Entheos Academy – How to Cultivate Unshakable Joy and Build a Life You Love with Stephenie Zamora
Cultivate Unshakable Joy.mp4
[WebRip – 1 MP4]
Class OverviewStephenie Zamora will dive deep into the language of unshakeable joy, and how you can build a life you love. Take your love of life to the next level and bubble over with joy! (Check out the Top 10 Big Ideas from the class below!) Your ProfessorStephenie Zamora merges the worlds of personal development, branding and online marketing to help men and women build passion-based lives and businesses through her signature prgoram, My Awesome Life Mastery™.How to Cultivate Unshakable Joy and Build a Life You LoveCultivating unshakable joy is something I’ve been working on since I experienced my quarter-life crisis at 21. Back then, I truly believed I could never be happy… I simply wasn’t wired for it and have battled with varying levels of depression my entire life. But now? I’ve never in my entire life felt so solid in myself. I feel as if I’m bubbling over with a joy that stems from deep inside my soul. My heart is open, my life is filled with amazing, loving and unbelievably supportive people, and I know exactly who I am and what I want. Even when I struggle, things fall apart or I get hurt, I still experience this deep sense of joy and bounce back with little effort. Over the last decade of working to cultivate unshakable joy, I’ve learned many powerful tools, mindset shifts and strategies. I’m sharing 10 of my top tools with you. The Top 10 Big Ideas1Take 100% Responsibility for Your Life One of the most powerful steps to create a life you love is taking total ownership of everything that manifests within it. Your successes, failures, the way others treat you, your health, happiness, etc. This is called taking personal responsibility. Personal responsibility isn’t about blame, it’s about empowering yourself to create the life, success and happiness you desire. In any situation, ask yourself this powerful question: What did I do to allow this to happen? Whatever the answer, you should be thrilled with what you discover. When you discover that you failed to plan accordingly, didn’t set boundaries, ate food that wasn’t good for you, or anything else, you now have the insight you need to do things differently! 2Practice Positivity and Gratitude Being joyful, passionate, fulfilled and having relationships that light you up begins with your mindset and ability to put a positive foot forward in everything you do. Positivity, gratitude and joy are choices. Choices you have to make every single day. Sometimes it seems like everything in your life is going poorly and it’s hard enough just to get up and face the day, let alone put on a “happy face” while you do it. But here’s the thing, this isn’t about false joy or any kind of “fake it ‘til ya make it” nonsense. This is about really, truly shifting your perception of the experience, relationship or situation. Practicing an attitude of gratitude is about choosing to be grateful for the lessons, experiences and gifts in every situation. 3Learn to Live in the Present Moment Many of us experience a lot of fear, worry and stress in our lives, much of which is completely unnecessary. We experience these feelings because we’re spending far too much time engaged in a negative mind cycle, rather than the present moment. When we start obsessing over the past or future, instead of engaging in the present moment, our one short and beautiful life begins to pass us by. We’re living in our heads instead of the present and not only does life happen in the present moment, connection, passion, love, depth, clarity and genius do too. Our power lies in living in the present moment, not hashing things out in our heads.4Reconnect With Your Intuition You’re intuition is a powerful sense of knowing, without any logic to “back it up.” It’s that feeling that something’s right or wrong, fitting or unfitting, safe or unsafe. When you’re disconnected from your intuition, it’s near impossible to know what you should do in important situations. Checking in with your intuition is a matter of checking in with your body and energy, as intuition lives in your body, not your mind. What do you feel when a big decision or opportunity is presented to you? Not what you think you feel, or what you think you should feel. What do you physically feel? Openness, excitement, and energized are a yes. Tight, resistant, stressed and closed off are a no. Knowing how your body responds is key to reconnecting with your intuition. 5Trust Your Tiny Urges and Whims As you begin to reconnect to your intuition, you’re going to start noticing what I like to call “simple truths” and “tiny urges.” Both play a very important role in your journey and in finding your authentic self. It’s important to begin listening to and heeding both of these intuitive hits. Simple Truths are deeply profound beliefs, ideas or bits of information that, in the moment, you can neither confirm or deny. They’re your authentic self screaming at you to make changes in your life. Meanwhile, Tiny Urges are seemingly random whims or urges to do, try or learn something. They guide us in very important directions and often to the things, people and experiences which are most aligned with our true selves.6Prioritize Pleasure, Joy and Self-Care Self care, joy and pleasure are the first things to go when we get overwhelmed and stressed out. While they seem selfish, frivolous and a waste of time, they’re just as essential to being more productive as they are to living a life you love. The key is focusing on small shifts in your daily routine to bring more pleasure and joy into the moments you’re already experiencing. Ask yourself, “how can I bring more pleasure and joy into this experience, right now?” Additionally, you have to shift your mindset and begin to make it a priority. This means making time for exercise, eating healthier, sleeping enough hours, drinking enough water, and doing the things that bring you joy, relax you and energize you. 7Cultivate Confidence Through the Art of “Owning It” Confidence is incredibly important when it comes to building a life you love, not just because you need it to bring your ideas and vision to life, but because you have to be completely confident in who you are as a person. Exactly as you are, right now. Confidence comes down to “owning it,” and that means you’re totally and completely at peace with who you are in every moment, interaction and experience. When you “own it,” whatever “it” is for you, other people fall in line and you receive more acceptance, respect, interest, appreciation and belief. The best part is, when you “own it” and allow yourself to really experience what you’re feeling in each moment, those less-than-confidence-inspiring sensations and feelings will dissipate in a matter of seconds. 8Turn Fear into Fuel Far too often, we believe fear is our intuition telling us, “no, don’t do that!” when really, it’s actually the opposite. Fear becomes present when we begin to make changes in our lives, try new things, put ourselves in vulnerable positions, and do the things that make us uncomfortable. Fear is a prerequisite to living a life you love! Instead of allowing fear to hold you back, it’s so important to turn it into fuel for your journey. One of my favorite quotes is, “fear is excitement without the breath.” If you stop breathing and tense up, fear’s got you. If you breathe in and let it become the energized, excited fuel it can be, then you supercharge yourself, your actions and your growth. Fear is also an indicator of what’s next for us in terms of growth, so in addition to fuel, allow it to guide you towards your next steps. 9Shift Your Stories, Shift Your Life The stories we tell ourselves every single day play a huge role in how we show up and what we’re able to create in our lives. If you’re feeling stuck, overwhelmed or depressed, I guarantee there’s a story you’re telling yourself that isn’t serving you! Part of taking responsibility for your life is taking responsibility for your thoughts. What you think, each and every day has a huge impact on how you show up in your life, what action you take and what you attract. When you find yourself telling a story that doesn’t serve you, shift it to one that’s positive, truthful and something you can believe your way into.10Believe in Possibility One thing I know for certain is if you have a passion or dream, you also have everything you need to bring it to life inside of you. Regardless of how crazy, ridiculous, “unrealistic” or out there it seems, it’s been gifted to you for a reason. You may need some guidance, tools and experience to bring it to life, but it’s absolutely 100% possible for you. Start to believe and have faith in your passions and purpose in this world. The Universe has faith in you.
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