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Entheos Academy – How to Merge the Mystical and Practical with Christine Hassler & Julie Zipper

How to Merge the Mystical and Practical with Christine Hassler & Julie Zipper
[ 6 MP3 , 6 PDF ]


Description Exclusive… sharing elsewhere will result in a bann!How would you like to have more of what you want in your life and experience less of what you don’t?  We all have the ability to significantly influence our lives in powerful ways by activating what we call the “Wonder Twin Soul-powers!”What are these Soul-powers, you ask?Well, first there is the power of the mystical which opens us up to the great mystery of life, dances with surrender, walks with intuition and downloads infinite creativity. Then behold, there is the power of the practical which gets things done, organizes life and provides stability and structure.We find that there’s a great imbalance out there… mystical peeps who can’t pay their bills and practical, stable power-peeps who are terrified of losing control (surrendering). However, we know and have experienced ourselves that the key to living a life of productivity, peace and prosperity is finding the balance between the two. When used together, these two sides of our being (and yes… we all have BOTH sides) become Wonder Twin Soul-powers that usher forth greater flow in all areas of our lives!Join us for this 6-week virtual class to explore the powers and possibilities that your soul-powers have in store for you! Uncover the magic of your mystical side that may have been hiding under your long to-do list.  Engage your practical side to transform your daydreams into reality.  Thank You ALL For Making This Possible For All Of US. Entheos Academy  GB Part One  Contributors: Ratio FreeElite/VIP: 3 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeksUsers: Upgrade to PU or Contribute HERE


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