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Entheos Academy – How to Thrive in Right Livelihood with Alan Cohen

How to Thrive in Right Livelihood.mp4
[WebRip – 1 MP4]



Class OverviewIn this program, Alan Cohen will highlight the 10 key elements to manifest your right livelihood—not just to survive, but to thrive spiritually and materially. (Check out the Top 10 Big Ideas from the class below!) Your ProfessorAlan Cohen has authored 20+ books, was a contributing writer for the N.Y. Times #1 best-selling series Chicken Soup for the Soul, and has been featured on, and in USA Today, and the Washington Post.How to Thrive in Right Livelihood“Right livelihood” is an expression Buddha used to describe a way to work in the world in harmony with the values of service, integrity and inner peace. In this program, Alan Cohen will highlight the 10 key elements to manifest your right livelihood—not just to survive, but to thrive spiritually and materially. Whether you are already in a vocation that expresses your talents and spirit, or you are seeking one, this webinar will give you tools and inspiration to step into your true calling. The Top 10 Big Ideas1Vocation Calls You to Follow Your Inner Voice The word “vocation” comes from a Latin word meaning “voice.” This is a hint that your authentic career journey is guided by an inner calling. If something inside you keeps urging you to choose a particular career path, and you cannot make that voice go away, you are receiving a strong sign that you are being guided to your true vocation. Can you not do it? 2Let Your Work Be an Expression of Your Passion Passion is the universe’s way to move you to be in the right place at the right time with the right people for the right purpose. It is the steam that propels the locomotive ahead, the electricity that lights the house. A vocation without passion is not a true vocation. It is going through the motions with a less than full heart. Where does your true passion live? What would you be doing if money, fear, or the opinions of others were not a factor? What would you want to get up for each morning and look forward to doing because you love it? 3Right Livelihood Delivers Profound Service to Your Clients and Colleagues For the circuit of passionate livelihood to be complete, you must help others to make their lives better. Money and worldly success are satisfying, but making a positive difference in the lives of others is a far richer and deeper reward. Do people thank you for making their day or life easier or more valuable? Do you go to sleep at night rejoicing in not just what you got, but what you gave? In the end, your mark on the world is not what you earned. It is how much more peace, joy, or expansion you brought to those you touched. 4Right Livelihood is Based on Fair Exchange The only healthy transaction is one in which everyone wins. Right livelihood never involves one person benefitting at the expense of another. If both parties feel that a transaction is fair and everyone is satisfied with it, it is right. Let positive energy, whether in the form of money, kindness, information, or support, move equally in both directions. Do not resist paying or being paid. “Currency” is based on the current moving. When you let currency move outward and inward, you experience aliveness, not stagnation. When everyone gains, you have succeeded. 5Use the Principle of “Happy Money” “Happy money” is money that is given and received out of choice and joy. Money that you force others to pay, or that you feel forced to pay, is not happy money. Many people have negative associations with money, to the point that it has become a symbol of fear and contention. This is not what money was meant for. Money is meant to bless and uplift everyone it touches. Reframe your relationship with money so its only purpose is to bring happiness by moving from you and to you. 6Work With the Willing Willingness is the key to success. When someone is willing, results follow. When someone is unwilling, then stagnation, sabotage, and failure result. Work only with people who are choosing to be in their position and do what they say they will do.Evaluate workers on the basis of their enthusiasm as well as their skill. Work, as well, with the part of yourself that is willing. When you do something you are unwilling to do, you set up a conflicted energy that begets conflicted results. Willingness mobilizes the power of spirit, your most valuable resource. 7The Best Work Doesn’t Feel Like Work Work feels like work only when there is resistance. When you are engaged in a vocation you truly enjoy, you don’t have the experience of working. “Choose a job you love and you’ll never work another day in your life.” In a genuine vocation, you feel like you should be paying instead of getting paid.Working in a state of creativity, ease, and fun attracts money and support to you, because people are drawn to passion and joy. If it feels like work, it’s not it. If it feels like play, you are on to the right livelihood principle.8Balance Work with Play; Service with Self-Care There is a time for work and a there is a time for self-renewal. Any time you take to fill your spirit will keep you healthy and happy, and make your work more productive. Set healthy boundaries between your work life and your home or recreational life. Go home at a decent hour, don’t take business calls during your off time, and do projects and fun activities unrelated to work. When you return to work you will feel refreshed, renewed, and creative. Taking good care of yourself is your contribution to taking good care of others. 9Stay On the Cutting Edge of Your Creativity Just because you were once passionate about an activity, or it once worked, does not mean it is passionate or productive now. Right livelihood embraces and capitalizes on change, expansion, and evolution. Be honest about what lights your fire and what is productive now. If you are experiencing a diminished stream of income, or you are bored, you are receiving a wake-up call to tell more truth about what you would really like to be doing. Let go of the old to make way for the new. When you surf on the cutting edge of your creativity, people will flock to your door. 10Turn Your Work Over to Higher Power Ultimately your work and its results belong to Higher Power. It’s not all up to you. Your sense of smaller self cannot see the big picture or understand your ultimate best interests. Do your best work and make your best effort , and then detach from the results. Sometimes you will end up where you believed you were headed, and sometimes you will end up in a far different place. Trust that the universe is working on your behalf, and you will be well taken care of.


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