Entheos Academy II – Make Your Life with Coach Joelle Prochera
Make Your Life with Coach Joelle Prochera
[ 8 MP3 , 17 PDF , 9 DOC ]
elib.tech Exclusive… sharing elsewhere will result in a bann!The ContextCoach Joelle Prochera is an authority on personal responsibility, self-empowerment and joyfully and purposefully designing and living a life that you love.Her mission: to free people up and provide them with the tools and processes that put each person in charge of their own happiness and has them owning their power and fulfilling their unique destiny.In this highly interactive, inspiring and practical action- based program, Coach Joelle Prochera is your guide as you embrace your purpose, define your vision, establish your goals, connect to your own personal power and tune in to the energy of a magical universe to make your dreams reality.What You’ll Learn Each WeekWeek 1. Dare To Dream – Hold The DreamWeek 2. Live Your Truth – Walk The Line Week 3. Build Better Beliefs – Think Forward (Part 1)Week 4. Build Better Beliefs – Think Forward (Part 1)Week 5. Week 5. Dance With Life – Raise The VibeWeek 6. Keep the Faith – Live In KnowingWeek 7. Rise To The Challenge – Step UP!Week 8. Experience The Magic – Embrace WonderThank You ALL For Making This Possible For All Of US. Entheos Academy II GB Contributors: Ratio FreeElite/VIP: 3 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeksUsers: Upgrade to PU
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