Entheos Academy – How to Be Happy: Exercise Your Emotional Options with Mandy Evans
How to Be Happy Exercise Your Emotional Options.mp4
[WebRip – 1 MP4]
Your ProfessorAuthor of Emotional Options + Traveling Free, Mandy Evans teaches people from all walks of life how to be happy and succeed, including successful writers and coaches in the field of human consciousness.Class OverviewWhat if you could be happier right now, even before you fix all of the things that seem wrong with your life? Here are some ideas to help you begin to exercise your emotional options today.How to Be Happy: Exercise Your Emotional OptionsHappiness is the end goal of all of our striving, yet we all know people who have achieved great success and still aren’t happy. There’s got to be more to it. What if you could be happier right now, even before you fix all of the things that seem wrong with your life or our world? Here are some ideas to help you begin to exercise your emotional options today. This class is dedicated to your happiness.The Top 10 Big Ideas 1 Give Your Feelings Some TLC Your emotions are calling, listen up! They have a lot to tell you. Pay attention to your emotions. Notice how they rise and fall, when they come and how they change. You will add a rich element of consciousness to the experience of being alive that most people never know. 2 Own Your Own Emotions. Bust the It Myth There is no IT that makes you sad, worries you, ticks you off or drives you crazy. When you can honestly say: I make myself angry with you; I worry myself; I drive myself crazy about that, you claim the rights and power of emotional ownership. 3 Launch the Rocket in the Right Direction Emotions are the rocket fuel of manifestation. Chart your course before you blast off. You will travel a very different path if you fuel your journey with anger or fear, for example, from the one you take with happiness or curiosity as your power source. 4 Break that Feeling Habit Do you seem to worry about the same amount no matter what is happening? Or maybe you get irritated to pretty much the same degree most of the time. It may not be that long line or the jerk in front of you going slow in the fast lane. The source of your worry or irritation may be a feeling habit you are used to. If you see it, you can change it. 5 Choose Happiness Sometimes, all you have to do in order to be happy, is to choose happiness. Take a moment to ask yourself, “If you could feel any way you wanted to right this minute, what would it be?” Close your eyes and notice your thoughts and body sensations. What is your answer? 6 Follow Your Desire Unhappiness is often a sign that you are blocking your own heart’s desire, or even more painful, trying to crush it out of your own heart. Use desire as a sense of direction, showing you what to move toward or attract to you. Desire is not the same as attachment. Desire feels good and leads to growth. Attachment feels awful and breeds stagnation. 7 Permit Happiness Even though happiness is the end-goal of all of our striving, we often resist it because of limiting beliefs like: If I were happy I wouldn’t do anything. If I don’t feel guilty, I’ll never change. If I didn’t feel bad, it would mean I didn’t care. If I don’t get angry, people will walk all over me. If you loved me, you would… (fill in the blank). Give yourself permission to be happy. Prioritize your emotional well-being. Then watch for inspiration and opportunities to show up. 8 Beware of the Perils of Positive Thinking Positive is pretty. Negative gets kind of bleak. The truth is beautiful. Trying to “think positive” all the time requires constant monitoring and evaluation. That kind of hyper-vigilance will wear you right out! You’ll be so busy judging negativity, you won’t have much energy left for creativity and appreciation. You never have to spin the truth; all you have to do is discover it. That class, of course, goes on forever! 9 Be Grateful and Send Love One of the best ways to raise your happiness quotient it to feel gratitude. Go for a walk or sit quietly. What do you appreciate? Who has been kind to you? You may have to prime the thankful pump with something simple to begin with, like having shoes or a soft pillow. If you get snarled up in a situation or an important relationship, you can’t always come up with a solution to resolve it. You may not know enough yet. There may be factors beyond your control. Send love. It may work miracles. In the meantime it feels wonderful. 10 Question Feelings that Wear Out Their Welcome Feelings come and go naturally. They color your life. Most of them enhance the fascinating drama each of us unfolds in his/her journey. They help to create a really good movie with you in the starring role. All we have to do is experience them and learn from them – unless they are driven by a limiting belief. Belief-driven feelings often hang around long past their “best if used by” date. They become chronic, like anger that simmers under the surface until it boils over and burns everything in it’s path. Or ongoing fear that plays havoc with your peace of mind and immune system. Become a belief detective. Here are 6 questions I use to find those pesky misery making beliefs. They are adapted from Bruce Di Marsico’s The Option Method What are you feeling that you don’t like feeling? Get clear about it. It may be anxiety, fear, guilt, anger. We’ll use ‘unhappiness’ as a generic name for any unwelcome feeling. What are you unhappy about? Why are you unhappy about that? Why is that the way to feel? Your answer will be a belief. Do you believe that? Why do you believe that? What are you concerned would happen if you did not believe that? Want to be happy? Allow yourself to enjoy the many facets of happiness, like peace, curiosity, excitement, bliss now. Would it be OK with you, if starting right this minute, you have less and less emotional pain and more and more happiness? Cheering you on to happiness and success!
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