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Entheos Academy IV – The Power of TED with David Emerald

The Power of TED with David Emerald
[ 4 MP3 , 14 PDF ]


Description Exclusive… sharing elsewhere will result in a bann!The ContextDavid Emerald is the author of The Power of TED* book series, an executive coach, Co-founder of the Bainbridge Leadership Center and uplifting keynote speaker who lives in the Pacific Northwest with his wife and business partner, Donna.The Power of TED* (*The Empowerment Dynamic), offers a unique perspective and approach to making the shift from focusing on and reacting to problems and toward creating a vision and actions that move us toward what we want to create.  TED* challenges us to think about how we think, how we interact with others, and how we plan for and take action in our lives.”Hi, this is Brian Johnson, the co-founder of the en*theos Academy for Optimal Living. This class on the Power of TED* by David Emerald is based on one of my Top 10 favorite books of all time. The framework David has developed is elegantly simple and incredibly powerful and I think you’ll love class!” What You’ll Learn Each Week   Week 1:  Introduction and Two Life OrientationsWeek  2: The Dreaded Drama Triangle (DDT) & TED* (*The Empowerment Dynamic)Week  3: Shifts HappenWeek  4: Harnessing Dynamic Tension & Putting Into ActionQuote:There are two primary orientations that we can take in life. David defines these as Victim and Creator. Quote:The two primary orientations correlate to two different focuses: outcome or problem.If your primary focus is “Problem”, the individual will become stuck in Victim Orientation.Alternatively, if your primary focus is “Vision”, the individual will blossom into Outcome/Creator Orientation.Quote:Challenges are often framed as problems.  In TED*, we attempt to reframe challenges into a means for creating an outcome that we desire!It is about making the shift from hopelessness(victim) to hope(possibility+creator).Quote: Rubber band: Pick up a rubber band and envision one finger as your current reality and the other finger as vision. This is dynamic tension.The most empowered response is to say:“I recognize this tension, how do I move forward?”Quote:You never know when a baby step will be a breakthrough or a quantum leap!MUCH MORE !   Thank You ALL For Making This Possible For All Of US.  Entheos Academy IV GB  Contributors: Ratio FreeElite/VIP: 08/02/2013Power Users (PU): 08/02/2013Users: Upgrade to PU


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