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Entheos Academy – Triambika Vive – How to Bring Deep Intimacy into the Bedroom

Triambika Vive – How to Bring Deep Intimacy into the Bedroom.mp4
[WebRip – 1 MP4]



Triambika ViveDelightful, down to earth and deeply rooted in the tradition of Tantra, Triambika Vive brings with her a playful and sensual approach to sacred conscious sexuality as a path for spiritual awakening and development.Class OverviewBringing deep intimacy into the bedroom activates the Spirit of Love not only in lovemaking, but also in all other aspects of life. Life becomes richer, fuller and more fulfilled. Try it and see.IntroductionThe words Sex and Intimacy are often used interchangeably, however, purely physical intimacy stops way short of a meaningful experience or sustainable connection. Joining of the genitals does not guarantee a joining of the hearts and or minds.Sex with Intimacy is what couples in my practice most aim for, oftentimes without knowing how to conceptualize their goal.Intimacy is said to be a contraction of “into me see”. When two people can reveal themselves without fear of judgment and feel fully known and understood by the other, that is intimacy.Bringing intimacy to the bedroom is a process that begins way before the sexual act although it often sustains far after. It’s an activation of the Spirit of Love not only in your lovemaking, but also in all the other aspects of your life together. Life becomes richer, fuller and more fulfilled. Try it and see.The Top 10 Big Ideas    1    Setting the Mood in Your Environment    Natural intimacy arises easily inside of a sensually intimate environment. Take some time to create your surroundings to enhance the mood. For starters turn off the phone, nothing breaks the mood like cell phones interrupting a special moment.    Get creative and turn your bedroom into a temple of love. Doing this activity actually stimulates the sexual drive.    2    Kiss to Kindle    Too many people underestimate the erotic potential of kissing. There is nothing more exciting than a long, sensual kiss. It is seductive and intimate. Indeed it’s probably one of the most intimate things anyone can do. From sweet little pecks on the cheek to passionate kisses with plenty of tongue, the act of kissing holds a lot of arousing possibilities.    Studies have shown people who kiss more often tend to be more satisfied with their relationships- even though couples that have sex more often aren’t necessarily any happier. Could it be the natural intimacy that kissing generates? Perhaps? In the meantime- Pucker up!    3    Eye Gazing for Intimacy    The eyes are the doorways to a connected sex life. The fact is that eye contact between two lovers is the foundation for the dance of intimacy. The more eye contact you have with your partner, the deeper the intimacy will develop. If eye contact is neglected however, intimacy will slowly diminish and eventually be starved out altogether.    It is essential to nurture this connection in your intimate relationships. In particular during tender and slow lovemaking, go the extra mile; eye contact helps to remove all inhibitions and hesitancy.    4    Daily Appreciation and Acknowledgment    To be intimate, people require safety. Feeling acknowledged, appreciated and accepted creates the safety necessary for deeper loving, which sequentially can lead to a more connected and fulfilling experience in the bedroom.    When we feel validated and appreciated in any aspect of our lives it deepens our sense that we truly matter and that we are making a contribution to the lives of others. Yet, many times we overlook or forget to bring such appreciative expression into the intimate moments we share with our partner. Nevertheless, it’s one of the forms of erotic talk most longed for by people in relationships.    Sexual intimacy doesn’t just happen. It is created through a series of actions and feelings of mutual appreciation and tenderness. Genuine demonstrations of appreciation need to come from your heart. So words that validate your partner’s attractiveness and value to us as a lover, are not only arousing, but healing as well. This naturally deepens our ability to trust and open to a more profound and satisfying sexual experience.    5    Get Vulnerable    It has been said, “Vulnerability is the admission price for intimacy.”    Vulnerability is so important for getting our most basic needs met, however it’s also fundamentally one of the most difficult states for us to put ourselves in. Because it runs counter to our instincts, everything in our DNA screams “protect yourself from harm”. Yet to be vulnerable is to do the exact opposite of that. It is to move aside our shields and say, “here it is, the place where you can hurt me.”    Vulnerability is our way to break patterns of avoiding being truly seen for fear of how we will be received. When you are protecting and guarding yourself, you become unavailable for intimacy. Nevertheless, when we allow ourselves to be seen, particularly in the bedroom, physical intimacy becomes healing and sacred.    Intimacy grows deeper every time you let yourself be vulnerable with someone and they respond in a way that makes you feel supported and understood. Likewise, intimacy grows when the other person is vulnerable with you and you respond in a way that feels supportive and understanding to them.    6    Slow Waaaay Down    In the heat of passion- slowing down will not only enhance sexuality but also help you to reach higher states of consciousness. Sex can literally become a transcendental experience. Slowness increases sensitivity and awakens the body’s innate mechanism for ecstasy.    Deep intimate sex is not about “doing” anything; it’s about “being” in the moment, slowing down and paying attention to all the subtleties. Slowing down is the answer to having an even better emotional connection with your partner as well as having extraordinary lovemaking.    Extraordinary lovemaking is not only about slowing down to include more foreplay but also slowing down the sexual act itself. Slow down the pace, slow your breathing and really feel all the delightful sensations available to you.    7    Breathe Together    Every singe day we do it automatically but most of us don’t realize that breathing is a way to heighten pleasure and arousal. When you breathe deeper, you bring more oxygen into the body, which allows you to be aroused at greater heights. Breathing together can be extremely sexy and very intimate.    When you and your partner synchronize your breathing you begin to harmonize your energies together. Often times your physical bodies are in the same room yet you may feel worlds apart energetically. Aligning your breath with your partners for even just a few minutes brings you both into a deeper experience of harmony and union with one another.    The breath of your love is the prevalence of the energy that sustains or depletes the life force between you. When you take a moment to consciously breathe, it is very similar to a meditation, you are focused on your breath; you are not speaking, just breathing and feeling the closeness of another person.    Give it a try and see how your intimacy increases with your significant other. Taking these few breaths together will help to set the tone for your time and bring you into the present moment of now. To take it to the next level, try breathing together during the sexual act itself. Stay as close to synchronized breathing as possible even as the arousal builds. This experience is not only deeply erotic and intimate; it also releases the optimum levels of mood-boosting/bonding chemicals called oxytocin and serotonin.    8    Touching, Holding, Squeezing    Touch is such an important part of our lives. So many people go through life being deprived of touch and not even know it. Massaging, stroking, and caressing all produces oxytocin, which is the bonding chemical. Touching each other throughout the day builds longing for each other.    After an argument or confrontation touching has shown evidence of lowering heart rate and blood pressure, bringing ease and reconciliation. It’s amazing the way it brings you back to a tender loving space.    While it may seem obvious to recommend touching each other during sex, a lot of couples don’t actively try to touch one another apart from the places where their bodies meet. Make a conscious effort to stroke each other’s legs, arms, backs, chests, and faces while you’re being physically intimate.    It’s also a great idea to communicate your desires for touch in an encouraging way, making requests in a clear and loving manner. For example, letting your partner know how you like to be touched and where you most enjoy it. You can also take brief breaks from intercourse to focus on just touching each other.    9    Anticipatory Messages    Building anticipation fuels sexual intimacy in relationships. While sex occasionally occurs at the spur of the moment, motivated by a surprisingly sudden surge of hormones, the truth is that there is typically a subtle song and dance that happens between couples. A glance and casual touch at the breakfast table hints at the possibility that this day may come to a passionate end.    The simple act of sending a sweet text message or complimenting your lover can send blood rushing into the genitals. Not only does it build anticipation, but will also keep your partner thinking about you all day.    Playful thoughts flitter in and out of each other’s minds during the day. Anticipation builds. A regular evening dinner can take on new layers of sensual meaning as each become aware of the build up of excitement.    10    Create a Date and Keep It!    In many marriages and long-term relationships, between work and children and all the other responsibilities, sensual and sexual intimacy tends to go to the end of the line. It makes perfect sense to have planned, intentional intimate sexual dates. It may not sound terribly romantic, but scheduling time for lovemaking could be the best way for couples who are committed to keeping their passion alive.    Scheduling sex is likened to being excited for reservations at a hot, new restaurant or an upcoming party– you’re building anticipation for the event, which can be sexy in and of itself. Some people say, ‘Sex should be spontaneous!’ But to limit your self that way is silly. Other things get planned in your life on a regular basis. Why not do the same with sex? The only catch here is keeping the date. If you can’t make the date for any reason, don’t just brush it off, reschedule right away. You have to be willing to make it a priority.


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