Entheos – Debra Pascali-Bonaro – Orgasmic Birth ( Audio ) 2014
Orgasmic Birth audios
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This is the audio version of en*theos presents Orgasmic Birth with Debra Pascali-BonaroAre you ready to learn the best kept secret in childbirth?Are you curious about what it really means to have an orgasmic birth experience?Are you unsure if this kind of experience is possible for you?Are you a survivor of sexual abuse who is fearful of how your past experience may impact your birthing experience?Or are you a husband or partner who wants to know how to provide the best support for the mother of your children?By understanding the physiology, the hormones of childbirth and the similarities they have to our sensuality and sexuality, you will have the keys to unlock pleasure and make childbirth safer and easier. We will review the way the birthing experience has changed within our culture. We’ll pull back the curtain and expose the reality of what is possible when women, and their families, take back control of the birthing experience and allow it to happen in a natural, uninterrupted setting. There is no need for fear. Your body was made to create life and you deserve to give birth with dignity, love, and pleasure.Join us for this conference with 23 leading childbirth experts, and learn how you can have a joyful, orgasmic birth! The Experts and Their Topics:Vibrant Uterine Health for a Pleasurable Birth with Eve AgeeEve Agee, PhD, is the international bestselling author of The Uterine Health Companion. She is a medical anthropologist, personal transformation expert, certified life coach and motivational speaker.In this talk you‘ll learn: • Discover the 5 keys to optimal uterine health for pleasurable conception, pregnancy and birth. • Find out how to transform your relationship with your body and be in your power in birth and beyond. • Learn why uterine orgasms are some of the deepest levels of pleasure for women and how you can open to this ecstasy.Swaddle Yourself in Sweetness with Latham ThomasLatham Thomas is a maternity lifestyle maven, wellness and birth coach, and yoga teacher. She is the founder of Mama Glow- a holistic lifestyle practice for women and mother’s-to-be and co-founder of the Mama Glow Film Festival. Latham is helping to green the planet one belly at a time.From Trauma to Triumph, Understanding and Healing the Effects of Early Sexual Abuse onthe Childbearing Woman with Penny SimkinPenny Simkin, PT, is a physical therapist who has specialized in childbirth education and labor support since 1968. She has assisted hundreds of women or couples through childbirth as a doula.Oxytocin: The Only ‘Drug’ You Need for Your Birth Experience with Nekole ShapiroNekole Shapiro is the creator of EmbodiedBirth. She’s also a go to person for parents, birth pros, sex educators, activists and countless others searching to bring the human back to humanity.Finding the Courage to Birth with Roanna RosewoodRoanna is the bestselling author of Cut, Stapled, and Mended. She’s an international speaker, co-founder and host of Birth Plan Radio, and the executive action chair of Human Rights in ChildbirthIn this talk you‘ll learn: • We cannot numb ourselves to fear, pain, and death, without also numbing ourselves to courage, pleasure, and life Labor doesn’t come from nowhere, when contractions begin. It’s the physical manifestation of our experiences throughout life and pregnancy. • Fear of labor isn’t bad thing. It illuminates the specific work you can do to prepare for labor.The Most Empowering Experience with Piper and Chaz LovemorePiper Lovemore is a certified Childbirth Educator, Doula and Placenta Encapsulation Specialist, and a passionate birth activist. Piper and her husband, Chaz are Orgasmic Birth parents.How Fear Impacts the Hormones of Pregnancy and Birth with Aviva Romm MDDr. Aviva Romm is the mother of four grown children, a Yale-trained physician specializing in functional medicine for women and children, a midwife, anherbalist, an award-winning author, and the creator/owner of WomanWise, on-line courses dedicated to vitality and optimal health for women and children.Individualizing the Birth Experience with Renee PerkinsRenée Perkins is a registered member of the New Zealand Council of Homeopaths. She provides clients with a professional yet relaxed approach to homeopathy. Renée is also an Orgasmic Birth parent.Singing Birth: Sing Your Baby to Earth with Elena SkokoElena Skoko is a mom, singer and passionate birth storyteller. She shares her research, art and life holding Singing Birth Workshops, conferences and lectures worldwide. She’s part of Bluebird and Skoko blues band. Her book Memoirs of a Singing Birth is published in English and Italian. Elena is political activism coordinator for Human Rights in Childbirth in Italy.In this talk you‘ll learn: • Free Your Mouth and Your Os Will Follow • Making Peace With Your Ancestors • The Sirens CallDon’t Just Turn Your Body Over to Medicine with Lonnie MorrisDr. Lonnie Morris is a national pioneer in natural childbirth as the founder and director of The Childbirth Center, PA. She holds a Doctorate of Nursing and practices as a Certified Nurse Midwife.The Right to Give Birth at Home with Marjolein MensinkMarjolein Mensink is a midwife from The Netherlands. Aside from being a midwife, she also studied journalism and is writing for several media that are mainly directed on pregnancy and childbirth.How Neural, Endocrine, and Perceptual Processes in Childbirth Increase Oxytocin andOrgasm with Barry Komisaruk, PhDBarry Komisaruk, PdD, studies the function of nerve pathways for sexual stimulation in women who have suffered spinal cord injury. He has co-published the first evidence of brain regions involved in orgasm in women.In this talk you‘ll learn: • Birth canal stimulation and especially orgasm attenuates pain. • Orgasm can be stimulated from clitoris, vagina, cervix, nipples, and many other body regions, and their concurrent stimulation can intensity orgasm. • Vaginal, cervical, and nipple stimulation release oxytocin into the circulation, which stimulates uterine contraction; this can facilitate childbirth.Unleashing the Ecstasy in Birth with Sheila Kamara HaySheila Kamara Hay is an Ecstatic Birth advocate and super-mama to her 3 little ones. She researches ways on how women can enjoy childbirth and makes that info accessible to as many women as possible.In this talk you‘ll learn: • The journey from pain to pleasure is one of the most transformational a woman can take. • You can source pleasure from outside as well as within. • Sensual expansion is a powerful form of birth prep.Pleasures and Possibilities in Childbirth with Ricardo JonesRicardo Jones, MD, is a homebirth and hospital attending obstetrician and gynecologist in Brazil. An international lecturer and author, Ricardo is a pioneer in childbirth, introducing a model of support of laboring women that includes a midwife, a doula, and obstetrician for each of his patients.The Power of Birth Energy after Giving Birth with Tami Lynn KentTami has advanced training in multiple bodywork techniques, including certification in Maya Abdominal Massage and Infant Body Psychotherapy/Birth Trauma Resolution. She received her Masters from Pacific University and her Bachelor of Arts in Biology from the University of California at Berkeley. She lives in Portland, Oregon, with her husband and sons.In this talk you‘ll learn: • Birth energy contains potent medicine for healing birth, lineage and the family energy field. • Physical medicine for the pelvic bowl should be routine postpartum care (and essential for restoring sensual pleasure). • Birth Mothering can help you access the portal for realizing your dreams.Fathers To Be with Patrick HouserPatrick Houser is a father and a grandfather. In 1980 Patrick’s son Jeremy was born in water, the first documented waterbirth in the USA. This birth was the result of a 3 year enquiry into birth stimulated by the traumatic results of his first son’s arrival in 1976. Over the years Patrick has attended many births and supported many parents. He has also owned a construction company, marketing firm and holistic health center. Following his son’s waterbirth he lectured and was interviewed by print media, radio and television, including Phil Donahue, the Oprah of the 80’s.Ecstatic Embodiment: Pleasure as a Pathway to Realizing our Evolutionary Potentialwith Amber HartnellInternationally recognized as a champion of Ecstatic Birth and featured in 2 acclaimed documentaries on conscious birth, “Birth as we Know It” and “Orgasmic Birth,” Amber Hartnell’s dedication to resting in the center of inner guided Truth and willingness to be melted wide open and vulnerable has touched thousands of lives and helped to fuel a birthing revolution, radically altering the way babies are being brought into the world.In this talk you‘ll learn: • Transforming challenging experiencing into empowering ones. • Dissolving resistance to access greater peace and pleasure Living. • Life as a congruent expression of our Essential wholeness.Using Breath to Bring Awareness to Every Moment – in Labor and Beyond with Amy GlennAmy Wright Glenn earned her MA from Teachers College, Columbia University. She is a Kripalu Yoga teacher, prenatal yoga teacher, a (CD)DONA birth doula, and a hospital chaplain. Amy is the voice for “Motherhood, Spirituality, and Religion” for Philly.com and blogs for Attachment Parenting International, Doula Trainings International, and The Birthing Site.Sexual Intimacy and Orgasmic Birth with Kim AnamiKim Anami is a holistic sex + relationship expert, writer and speaker. She has propelled thousands of people into higher stratospheres of connection, sensuality, energy and aliveness.In this talk you‘ll learn: • The intimate relationship between a couple has a profound impact upon how a birth unfolds, as does a woman’s relationship with her own sexuality. • We’ll explore how your sexual openness is key to an ecstatic, empowering and self-actualizing birth experience. • How to clear the blocks in your sexuality to smooth the birth experience so it becomes a “re-birthing” and self-actualizing experience for you. • Tools to deepen your connection as a couple so you act as a clear channel together. • How to strengthen your vagina to create an easier deliver and more orgasmic birth.Exploring What Gets in the Way of the Pleasure that is Part of Birth with Elizabeth DavisElizabeth Davis is internationally active in promoting motherbaby-centered birth and is widely sought after for her expertise in midwifery education and organizational development. She is the author of Heart and Hands: A Midwife’s Guide to Pregnancy and Birth, Orgasmic Birth, The Women’s Wheel of Life and Women’s Sexual Passages.The Big Being in the Little Body: A New Perspective on New Peoplewith Carrie Contey, PhDCarrie Contey, PhD is an internationally recognized coach, author, speaker and educator. Her work offers a new perspective on human development, parenting and family life. She guides, supports and inspires her clients to live with wide open and courageous hearts so they can approach family life with skill and spaciousness.In this talk you‘ll learn: • A new understanding of our littlest Ones. • What does an optimal start in life look like? • The hows and whys of CALMS.Claim Your Rightful Role as the Real Expert in Your Body and Your Childrenwith Sarah Buckley, MDDr. Sarah J Buckley is a trained GP/family physician with qualifications in GP-obstetrics and family planning. She is the mother of four home-born children, and currently combines full-time motherhood with her work as a writer on pregnancy, birth, and parenting. Dr. Buckley’s work critiques current practices in pregnancy, birth, and parenting from the widest possible perspectives, including scientific, anthropological, cross-cultural, psychological, and personal.Ecstatic Birth Mother/Daughter with MoonweaverA good book is like a secret door. To read the book Orgasmic Birth opened a secret door for me to the world behind every imagination. It cleared my vision on the birth. The book helped Moonweaver to have fantastic orgasmic birth after previous deadly tragical birth outcome. She learned from the book how to fight the tigers of fear. Her own orgasmic birth in 2013 empowered Moonweaver in immense way and she is building community now where she shares her positive experience and also a topic on healing trauma from birth. You can find the project on www.shapeup.today.Your Host Debra Pascali-BonaroDebra Pascali-Bonaro is the mother of six children, Director of the documentary Orgasmic Birth and co-author of Orgasmic Birth: Your Guide to a Safe, Satisfying and Pleasurable Birth. She is the Chairperson of the International MotherBaby Childbirth Initiative.
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