Entheos Academy – How to Create Greater Net-Worth By Knowing Your Self-Worth with Joelene Ashker
How to Create Greater Net-Worth By Knowing Your Self-Worth.mp4
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Class OverviewTo feel fulfilled inside, it’s essential to know who you are, who you’re not, your strengths, embrace your imperfections, as well as, to lovingly see and hear yourself as a valuable honorable being. (Check out the Top 10 Big Ideas from the class below!) Your ProfessorJoelene Ashker has coached over 700 people through her customized Self-Mastery programs. Joelene helps others find their authentic voice, and assertive-power from the inside-out.How to Create Greater Net-Worth By Knowing Your Self-WorthWhen I think I’m my business, money, job, car, house, bank account, health, job title, degrees, you name it, are who I am and what I’m worth, I’ve over-identified with what I’ve created. Then, if I lose them – I lose myself. They’re not who I am. To truly and consistently feel fulfilled inside, it’s essential to know who you are, who you’re not, your strengths, embrace your imperfections, as well as, to lovingly see and hear yourself as a valuable honorable being. When you know your worth (your inner-condition) and the value you add to the world – your net worth (the outer reflection and effect) will increase exponentially. For many years I struggled financially. Until one day I experienced an inner-click, a knowing of my being deserving, good enough and worthy of goodness and financial wealth, just like everyone else. I witnessed the impact of my work with my clients and my life began to change tremendously. This class gives you heart and soul, mixed with practical skills about how I transformed and how my clients create sustained change in their lives – from the inside-out. The Top 10 Big Ideas1Stop Looking Outside Yourself For Your Worth If you lose it, you’ll lose yourself.When I have more (you fill in the blank), then I will be worth something. Then I will be enough. Then I will be successful. Then I will be loveable, likeable, acceptable and (you fill in the blank). When do you think that day will come?Most of the time, that day never comes and people die feeling unfulfilled, unworthy and having lost in the game of life.Does this sound like you? I was that way for decades. Then I realized, enough is enough. Which leads us to idea two. Follow me …2″Not-Enough Syndrome” Learn about the one mind-set that stops you in everything you do – this is what I call the “not enough syndrome.” Stop constantly measuring yourself to some fictitious ideal that doesn’t exist.When you start living from your “true nature” life becomes graceful, enjoyable, abundant and easy because you learn to cooperate with yourself. You know there’s nothing to prove or fix and when you resolve within yourself, “I’m not broke.” 3Create Integrity With Yourself By Keeping Your Word The fastest way to erode your self-esteem and self-respect is to break your word to yourself. It’s not only the big agreements that count, it’s the daily small ones that add-up. When you don’t show-up for yourself, you’re treating yourself like you’re not worth it and you’re not valuable. You are!Then, you don’t believe or trust your own word and you become unreliable to yourself. Start right now by honoring what you need for your emotional, physical, mental and Spiritual well-being and keeping at least one agreement to yourself daily.4Change The Way You Think about Yourself and Watch Your Bank Account Grow Your belief system about yourself either makes or breaks your life. Do you see yourself winning in your own thoughts or losing? What do you say about yourself in the privacy of your own mind? Do you call yourself names, berate and criticize yourself, or judge? Or do you champion, encourage and support yourself? Do you belittle yourself when you make a mistake or laugh with yourself because you’re silly and human? Do you know you’re worthy and valuable exactly as you are? What you focus on – you will create.5Learn To Do For Yourself What We All Want Most The one thing we all want most is to be heard. Also, to feel loved, a sense of belonging and to feel accepted. Many people say, “I don’t’ feel seen or heard by so and so …” Yet, they’re not hearing or seeing themselves in a myriad of ways. Where are you not listening to yourself?Daily Play: Experiment today with following the truth of your heart and who you are. See where that takes you. Have zero attachment to the outcome and observe if that leads you to inner and outer wealth that’s inherently in this world.6Build Your House On a Foundation of Cement, Not On A House of Cards Whether you’re wealthy or you have little money – if you don’t appreciate who you are, you will eventually implode like a house of cards. That’s why rehab centers that cost $70,000/month are there to catch you when you fall, and they thrive. Money can’t buy you a healthy sense of Self, integrity, character, vibrant health, loving relationships, joy and fulfillment.Daily Play: Write down all you appreciate, acknowledge and are grateful for about yourself from the day. Focus on how you were you being (in addition to what you did).7What Are You Bringing To The Table? Are you emotionally bankrupt (depressed, fearful, run by your anger)?Mentally bankrupt (negative thoughts, criticism and judgments)? Are you physically bankrupt (no energy, have a dis-ease or physical condition that’s disrupting your life)? Are you listening to all the stories about this bankrupt world?Definition of bankrupt: 1. A person who is lacking in a particular thing or quality.2. At the end of one’s resources; lacking.There are fragments of you showing-up because you aren’t taking care of yourself first. You don’t have balance in essential areas and “your tank is empty.” No wonder your bank account or business is bankrupt.Daily Play: Make a list of all the things that worked today and how you were being during the process.8Awakening To Receiving Learn about the skill that stops you from commanding higher fees or a higher salary. I whole-heartedly support serving. It’s the core tenant of my work. However, if you don’t learn the Self-Mastery Skill: Awakening To Receiving and what you deserve to receive, knowing you’re worthy, you’ll run yourself into the ground serving and struggle financially.9It’s An Inside Job The more you look outside yourself at blaming others or life for what’s wrong, the more the answer will elude you. Transformation is truly an inside job and there isn’t a quick fix. It’s a comprehensive process on all levels. Martha Washington said, “The greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances.”Self-awareness is the first step. Awareness of what you’re thinking that promotes your subsequent feelings and behaviors. You can change your thought in an instant by catching it. Imagine you have a proverbial fork in the road – and ask yourself … what is a more supportive, encouraging and life enhancing thought for me to think right now? A thought like … “I’m so stupid” will lead to feelings of inadequacy, feeling not enough, inferiority and fear, and stop you in it’s tracks. A thought like … “Gosh, I’m so silly when I do that (laughing with yourself).That’s why it’s called an accident. I’m willing to be patient and understanding with myself as I learn and grow,” will encourage you and move you into action. 10Discovering Your Wings, One-Feather-At-A-Time ™ How does one achieve true inner-peace and freedom? Develop self-mastery. What is self-Mastery? It’s developing, strengthening and flexing your inner-muscles – through daily practice and experimenting. It’s not torture, really! I’ve learned and witnessed, Self-accountability and discipline is liberation. Inner-stability = outer-stability.People ask me if I’ve always been self-disciplined. The answer is “No way, not at all. I’ve taught myself and it’s been a process.”Self-Mastery is all about filling yourself up and knowing yourself first, to discover your wings and fly.
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