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Entheos Academy – How to Double Your Productivity with Abel James

Abel James – How to Double Your Productivity
[1 video (MP4)]


Description Exclusive… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned!Class OverviewYou might be doing *a lot*, but are you being productive? Doubling Productivity is not just about speed, but feeling great, working in bursts, and doing what’s important. Time to 2x your productivity! (Check out the Top 10 Big Ideas from the class below!)Your ProfessorAbel James is a #1 bestselling author, award-winning talk show host, keynote speaker, professional musician, and entrepreneur. He has hosted the #1 rated Health podcast on iTunes, Fat Burning Man from 2012-2013.The Top 10 Big Ideas1. Work in SprintsWhen it comes to kicking butt, “face time” doesn’t matter. Results matter. Staring blankly at your computer screen at 4pm, as we all do, is a waste of your time. When you skip the water cooler chatter, lazy lunches, and social media procrastination in favor of brief stints of deep focus, you can finish a day’s work in 2 hours. But if that blank stare creeps up on you, get up, take a break, then hit it again. 2. Batch Your WorkWe all want to think we’re great at multitasking, but research says otherwise. Replying to the incessant flood of social media and email notifications, phone calls, and texts ensures that you’ll be dodging other peoples’ agendas all freaking day. Batch your activities instead. Give yourself 30 minutes a day to check and respond to all of your e-mail, for example, and you’ll find that you actually get everything done. Batch, focus, and execute. 3. Surround Yourself with People Who Up Your GameIf you want to kick butt, get to know people who are doing amazing things. As Jim Rohn said, “You are the AVERAGE of the 5 people you spend the most time with.” So don’t pick a dance partner with two left feet. Surround yourself with people who inspire you to be better than you are. 4. Stand UpGreat thinkers experienced moments of clarity and genius while they were standing up. Ben Franklin, Thomas Edison, Ernest Hemingway and many others knew this well, spending most of their days and nights scurrying about, notebook in hand, cranking out earth-shattering ideas. A standing desk can change your life. Actually, I’m standing up right now and I feel awesome. 5. Figure Out What Makes You HappyIt’s widely known that happy people are more productive. So what makes you happy? Take a second and think about that. Here’s a hint: it’s not your car, house, diamonds, or money. It’s the quality time you spend with family and friends, the brief moments of genius when you’re in the zone, and morning walks with your dog. Figure out what TRULY brings you happiness and schedule at least 10 minutes a day to make sure you make it happen.6. Forget Willpower-Engineer Your Environment for SuccessWe all want to believe that if we force ourselves to make the “right” decisions, our willpower will make it happen. But willpower is weak, and that’s why 92% of New Years Resolutions fail.  Let your environment make the decisions for you. If you want to learn the guitar, set it in your line of vision. If you don’t want to eat Ben and Jerry’s after a long day, don’t keep it in the fridge. Make good decisions convenient and bad decisions inconvenient. 7. Eat Fatty Food to Fuel Your BrainDid you know that your brain is made primarily of fat? If you’re eating a low-fat diet, you’re starving your brain of critical nutrients which can lead to neurological disorder and mediocre performance. If you want to perform optimally, nourish your brain with a steady flow of nutrient-dense fats – grass-fed butter, extra virgin coconut oil, organ meats, omega-3-rich fish oil, and avocado to name a few. That’s right – butter is good for you. 8. Keep a Gratitude JournalIt may sound like woo-woo nonsense, but research shows that the daily habit of simply writing down what you’re thankful for can make you 25% happier. That means that if 4 things happen over the course of the day, this singular act switches one experience that should have bummed you out into something awesome instead. Imagine what you could do if you reframed 25% of your failures into opportunities… automatically. This is how you do it. 9. Set Realistic but Aggressive DeadlinesDon’t say you’ll “get to it eventually.” Commit. Tell yourself “it must be done by Friday.” Deadlines make it necessary to prioritize, which is a secret to getting the most important things done first. Combine realistic but aggressive deadlines with a keen eye for prioritization of mission critical tasks, and you’ll take over the world. 10. Make Yourself Habitually UncomfortableWe’re wired to not only endure adversity, but grow because of it. If a challenge seems impossible, reframe it. Mere humans have run a mile in less than 4 minutes, written Stairway to Heaven, and invented the modern submarine. So if you want to throw a game-winning touchdown, you need develop the grit to perform despite a horde of manbeasts hurling their shoulders at your solar plexus. We do our best work when we’re straddling failure.


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