Enneagram – Toni Marie Clifton – Type three panel – The Performers( 1 dvd iso)
enneagram type 3
The Enneagramis a tool for transformation of the personalityoffers a way of understanding others as they understand themselves to becomes from an ancient system of personal development originally taught in the narrative traditionbridges contemporary psychological insight with spiritual awarenessThe Enneagram system of personality states there are nine different versions of reality; nine different worldviews of how people and/or groups think, act, feel, and relate to each other. Each of us operates from a set of beliefs that determines our version of reality.This set of beliefs—beliefs that we continue to develop throughout our early years—forms unconscious patterns that run our behaviors, thoughts, and feelings. Discovering the patterns that govern our reality and learning how they affect us in our daily life is an act of empowerment. Once we begin to notice our thoughts and feelings, we have true choice available to us rather than simply reacting to people and events. Having true choice increases our own creative response to life, to the world, and the people around us. It is this freedom of choice that heals our relationships with those we love.Though there are many topologies of personalities, the Enneagram is the only system to predict the characteristics of the personality when we are in the states of “business as usual,” “stressed-out,” and “feeling relaxed.” The Enneagram can actually describe all three conditions for each of the nine different worldviews. Each of us experiences ourselves differently when we are going about our usual business versus stressed versus relaxed.The other great gift of the Enneagram is what it teaches us about the “others” in our life. By studying and observing all nine types, we begin to see and experience others as they experience themselves—and not as we believe them to be. For this reason, the Enneagram is one of the most profound and compassionate approaches to people and their relationships.Panels DVDWhy Panels? Teaching the Enneagram through Personal StoriesOne of the most powerful tools for learning about the Enneagram system of personality is the exemplar panel—a panel of people of the same type sharing their stories. By observing panelists sharing their patterns of thought, feelings and behavior, and making inquiry to help us understand their world view, we learn about the eight other ways of being in the world as well as our own.While even those within a Type will vary considerably in their appearance, occupations, and interests, a well-facilitated panel discussion allows the consistent underlying preoccupations of the Type to surface, demonstrating the shared qualities that distinguish that Personality Type from the other eight.The Enneagram was originally taught through the narrative tradition. Honoring that narrative tradition of learning, Toni Marie has created a DVD series that allows you to view such a process. The DVDs offer an introduction to the Enneagram and a study of each of the Types. People watching these DVDs have commented on how moved they were by witnessing the honesty and vulnerability of the panelists.How to use the PanelsIndividuals, teachers, and therapists can use the panels in a variety of ways.Individuals use the DVDs to learn more about the Enneagram and to aid in determining their own Type as well as the Types of their family, friends, and co-workers.After learning their Type, individuals can use the panels for further self-discovery and improving personal relationships.Teachers and therapists can use them to understand the subtle distinctions between “look-alike” TypesTherapists can use the panels to teach about the Enneagram, helping clients discover their own Type for continued self-discovery.Teachers can use the panels for small or large groups; the DVDs are a valuable tool for study groups and workshops.Teachers can use the panels for one-to-one sessions with students and clients.IN THE DVDType Three: The PerformerType Three is focused on the tasks to be done, goals to be reached, and projects to complete. Their accomplishments are many and they are generally seen as very successful. The Type Three does well in a competitive environment with a clear system of rewards for efforts. Relaxed point: NineSecurity point: Six Their Growth opportunity: developing access to their true feelings and not just what can make them look successful. (top)
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