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Entheos Academy – How to Hone Your Maternal Instincts with Cynthia Litman

How to Hone Your Maternal Instincts.mp4
[WebRip – 1 MP4]



Class OverviewMothers, trust yourselves. This class is all about honing your maternal instincts so you can make the right decisions for your family based on experience, intuition, and in-the-moment discernment. (Check out the Top 10 Big Ideas from the class below!) Your ProfessorCynthia is a seasoned professional, engaging conversationalist, passionate writer, master networker, entertainment lawyer, trusted adviser, entrepreneur, Reiki master, all around spiritual vixen and active popcorn mom.How to Hone Your Maternal InstinctsWomen are automatically expected to have maternal instincts. It’s natural right? Not always. Honing your maternal instincts and creating an organic flow within your family takes intention, practice and patience. While pregnant your body takes on a life of its own and you are along for the ride. There’s little within your control, yet when baby arrives it’s up to you to take the reigns. You and your body may be in transition but baby waits for nobody! I believe we enter this world pre-programmed with all the tools we need to fulfill our mission for this lifetime. It’s the parent’s job to help their kids unlock their mission by providing access to the tools and resources available at just the  right time in their development. No small feet. Knowing what to do when is part instinct, part research and all faith. Here are 10 ways to start honing your maternal instincts at any stage of parenting: The Top 10 Big Ideas1Know Thyself First Your journey begins within. You may need to dial back your ready to pounce Momma Bear instincts. Your child will unlock aspects of yourself and expand your being. The lessons you are to learn together are revealed with time. Examine your feelings and fears once you have a handle on what your challenges are you can get yourself out of the way to focus on your child.2Use Your Generational Wisdom YOU are pre-programmed with everything you need for this lifetime, including, how to be your child’s parent. They picked you for a reason. All the information from your ancestral line is stored within your body. Tap into that powerful force to firmly understand your space in this time. You, as a mother and teacher and your child, who is carrying the torch of your generational line forward.3Do Your Research Knowledge is power. Research helps prepare you for action. As you learn, you encode your body’s response mechanisms. You may feel perpetually behind the 8 ball but try to stay one step and stage ahead of your child in your research so you know what is coming down the pike. Other moms are the best guide, from mommy bloggers to your community friends. Filter the information you are receiving and if you are buying out the baby book shelf, remember that the baby business is big business and many products are sold on fear. 4Gut Check It takes guts to parent and you must trust your gut. Parenting is the scariest and best thing you will ever do and you will do it 24/7 for the rest of your life (god willing). Your guts will guide and protect you. However, be aware of the fears and insecurities that are being triggered. Channel your fear into an opportunity for healing. Take action irrespective of your fears, not in response to them. Likewise, learn to trust your child’s instincts and give space to help them work through their fears. 5Build Trust Trust and respect in a parent child relationship are not a given and cannot be commanded, rather they are earned. Life together is a practice and you build trust through lots of trial and error. Remember it’s a two way street. Your child is scoping you big time. Respect the process and expect mistakes. As you grow more confident and comfortable in the decisions, your child will feel more confident in you and trust that they are being cared for. Trust creates fluidity in your relationship. 6Watch, Look & Listen Being present and mindful in the moment is the key to unlocking your child’s mysteries. Learning your child’s non-verbal language is key throughout every stage. There is so much information being exchanged in a given moment. Be very observant. Do not ignore what you see and hear. Cast aside your judgments and be present. Try to see the world through their eyes. The clearer you are, the more consciously you can decipher the moment and respond naturally. 7Quiet Time The world gets really noisy real fast when a child enters. We gest lost in the white noise of laundry machines, cries and chaos. Find time daily to quiet your space, wind down and tune in. Be gentle and be  still. Surrender to the chaos and keep the pressure off. Keep your mind quiet through all your busy actions. Your mindset creates a renewable resource of energy. Finding the quiet time to recharge maintains your flow.8Community We are not supposed to parent alone. American society has adopted the isolationist paradigm which I believe runs against the grain of our maternal instincts. The more you connect with other moms and are willing to share, the more supported and empowered you will feel and the more resources will appear. With a community behind you, the more natural the mom job feels. As you give and receive support, your instincts will be honed and you may help another mom on their journey.9Forgiveness Practice forgiveness daily. Being stuck in guilt and regret stunts your energy and ability to act in the moment. Parenting is a practice and the more unconditional you are with yourself the more flexible you  become as a parent. Every parent is imperfect and forgiveness alleviates the pressure upon yourself and within your family relationships, especially if you have a partner who does everything “wrong”. 10Just Be Yourself Stay true to who you are and be willing to grow. Your entry into motherhood sheds the skin of your past but your core remains the same. If you can find the natural expression of yourself in the moment, your child’s essence will naturally unfold. Make it a joyful journey!Parenthood tests our instincts daily. With these 10 steps, hopefully you’ll feel a deeper connection with yourself so your natural maternal instincts will flow and set the basis for a fluid, gentle and loving parent-child relationship. I can’t wait to dive deeper and share my personal journey and resources with you during our class together!!


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