Entourage Project
Entourage Project
[TV Clip Rips -AVI]
The next Alpha Scenes “ratio group buy” is finally here!If you ever watched ‘Entourage’ than you’re familiar with Ari Gold. Played by Jeremy Piven, he’s Vince’s ballsy, asshole, but caring agent. He’s ambitious, a good business man, and has an amazing wit. You might like him or despise him,but either way you cannot ignore him because you know you have something to learn from his behaviour.epic2sk8 and ezmech watched three seasons of Entourage and cut the best clips of Ari, and a few good ones with Vince (Adrien Grenier).Props to diceman for rewarding us so generously for our work.! Thanks!And from ezmech and epic2sk8, we hope you enjoy this!PS- if you disagree with Ari’s alphaness, please don’t talk to ezmech or epic2sk8 about this. Just because we are doing the project doesn’t mean we suggested it nor that he is “ultra alpha.” (At the very least, he has his momments).PPS-thanks to MrCreative for helping us with the upload.
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