — especially because I lost my father to lung cancer 10 years ago.  And I can’t help but think of the millions of people all over the world who have died from cancer and other diseases … whose lives could’ve been saved if they knew about these medical breakthroughs and alternative treatments. How many people do you know who’ve died from cancer, AIDS, heart disease, stroke, pneumonia, emphysema, liver cirrhosis or other diseases in the past 2 years … 5 years … 10 years … 20 years?    There’s one thing for certain:  If an alternative treatment poses a threat to the earnings of the pharmaceutical and medical industries, no amount of time, effort, and expense will be spared to keep the public from knowing about it. As a result, many of these revolutionary technologies and treatments have been forced to “go underground” by Big Pharma and the medical industry.  And thus, they remain totally hidden to the general public. Just think … what would happen if everyone knew about the German doctor’s inexpensive cancer cure that anyone can implement easily at home (see pp. 60-62).  Why, that would wipe out the multi-billion-dollar cancer industry that depends on the public’s reliance on traditional cancer treatments like chemotherapy, surgery and radiation! And imagine what would happen if everyone knew about the $200 cure for HIV / AIDS … the infra-red helmet that has a 90% success rate in reversing Alzheimer’s … the extremely potent anti-inflammatory lipid that dramatically reduces the swelling of arthritic joints … and the herb that eliminates heart disease.  That would devastate the multi-billion dollar AIDS, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, and heart disease industries!   In the next few minutes, as you read this article in its entirety, you will discover countless remarkable “cures” for nearly every disease or affliction that you or your loved ones are suffering from right now, or may suffer from in the future.  Each one of these “cures” have been thoroughly researched and scientifically validated — and they are safe, inexpensive, and have no side effects.   “The Encyclopedia of Medical Breakthroughs & Forbidden Treatments is a document of immeasurable proportions. Following years of exhaustive research  into a range of alternative treatments from Nutrition to Chinese Medicine to Herbal Medicine to high-tech breakthroughs, The Encyclopedia of Medical Breakthroughs is an assemblage of a veritable wealth of possibilities for virtually every major affliction known to humanity.   This vast array of data is compiled into a document that is extremely user friendly. The information—that each and every person will easily be able to access—will be invaluable to all those people who are frustrated with the ineptitude and lack of flexibility of Western Medicine. Here, every person will be able to find effective, alternative treatment choices for the common maladies that afflict them, as well as the latest research information pertaining to these subjects. Even I, a Naturopathic Doctor & Licensed Acupuncturist for over 20 years, found many new choices that I will be able to recommend to my patients.” —Jim Cross, N.D., L.Ac. Who Am I — And Why Should You Believe Me? y name is David Allen.  I’m the President of Medical Research Associates, a private, Washington-based company specializing in investigative reporting in the fields of health and medicine. Over the last 8 years I, together with my expert team of …     Traditional and integrative physicians (MDs)     Naturopathic physicians (NDs) Ph.D.s who specialize in a broad range of health and medical topics Contributing medical writers, editors, researchers, investigative medical journalists and a senior Medical Advisory Board … have spent tens of thousands of hours doing exhaustive research to uncover, validate, and document nearly every single medical breakthrough and alternative treatment that has been suppressed, silenced, ignored or forced to “go underground” by Big Pharma and the medical establishment. Why have we done this? Well, for me personally, it’s because my father died of lung cancer 10 years ago.  His slow, agonizing death was a heavy blow to me.  To see someone I love go from being a vibrant, energetic and wonderful human being to a frail, weak and emaciated person deteriorating in front of my very eyes … was a painful experience indeed. The worst part was having to watch helplessly as he suffered — while I wasn’t able to do anything about it. Since then, I’ve been on a personal mission to spare others from ever having that feeling of helplessness … of not being able to do anything when it comes to their health and the health of their loved ones. You see, I realized it’s not just my father. It’s millions upon millions of fathers, and mothers, and brothers, and sisters, etc. that need this type of real, practical medical help. It has become the single-minded goal of our team at Medical Research Associates to bring to every person and every household the power and freedom to choose from among the most effective healing disciplines available — so no one ever has to settle for the limited options that conventional medicine offers.      In order to accomplish this goal, we’ve published a 380-page, 8″ X 11″ book titled The Encyclopedia of Medical Breakthroughs and Forbidden Treatments (also available as an e-book) containing a definitive, never-before-published compilation of alternative health and medical discoveries.  It features cutting-edge, state-of-the-art health information, alternative treatment options and effective solutions for virtually any disease or health problem you or your loved ones have, or might have in the future.   Please make no mistake.  This is no ordinary health book.    Unlike the medical options offered by Big Pharma and mainstream medicine — which simply treat the symptoms but don’t cure disease — this book focuses on remedies that treat the underlying causes of illness and disease.  This enables you to get to the root of your problem, thereby eliminating it once and for all. Every alternative treatment and medical breakthrough discussed in The Encyclopedia has been thoroughly researched, meticulously fact-checked and verified for its effectiveness … before it was allowed to be a part of this groundbreaking book.  Over 1,300 footnotes reference peer-reviewed, published medical research and scientific studies that assure the accuracy of the treatments, procedures, modalities, and supplements that are featured in this book. Many of the alternative treatments which are featured have never been written about in any other publication, book or reference material.  And don’t let the word “encyclopedia” fool you — this book is easy and fun to read.  And it’s written with the layperson in mind, so it’s not too technical.  However, it has an abundance of footnotes in case you want to investigate any topic more thoroughly. In fact, think of all the TV commercials you’ve seen that advertise drugs which supposedly “cure” various ailments.  Here are some of them:  drugs for depression … erectile dysfunction … acid reflux … herpes … osteoporosis … Alzheimer’s … diabetes … hair loss … incontinence … colds and flu, and many more.  You can find an effective alternative treatment for every single one of these health conditions in The Encyclopedia of Medical Breakthroughs and Forbidden Treatments.  And unlike drugs, these alternative treatments are safe, have no side effects and cost a lot less than drugs. Here’s how easy it is to use The Encyclopedia: One: Simply look up any specific ailment, disease or health problem in the Index of the book. Two:  Turn to the page(s) where alternative treatments for the specific disease are located. Three:  Voila!  You’ll find an amazing amount of in-depth, eye-opening information — often not just one, but several effective treatment options — and everything is spelled out in easy-to-understand layman’s terms.   You’ll find compelling evidence why the alternative treatments get to the root causes of the disease, and why they are scientifically proven to be effective.  And best of all, The Encyclopedia gives detailed information on product sources, health practitioners or service providers that offer every alternative treatment — all the way down to dosages, when necessary.    For example:  When you look up “Cancer” in the Index, you’ll find 25 pages containing 12 of the most effective alternative treatments for cancer — including the powerful 2-ingredient “formula” that’s proven successful in treating even the most advanced cancers. When you look up “Pain Relief,” you’ll find an entire chapter containing 15 of the best alternative treatments available.  They range from a pain relief technique that uses only light pressure on neurological reflexes, which turns pain off instantly … to a revolutionary blanket that shields pain away … and a wonder pain reliever banned by the FDA! Why is The Encyclopedia “The Book That Never Grows Old?” You Receive a Lifetime of Free Updates. hen you own The Encyclopedia of Medical Breakthroughs and Forbidden Treatments, one of the greatest values it will give you is the Lifetime Membership to the Member’s Area of the book’s very own website.   This password-protected area contains continually-updated information — breaking news about the latest medical breakthroughs and forbidden treatments that have become available since the last printing of The Encyclopedia.  In this way, you won’t just own a book with information that may become outdated in the coming years, but you’ll be the first to know about all the new healing discoveries … as soon as they break on the world’s scene! Being a lifetime member of The Encyclopedia’s website is a bonus that is absolutely priceless.  You won’t realize its value until you actually log in with your password and see the wealth of information that we’ve assembled.  Over 800 posts have been uploaded to the website in the last 3 years — and hundreds more are posted every year.  To ensure that your lifelong password-protected website is rock solid and never disappears, our pledge and commitment to you is that we will secure the home URL of the Member’s Area FOR THE NEXT 50 YEARS — until 2060! When you own The Encyclopedia of Medical Breakthroughs and Forbidden Treatments, you’re not just getting a book … but you’re getting an ever-growing body of health information that is unparalleled in its scope and depth.  For this reason, The Encyclopedia may be the last book on alternative health and medicine that you’ll ever have to buy.  In a very real and practical way, it’s the book that keeps on giving! In a hurry? Click to get The Encyclopedia of Medical Breakthroughs and Forbidden Treatments now. This Book is Not an Expense … It Actually Saves You Money t has escaped no one’s attention that our economy — not just in the United States, but the entire world — is in miserable shape. Jobs are scarce, businesses are closing down or going out of business … and money is tight. So why would you buy yet another book about health — especially when there’s so much information to be found on the Internet? Here’s why: Although there’s health content online that might appear useful, in actuality … … there’s a lot unsubstantiated and unproven health information on the Web! Yes, it’s true. Erroneous, inaccurate, poorly researched and recycled factoids, half-truths and “marketese” abound online … all masquerading as bona fide health information. Turning to The Encyclopedia of Medical Breakthroughs and Forbidden Treatments, on the other hand, is not another needless expenditure. Rather, it’s an investment that will pay for itself many times over. Consider this: Healthcare costs are spiraling out of control, and so are the prices of prescription drugs, doctor visits, medical treatments, conventional therapy, and hospitalization. Owning The Encyclopedia will actually save you money — to the tune of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars! That’s because the book presents treatment options that cost much less than the cost of conventional treatments — and are less invasive, less risky and have no side effects! (See the preview of amazing cures below.) Written for the Layperson … But Compelling Enough for Doctors! hen we were deciding on the title for this book, I was a bit concerned that the word “encyclopedia” would give people the impression that it’s a boring reference book like the Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR).  When you glance at any page of our book, you’ll know without a doubt that it’s written for the layperson.  It’s not too technical — and it’s easy to understand. It’s the only “encyclopedia” that’s so interesting to read that it’s hard to put it down. Also, you’ll probably find a good joke or two — just enough to keep you smiling. Nevertheless, even doctors (both traditional and alternative) who demand to be shown “the science” behind everything … are utterly amazed by the phenomenal information contained in the book, and its level of documentation! The Encyclopedia is now used regularly by enlightened doctors who want to avoid treating patients with prescriptions that have harmful side effects. Instead, whenever possible, they prescribe safer, alternative treatments that are equally, if not more, effective. Dr. Richard Simmons is just one of countless doctors that have raved about The Encyclopedia — and has said enthusiastically that this book should be in everyone’s home.  Dr. Simmons is a medical doctor who is a member of the faculty at Ohio State University School of Medicine, where he’s an Associate Professor of Ophthalmology.  He’s also the former Chairman of the Alternative Medicine Committee of the Columbus Medical Association. Dr. Simmons and his wife used some of the discoveries presented in the The Encyclopedia of Medical Breakthroughs and Forbidden Treatments to help treat and prevent their own and their family’s and friends’ ailments. This GB is officially closed


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