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Eram Saeed – From Heartache to Joy series 7

From Heartache to Joy series 7
[ 52 MP3 – 2 MP4 – 1 PDF – 1 HTML File Set ]



From  HEARTACHE  To Joy  series 7 with your host   Eram SaeedLet Over 50 of the World’s Top Masters, Healers, Teachers, Intuits, and Thought Leaders Shift Your Life From Struggle to Ease During This Free Global Tele-SummitWHEN YOU JOIN US FOR THIS FREE GLOBAL TELE-SUMMIT YOU WILL FIND YOURSELF QUICKLY AND EASILY…   • Blowing away the ‘unbreakable’ walls that barricade you from living the life you’re envisioning    • Shifting your dominant frequency from emotional pain to abundance, prosperity and joy    • Experiencing the Law of Immersion which ‘locks in’ your newly discovered vibrational reality    • And finally realize how to fill-in what you’re missing when Law of Attraction Masters divulge how they manifest your greatest desiresAre You Ready to Clear All Your Blocks?During our From Heartache To Joy Global Summit you will…    • Experience amazing FREE LIVE HEALINGS that would normally cost you THOUSANDS of dollars    • Eliminate energetic binding ties to past partners and end addiction to TOXIC relationships    • Learn from Law Of Attraction Masters and discover how to MANIFEST your greatest desires    • Balance the Divine Energies to eliminate chaos and achieve FLOW towards what you want      • Discover the keys to unlocking ABUNDANCE, PROSPERITY and PURPOSE in your life    • Create a healthy Self Esteem by clearing BLOCKS to WORTHINESS and SELF LOVE    • EMPOWER yourself by healing past trauma and jumping on the fast track to ultimate HAPPINESS    • And much, much more…If you’re like most people who live beneath a veil of suffocating BLOCKS that Keep You STUCK then you understand what it’s like…  You try, and try to ‘think’ it away BUT you never experience lasting positive change because of ONE ‘unidentifiable’ (invisible) Law that keeps you locked in chains…and won’t let you break freeWouldn’t You Love to Quickly and Easily Shift Into…GREATER ABUNDANCE: the kind that appears before your eyes like magicDEEPER RELATIONSHIPS: find the one, meet new friends, and strengthen the relationships you already have in your lifeSTRONGER MONEY MOJO: quickly and easily uncover, clear, and replace your money blocks to see more money in your handsPASSION and PURPOSE: discover your path, and transform dreams to realityBOUNDLESS ENERGY: feel healthier than you’ve felt in years. Jump. Run. Enjoy!MORE PEACE, UNLIMITED PROSPERITY, AND THAT IN THE FLOW FEELING…PLUS LEARN HOW TO CLEAR BLOCKS FROM THE MORE “PERSONAL” AREAS IN YOUR LIFEAnd… we’ll touch on a few ‘taboo’ subjects, and get you answers you can’t find anywhere else!Don’t Miss a Single Spirit-Lifting Session.  Most people join with us because it guarantees that you won’t miss a single speaker.  Pay close attention because below is what I refer to as “…the fine print…”  Once the call is over you have a limited time to listen to a free replay and then it goes into our vault until further notice. We take these calls and make them into products that people are happy to pay for.  That’s right… these calls do go on sale after the Global Summit is complete but you get the opportunity to listen to them all for FREE… by downloading this product now.HERE’S WHAT SOME OF OUR PAST ATTENDEES HAVE TO SAY“…amazed at the shifts taking place…most powerful series I have ever come across.” ~ Tabitha“…been to an eye doctor to have tests done…my pressure was very high…this call invoked me to place my hands over my eyes…back to normal levels…” ~ Eileen“…the most interesting and helpful of guest…most insightful of the telesummit hosts.” ~ Ingrid“…I feel like you and all the other hosts and speakers are all here with me on this incredible journey.” ~ Lee Ann“…your words touched me in such a truly special way…” ~ Darria Elizabeth Kosich“…Each Call Brings Another Layer of Healing…” ~ Suzanne ThibaultI look forward to helping you transform your life ~ Eram SaeedEram Saeed is the founder of Journey of Joy Foundation, a Global initiative launched to eradicate crimes against women such as honor killing and child marriages. It aims to educate 100,000 women in the Eastern countries over the next 5 years. Portions of the proceeds go towards funding this mission.P.S. If you’re looking for massive change, there’s no better time than NOW. In fact, you’ll get more than just ‘hot new ways to manifest faster’ when you join us. Each of the 40+ world renowned healers, teachers and thought leaders are standing at the ready to blow your mind clean of blocks, obstacles and negative patterns.The decision is yours. Whether you look back on your life a year from now, and see the transformation, or still feel stuck in the same rut, is up to you.Meet the Thought-Leaders, Intuitives, Healers, Universal Law Masters and Empowerment Teachers from the Heartache to Joy Tele-Summit below…Eram SaeedCreate Massive Transformation by Immersing in High Frequency ConsistentlyA candid look at my personal No: 1 Tool for feeling abundant and releasing all sense of lack.Are you tired of lack?  Tired of trying everything without results?  FEELING tired of failing while others are succeeding?Are you READY to change it all once and for all and TASTE what it feels like to SEE your desires manifest?Do you want to know how I create abundance effortlessly each time I try?If you want to learn the secret behind a Powerful tool to RAISE your frequency to the MAGICAL frequency of abundance, you need to be on this call!Cynthia KretschmerStepping Into Your Power to Change the WorldIs HIDDEN trauma from the past ruining your life? How to fix it NOW so you can start attracting JOY!The ONE thing that is the most DEVASTATING reason for unfulfilling lives and repeat patterns of pain!!!CLEAR TOXIC EMOTIONS and GET READY FOR A HARMONIOUS, JOYOUS LIFE!You’re about to discover the secrets to:    • The Number ONE reason for feeling stuck: What is “stuckness” and why does it keep repeating?    • Why everything else will continue to fail unless YOU heal past trauma!    • While past trauma and toxic emotions can cause devastation in our lives, they are so easy to heal….      it’s simply that you didn’t have the CORRECT tools….until now!    • What is the NUMBER ONE thing that keeps women STUCK and prevents them from moving into the energy      of The Divine Feminine????    • A powerful meditation to connect to the whispers of your soul!    • And much, much more!Mina FirmeClearing Your Personal Barriers To Unlock Your PotentialHow to create and manifest with FUN and FOCUSAre implants from past lives blocking or suppressing you?  Mina removed all implants including on 3rd eye, throat chakra, ear chakras, just listen to the replay to remove all these implants!! Join us on today’s talk as Mina teaches us about: The Absolute, Ultimate Healing through LOVE.DISCOVER the incredible information and secrets to:    • What is the Love Vortex? Why is it so powerful?    • How can YOU be in joy after abuse, loss, abandonment or betrayal    • Powerful tools that can quickly shift YOU no matter how stuck you feel    • What is the magic pool? EXPERIENCE it today in a live process! It is totally yummy and you won’t forget it for a long time!    • Whole body DETOX    • Healing Inner Child is critical if you want to move forward, find out why…    • Angel readings, Akashic Readings, Past Life readings!!!!    • Powerful live clearings and processes    • And much, much moreTom PaladinoCan Light From the Sun and Stars Heal Us?The POWER of remote Scalar Energy Healing.DISCOVER the incredible information and secrets to:    • What is scalar energy exactly? How do you build a scalar wave? Why are the results so dramatic?    • How does it balance our chakras?    • How can it so dramatically reduce the pathogen load on the body? Such as from Hep-C, Fungus virus etc.    • How does the scalar energy influence our body when a photo is used?    • How many people can be helped in one remote scalar session?    • Is it a good idea for the entire family to receive the remote scalar session?    • Should people email photos of their pets as well as their family members?    • Who are some of the other scientists that have discovered scalar energy and used it in a practical way?Alicia PowerHow Your Spirit Tutor Can Heal Your Fear… Fast!How To Team Up With The Most Powerful Support Team Who Will NEVER Let You Down! Guaranteed!DISCOVER the incredible information and secrets to:    • Opportunity in being stuck? The TRUTH is what you are not seeing is the EXACT thing that connects you to the energy      of openness!!!    • TRUTH:Your spirit tutors know EXACTLY where your blocks are and has the ability to clear them instantly!    • TRUTH:Your spirit tutors can see your thought patterns, trauma, emotion, fear and they then cut out the auric parts      that are not working, they can delete it and paste healthier pattern instead! And it’s all instant!    • TRUTH:They are expertly trained in electromagnetic energy so they are very, very effective in downloading a new software      for you that will feel more solid and comfortable and you will think and feel very differently. Life changing!    • TRUTH: They are REAL…learn to partner with them!!    • TRUTH: While spirit tutors are there to help us all; ifyou are someone wanting to evolve as a soul, they are very eager      to support YOU!    • TRUTH:The whole call is covered with a cocoon of energy woven by very high authority spirit tutors….you can FEEL their      unconditional love and the powerful energyJarrad HewettHow to Completely Dissolve All Your Challenges in Just 10 Minutes a Day!Whenever Jarrad comes on, people SHIFT in a big way!!Can you really dissolve all your challenges in just 10 minutes a day? YES!!!DISCOVER the incredible information and secrets to:    • Learn about the untapped power of Pure Frequency    • Instantly Raise Your Vibration    • Experience The Healing Power of Frequencies    • Discover Easy and Effortless Ways of Healing    • Establish a Life Long Resource Center of Healing Frequencies    • Forget the Resolutions! Learn How to Change your Frequencies so you can CHANGE EVERYTHING!    • Already LOVE Jarrad’s work and want more? Find out how you can get over 520 attunements from Jarrad this year!!!!Susann Taylor ShierAccess Your Soul Gifts, Heal at the Soul LevelExperience, as Never Before, a Tangible Connection to your True Purpose, Soul Origin, Home Essence and Spiritual FamilyDid You KNOW … Most of your current struggles stem from soul level challenges that have been with you for a long time?  That’s why you still have them even though you have tried EVERYTHING to stop the patterns that keep you from accessing the treasure chest of you.Join todays talk as Susann asks us to examine:    • If you feel lost, isolated, without direction …    • If you feel that love has passed you by …    • If you feel that you’ll never get on top of your financial burdens …    • It’s time to DISCOVER THE ANSWERS to your burning questions! Aileen NoblesAccess the Magical You for TransformationHow to transform NOW by accessing the magical YOU!!!!Tired of the chronic patterns?  Tried everything with the same frustrating, dismal results?  What if “This is It?”TRANSFORM EMOTIONS IN MINUTES FROM YOUR NEUTRAL CORE. SET YOURSELF FREE ON A DAILY BASIS, WITH CORE ENERGETICS PLUS EFT TO NEUTRALIZE and HEAL.Join todays talk as Aileen teaches us about:    • Experience the release on an Emotional, Mental, Physical, Empathic, Psychic, Cellular, Subconscious and Quantum level    • Experience how easily you can neutralize emotions that create conflict    • Aileen working with Core energetics and EFT will help you to neutralize your core issues right “Now”.    • Using Core Energy techniques including tapping , Aileen with the guidance of her Higher Self will zero in to the root cause      of your issue. She will clear release and transform unwanted emotions from your neutral core on a cellular and quantum level.    • Connect with your neutral core of Miracles    • Transform your challenging emotions in minutes!    • Easy techniques to neutralize resistance to “What Is”.    • Disconnect from emotions that are running your life    • Access your Highest Abundant Future Self!!!    • And much, much more!Lexis JohnsonThe Blueprint for Miraculous Manifestation: CosmoBiology Oracle ReadingsThe secret to knowing the RYTHMS of your life are the KEY to manifesting what you desire!From when to lose weight to when a FORTUNE is ready to drop into your lap…to when the most Fulfilling LOVE is about to knock on your door…EVERTHING in your life is laid out in your CosmoBiology reading….it’s all right there! Follow it like a road map to achieve EVERYTHING that you desire! The secret to knowing the RYTHMS of your life are the KEY to manifesting what you desire!A CosmoBiology Oracle Reading can:    • Help you determine what cycle you are in for any particular area of your life    • Show you what your Romantic style is    • Show you what a potential partner’s Romantic style is and if it is compatible with yours    • Help you determine your Soul Purpose at this time or for your whole lifetime    • Help you know when is the best time to start a diet, or to lose or gain weight    • Help you know which cycle is the best time to start a new business or work project    • Help you know the best time to marry or part company with your once-beloved….      (wouldn’t it be helpful to know what Cycle HE was in before he dumps you?)    • Know in advance if the one you are dating is likely to be honest or just play you for a fool in love!!!    • It could save you years of heartbreak waiting for him to get ready to commit. What if he isn’t going to commit for another      7 years? Would you want to wait that long while your clock is ticking???    • CosmoBiology can tell you when you’re most likely to get pregnant!!… and sometimes tell if it will be a boy or girl!    • Know if you’re coming into a good career or money-making cycle    • The best time to move into a house to make it be a happy home…    • Know whether to buy that lottery ticket because you’ll know if you’re in a lucky cycle or not!Larry CraneIs Your Positive Thinking Keeping You Stuck?How to FINALLY get The Financial Freedom That You Have been Yearning for!!What can this world famous self-made millionaire teach you about financial freedom?  In his own words:I recently asked myself “would it be possible to give people a gift that would ensure them real financial freedom?” The answer was clear. I would need to pull out all the stops. So, I created the 21-Day Financial Freedom and Lifestyle Coaching Program. I tested the program on hundreds of people who have had massive financial gains…They were able to accomplish these goals easily and fast, using this amazing program.Arn AllinghamStep into the Power of Your Divine Eternal SelfIn this talk you will learn amazing secrets.Your heart is a portal that connects you with your divine, eternal self: a part of you that is that is limitless, powerful, wise and unconditionally loving!  If you are ready to discover how to bring the most powerful, loving, and abundant change to your circumstances – and do it all in the most graceful and joyful way possible – then you won’t want to miss hearing what Arn has to share with you!Jennifer LarkinThe Art of Un-Resolutions: Awakening Joy, Freedom and Self-Love EverydayHow to FINALLY break free from judgement and unconscious patterns ruining your life!Are you ready for something different? Do you desire to BREAK FREE from judgements, limitations and the unconscious programs preventing you from stepping into the phenomenal life you KNOW is possible?  Is it finally YOUR time to achieve freedom from limitation and judgement so you can live the life you deserve? Join us today and find out….. Amean HameedTrust Your Healing Ability and Serve Yourself With Love, Joy, Peace, and CompassionSpontaneous Healings Will Happen on this call….do whatever you can to hear this replay…..the whole call is PACKED with healing energy that is transmitted through Amean’s words !!!!You will FEEL the difference! In this call, Master Healer Amean will talk about:YOUR heart is uniquely connected to the Divine heart Amean will give you many practical tools and techniques on how you can tap into your healing ability!!!!This call will open your eyes and help you shift into a life of empowerment….    • Identify and practice to release negative emotional energy and thought patterns    • Improve self-image and self-love    • Freedom from guilt, anger, anxiety, shame and the past    • Have total peace of mind    • Heal at the deepest levels!    • Develop an intimate relationship with Divine    • RELEASE pain    • Increase levels of awareness and consciousness    • Increase intuition and creativity    • Re-discover joy and fulfillment in your life    • Nourish your soul with Hope, Joy and Purpose    • Live life with Peace, Love, Joy and Compassion.    • Learn to BE you    • Raise your frequency to a natural state of Divine Peace!Myrette SokkariFrom Poverty to Prosperity In 6 Weeks!!!She won the lottery within a week of getting a session of Quantum Wealth Matrix! Details on the call…Today Myrette will teach us how to go:From Poverty to Prosperity In 6 Weeks!!!    • Why ‘thinking about money’ may just drive it away    • Which of the most common financial ‘beliefs’ plague your financial energy    • How to make money grow in your manifestation forest    • Which steps you must take when you begin to see more abundance in your life    • How to transform your ‘money energy’ into funds in your pocket    • Which energetic stumbling blocks are stopping your ‘financial’ growth    • Why you’re going to continue falling into the same ‘money vacuums’ and how to stop making the same mistakes    • How to get instant security and KNOW there’s always enough    • How to ‘expedite’ your money manifestations!!!Estaryia VenusBecoming a Master of Your Vibration – Creating the Life of Your DreamsThe fastest way to MANIFEST the life of your dreams: Change your Frequency, Change Your Life!!!Learn the Secrets of how to Manifest the life you are born to live!Learn how to:    • Breaking free of old patterns (self doubt, fear, confusion, stuck emotions, uncertainty, stress, anxiety)    • Becoming a master of your vibration – Creating the life of your dreams    • The Healing Power of Sound on Mind, Physical Body, Emotions, Spiritual    • Benefits of Sound Therapy: Releases Stress and Anxiety, Quiets the mind, Relieves depression    • Enhances the Immune system, Relieves Pain, Increases Circulation, Aligning your chakras    • Raising your cellular vibrationAnah MaaStepping Into Your Light and Returning to LoveReturn to Love and CATAPULT into your dream life!!Are you ready to take your life to a whole new level?  Are you ready to change your mind, body and spirit so that you can live the life your soul desires?Join todays talk as Anah teaches us about:STEPPING INTO YOUR LIGHT AND RETURNING TO LOVE!You’re about to discover incredible information but Anah will lead us through an AMAZING and powerful process that will results in allowing you to:    • Feel and Know that you are Love and that you are deeply Loved    • Activate your Highest Heart Essence    • Pierce through the shroud of Illusion covering your Heart’s Song    • Allow yourself to return to the Limitless Joy and Light you truly are    • Remember your Soul’s Promise    • Remember Anahwill perform powerful activations and she will take live callers for 1-1 work    • And much, much more! Julie CalveyUnderstanding Your Soul PurposeFind the single most important truth about YOU! With a true Master Julie Calvey Is it true that 5th dimensional living means Eternal Life? Find out!!!MERGE WITH YOUR SOUL AND BECOME A FULL TIME CITIZEN OF THE 5th DIMENSION NOWJoin today’s talk as Julie shares mind blowing information you have never heard before!Soul Remembrance and the importance of shifting into the 5th dimension!    • Remembering who you are and why it has become CRITICAL now for us to do that    • 5th dimension reality is here….those that are not shifting into it will be forced to leave the planet!    • Your Soul Purpose and a lot of secrets are in the Akashic Records…..learn how to access your records easily    • What is the Universal Divine Heart and how to access it    • How to create the Masculine and Feminine energies to create onenessKrystalya MarieHow to Shift Your Energy Instantly!Cutting Edge secrets for creating the life you desire!Can you use these secret Sacred Symbols to become more empowered, create YOUR desires and to love YOURSELF more?In today’s talk you will learn how to:    • How to have more energy    • How to make your days more blissful    • Simple tools for reducing stress in minutes Why are the Sacred Symbols that Krystalya draws so Powerful?    • Affirmations don’t work! Find out what does work …Quickly!    • How to overcome any fear that is stopping you from being, doing or having all that your desire.    • Tips for Changing Your Beliefs Instantly    • Tools for Finding What is Keeping Your Stuck!Jennifer Longmore5 Massive Money Blocks That Prevent You From Thriving In Your LifeJennifer talks to us about the 5 Massive Money Blocks That Prevent You From Thriving In Your Life and Business (and how you can quickly shift it once and for all)!She’s also come to learn that it’s never about the money, and is really about something much, much deeper. Find out what is holding YOU back!!!!QUICKLY shift your 5 MASSIVE money blocks and start living a THRIVING life!In today’s talk you will learn how to:    • the 5 ways your money story is holding you back;    • the 4 root causes behind your money blocks;    • the 3 quick and powerful ways they can shift it once and for all    • With over 20,000 sessions under her belt, she can tell you EXACTLY what is holding YOU back!Dr. Alex LoydThe Connection Between Disease and MemoriesThe END to your suffering! With a PROVEN method that is creating ASTONISHING results again and again!In today’s talk you will learn how:    • ESTABLISHMENT MEDICINE IS FAILING YOU MISERABLY!    • GETTING SICK IS NEITHER “NATURAL” NOR UNAVOIDABLE    • TURN YOUR BODY’S DEFENSIVE CELLS INTO SUPER GROWTH CELLS    • How would you feel if you could live your life everyday pain free… stress free… anxiety free? Now you can!    • The healing Codes are creating miracles in peoples lives…..Tahira AzizThe Quick and Easy Shortcut to Healing!Blast Through Your Barriers to Joy!Get your mental and emotional barriers blasted as Tahira destroys the root cause of what’s holding you back and releases you to the life of your dreams.In today’s interview Tahira will talk about:Calibrate your Heart Compass to get back in touch with your natural state.CREATING A DOMINO EFFECT OF OUTRAGEOUS CHANGE IN YOUR LIFE!!!!!      • Why we turn inwards when things go wrong and what this does emotionally …..    • Why most of us believe we don’t deserve joy and the dangerous effect this has!    • How the barriers we form stop us experiencing everything amazing in life…    • Little steps you can take every day to reclaim your joy and your life!    • The traditional healing modalities are now OLD and OUTDATED…..they’re just not effective in the new energies!    • Why Tahira’s process LITERALLY changes you at your core being!    • Cast off your barriers to joy once and for all to experience a new love for lifeJulie Renee100% Healthy… 100% You!Wealth Clearings and how to access your Quantum Field while on the call!Our special guest today has worked with people from all walks of life including celebrities, The Pentagon and NASA! She can read your energy and tell you where your most troublesome blocks are and how to remove them!In today’s talk you will learn:    • Julies own inspiring story….had multiple cancers and died!    • What is cellular quantum mechanics and why is it so important for you to know?    • Is it possible to regenerate the body?    • What is Fuzzy brain and why women suffer from it?    • Powerful tips for our listeners you can take right now to cure your fuzzy brain!    • What can our listeners do to avoid afternoon brain fog?    • Do computers cause sleep disorders?    • Most women have 21 POWERFUL blockers that prevent us from living our most successful lives. Find out what they are!    • Julie can read your energy and will do her legendary readings and clearings for live callers!    • Don’t miss it!Lisa Jaya WatersThe Missing Link in Most Approaches to Transformation!!!100% of her clients have had a TRANSFORMATIONAL experience will you be next?  DOWNLOAD the most powerful frequencies available today! Find out what these beings of light are here to teach you….Astonishing secret Revealed: There Is A Missing Link In Most Approaches To Transformation!!!Her Light Team will amaze you and her frequency surgery will EXCITE you and HEAL at the same time! It’s easy and effective, but most of all it’s RAPID!!!Raising And Maintaining High Frequency    • Live in a state of JOY no matter what!    • Finally KNOW it that there is nothing wrong with you!    • FEEL Safe and Strong ALL the time so you can release the need to control forever!    • Secret to Rapid Manifestation: Self Synthesize …what is it and why is it critical for you to know it?    • Check out the amazing testimonials…..    • Raise your hand to get in queue for clearings!Dr. Robert PeaseActivate Your Destiny! The Power Behind Everything….Powerful energy activations that will shift you into compassion, abundance and the ability to recieve!ACTIVATE your destiny! The Power behind everything…. UNLEASH the power of frequencies so you can catapult yourself into MAGNIFICENCE!!!!Robert is one of the MOST accurate numerologists you will EVER come across!!! Join us as Dr. Pease shares HOW TO:    • REVEAL your true purpose in life…..the clues are in this ancient system of numbers….    • Understanding your core strengths will enable you to create a life by design!    • Uncover the underlying reason why you face struggle in any area of your life…    • Join forces with this very powerful and ancient system to DESIGN your dream life!!!!    • Learn HOW your Birth Arrival Time Impacts your “Map of Manifestation”    • Discover What your Numbers say about YOUR WEALTH    • Understand your POWER Numbers    • Start Living a life of Well-Being and Joyful Living    • Align with readings on the call so you begin to vibrate at the higher Frequency that attracts Love and Abundance!!Christel HughesThe Single Most Important Secret to Manifestation!AWAKEN to your Higher Self with The Spiritual Trainer to the Stars!THIS is the single most important secret to manifestation! Everything else PALES in comparison to this secret and I can guarantee you that you have never heard this information anywhere else!!!! It truly is a well-kept secret!!! Join today’s talk as Christel teaches us about:The CRITICAL importance of understanding your own energetic blue print for Spiritual and Manifestation Mastery! You’re about to discover the secrets to:    • What are top 3 things you MUST know in today’s planetary shift and why you won’t find this CRITICAL information      anywhere else!    • Do you flow energy horizontally or vertically? Knowing this can be the single MOST important secret to your abilities      of Miraculous Manifestation!    • Your dominant archetype and how to bring forth the gifts it is bringing    • Are parts of your energetic patterns dormant right now? Find out why that can be GOOD thing!    • Discovering the Mystery that is You… Most people’s gifts are a mystery to themselves, they don’t know how to tap into their      gifts and create from that place.    • The Universal language is that of archetypes and these energies whisper your purpose to you at the right time.    • Are you an Entrepreneur? A Teacher? An Intuitive Healer? An Advocate? A Visionary? Find out today!    • Learn your Soul Blueprint that shapes your Soul Signature to live your Purpose Work.    • Stop struggling with your old identity and move into the NEW You which is the TRUE You!    • Discover what your Higher Self wants you to upgrade so you can be in the FLOW of your Destiny    • Plus LIVE readings and Clearings…!Bob BellHealings with The Kissing SaintBob Bell is back due to listener demand! HEAL all your issues today with THE KISSING SAINT!Bob has healed Millions of people remotely!Do you need a MIRACLE in your life today?Bob Bell has healed more people long distance than ANYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD!Cynthia KretschmerMove Beyond the Fears of ChildhoodYour number ONE enemy that is RUINING your life! DELETE it now!It has been proven that past trauma, even what we see as minor, that is hidden (or not so hidden) can be detrimental to your present happiness. Not healing this past trauma can be CRITICAL obstacle in your way of aligning with Joy, peace and your TRUE ESSENCE!  What is this TRAUMA and more importantly, do YOU have one????Join todays talk as Cynthia teaches us about:CLEAR TOXIC EMOTIONS and GET READY FOR A HARMONIOUS, JOYOUS LIFE!You’re about to discover the secrets to:    • The Number ONE reason for feeling stuck: What is “stuckness” and why does it keep repeating?    • Why everything else will continue to fail unless YOU heal past trauma! Even if it’s minor!    • While past trauma and toxic emotions can cause devastation in our lives, they are so easy to heal….      it’s simply that you didn’t have the CORRECT tools….until now!    • How to heal all these blocks with ZERO effort!    • What is the NUMBER ONE thing that keeps women STUCK and prevents them from moving into the energy      of The Divine Feminine????    • A powerful meditation to connect to the whispers of your soul!    • And much, much more!Marisa RussoTurning Your Pain into Your PowerForensic Healing expert: She will FIND and DELETE your most stubborn energy blocks! Marisa is so good at ferreting out the MOST stubborn blocks that she has been dubbed the “Sherlock Holmes of Healing”!!  She goes straight to your DNA to find the answer!In today’s talk Marisa will reveal how to:    • Understand what messages pain and stress are telling you    • How others affect you energetically    • How to be sensitive in a world that feels insensitive    • How to heal from your past and become empowered    • Why some people don’t heal and why others do Marcella MartynThe Top 3 techniques to reach Ascension using New Earth Energies Astonishing secrets to be revealed: If you are STILL stuck, could it be that you are repeating OLD PRACTICES that no longer work? Find out….When you are applying the right tools, change is easy and effective, but most of all it’s RAPID!!! Join today’s talk as Marcella talks about:    • Transitioning from Old Practice to New Earth    • Why some people struggle to make the shift (Hint: some people still walk, instead of ride)    • Which new techniques allow exponential spiritual growth!    • What you must do to tap into your ‘prosperity factor’    • How to quickly and easily get in touch with the ‘right sources’ to get STRAIGHT answers    • How to talk to your spiritual guides about your desires    • Why your spiritual guides want to see you prosper    • Which steps you can take now to experience profound spiritual growth    • What you’ll need to do to reach ‘ascension’ with NEW earth’s energiesJoanne JustisGain Laser Like Insight Into Your God Code!!!Are you ready to UNLOCK your full potential and invest in yourself by discovering the science of you–Your God Code???Join us for this enlightening discussion with one of the world’s top Chaldean numerologists!!Join today’s talk as Joanne teaches us about:Discover the Science of You: Your Personal Assessment to Unlocking the Secrets of Your Full Potential–Your God Code    • Are you ready to gain laser-like insight into your God Code to take enlightened control of your life?    • Transform to where you are to what you desire by discovering your God Code    • Plus Joanne will take live callers!!!Joshua BloomQuantum Energy TransformationManifest Anything NOW using the technique famous for creating INSTANT changes!Create Instant Changes NOW!With Quantum Energy Transformation(TM), YOU will attract Health, Wellness, Money and just about anything at the blink of an eye!CHANGE YOUR ENERGY AND TRANSFORM YOUR CELLS IN 3 MINUTES USING THIS PROCESS WE WILL DO ON THE LIVE CALL WITH JOSHUA In this call, you will learn:Shocking Truth: Affirmations don’t work! Joshua will show us what does work!!! On today’s amazing call you will learn:    • How you can transform, heal and create just about anything!    • With Quantum Energy TransformationTM anything is possible    • That you are energy, and when you shift your energy, you can manifest anything    • How to access the Quantum field for instant transformation and manifestation    • How to raise your energy frequency, rather than live in the darkness of your negative emotions    • How strategies hold you back, and Quantum Energy TransformationTM moves you forward.    • Being healthy is NOT a state of mind, but a state of BODY, Energy Movement and Beingness    • LIVE exercise on the call to help you shift INSTANTLY!!!Michelle Manning-KoglerQuantum Soul Clearing ProcessDESTROY your Money blocks to OPEN the wealth flow starting TODAY!!!!!What your life would be like if you never had to worry about money again!!!This is not only possible, but has actually happened to people that used the POWERFUL energy tools that changed their relationship with money forever! Is this your time?In this call, Michelle will talk about:How the soul takes on these scars around money and how Healing Your Money Scars Program(TM) will Transform you forever! The result is:    • FREE yourself from your negative Money Programs, and energetically create the space for a life of affluence,      freedom and happiness!    • Live a life of financial freedom, where money is never a worry, your full potential FULLY expressing!!    • More money and abundance in your life in a constant stream…    • More wealth and prosperity flowing into your bank account    • Pay off your credit cards and become completely debt-free in a few years or even weeks!    • Intuitively know what investments to make so you can enjoy the benefits of MASSIVE returns…    • Always knowing your bills will be paid on time…    • MASSIVE soul clearing on the call! Don’t miss it!    • And much much more!!!Mary Beth VanderlindenBecome a Manifesting MagnetThe REAL secrets behind powerful manifesting abilities! Ever wonder why some people manifest effortlessly while you remain stuck?Perhaps it’s because they know the SECRET you don’t!Find out today and you will soon become a MANIFESTING MAGNET!!!!In this call, Mary Beth will talk about:Do you want to know why its so hard to work with the energetic system lately? Do you know how to work with the New Earth Grids?      Learn these critical answers and more from Mary Beth Vanderlin ……    • How to Create the ‘Chakra Vortex’ that CLEARS hidden energetic blocks    • How to Rapidly Get In-Tune with Your Personal Wave of Abundance    • Which Chakra to Use When You Need to Manifest Your Desire NOW    • How implementing the right ‘extras’ into your chakra clearing can rapidly accelerate your results.    • How to Identify What’s Really Holding the Miracles You Deserve At Bay    • How to Instantly IGNITE More Miracles in Your Life In Days, Not Years    • Most powerful readings with a Master!    • The ONE thing repels what you desire in almost 90% of people!!! DELETE it today! Maiyah OlivasContinuous Joy: The Key to Transforming Your Life and UniverseTRANSFORM your life now with this step by step system! In this call, you will learn:Continuous Joy: The Key to Transforming Your Life and Universe A “no brainer” system to improving your health, finances and relationships effortlessly, even while you sleep! Maiya’s clients report incredible results in these areas:    • Shrinking of tumor (verified by a physician)    • Saving a foot that was going to be amputated (verified by a physician)    • Reversing diabetes in 1 session    • Ending 20 years of low back pain in 1 session many other clients relieved of recurrent back pain    • Many clients relieved of recurring headaches including migraines    • Receiving 2 cars for the price of 1    • Receiving $120,000 after an intensive program    • Investment was multiplied 100 times within a week    • Many clients improved family life – no more fighting    • Many clients finding ideal life partner – no more commitment phobes or liars!    • Ended panic attacks and taken off anxiety meds (verified by a physician)    • No more PTSD symptoms after assault, combat, molestation, rape    • exercise on the call to help you shift INSTANTLY!!! Gabrielle PaoliHow To Finally Escape Your Energetic RutFINALLY escape the energetic RUT to live a life of your dreams!!! Astonishing Secret Revealed: You can Dream Your Invisible (and Identifiable) Blocks Away! Join today’s talk as Gabrielle teaches us about:How To Finally Escape Your Energetic Rut, and Experience the Grounded Peace, Joy, and LOVE You Deserve EVEN if you don’t currently understand what’s holding you back, you can still…    • Breakthrough the chains of fear    • Release the bonds of loneliness    • Transform your relationship with “the one”    • Discover how to grab hold of your passion    • Align with your purpose, and step onto your pathway to bliss    • Unlock your root, power and heart chakras, attracting more abundance, prosperity    • PLUS experience deep healing from tragic heartbreak, life-sucking depression, and nerve-wracking anxiety, so you naturally      attract the light, happy, joyful, abundance you deserve!!!!    • Don’t miss the POWERFUL live clearings with Gabi! Richard FlookWhy Am I Sick? …and How You Can Solve It!This is found to be the NUMBER ONE cause of almost all disease ~ ERADICATE it for lasting health!We have more illnesses today than ever and conventional medicine can’t answer why!!!ELIMINATE any disease quickly and permanently using Advanced Clearing Energetics In this call, you will learn:Shocking Truth: Discover the REAl reason why you are sick and how ADVANCED CLEARING ENERGETICS can help quickly and permanently!!! On today’s amazing call you will learn:    • If we don’t know why we get sick, how do we know how to cure it or prevent it?    • We have more illnesses today than ever and conventional medicine can’t answer why. But Richard can and he will      reveal the answer on the call today!    • If we don’t start asking the right questions, we’ll continue on the same path currently happening in health care.    • All disease and pain has to start somewhere. They don’t just happen to us! Finding the answer is critical to your healing!    • LIVE exercise on the call to help you shift INSTANTLY!!!Dr. Ibrahim JaffAlign With Your Soul Qualities Through Sufi Spiritual HealingFind out the power of a sufi heart…..a loving, compassionate heart, to create a powerful, safe, healing and enriching experience! On today’s amazing call you will learn:    • Deeply held pictures and beliefs will appear as illness in the body or as recurrent patterns of challenge in life.    • Often these pictures were formed by an experience of trauma or deep disconnection early in life, and may not exist      within a person’s conscious awareness.    • Using the sacred practices of Sufism, Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe has helped thousands of people to discover and confront      these hidden messages.    • Dr. Jaffe teaches his students how to dissolve their pictures in Divine Light, a process which allows a deep peace and vibrance      to permanently fill the places once occupied by constriction.    • Dr. Jaffe’s students have experienced dramatic healing results, such as the reversal of end-stage heart disease and      the disappearance of malignant tumors.    • LIVE exercise on the call to help you shift INSTANTLY!!!Eram SaeedUnblock Any Area of Your LifeSpecial call in which Eram talks about NEVER before revealed information that has changed her life and also of many others…Find out exactly what is blocking you.  Is it entities?  Energy vampires?  Hooks or blocks placed via black magic?  No matter what the cause, finding the truth to exactly what is holding you back is vital so you can make educated decisions on moving forward.Do you experience any of these Signs and Symptoms?    • feel exhausted and have low energy    • unexplainable pains in the body    • difficulty in concentrating or loss of focus and memory    • irritability and short temper    • depression    • excessive anxiety and insecurity    • sexual indifference    • stagnated in your profession    • loss of interest in studies or career    • relationship issuesColby WilkHeal Through SpiritWe had an unprecedented and over whelming response to Colby last time he was on!!  We had to ask him to come back for more…. listen to the call and decide for yourself why people are calling him the most powerful healer they have ever met!!This call could be the one that changes your life!!!!Angela MontanoPrayer: Our Deepest Instinct and Most Powerful Technology …and How to Use It.Awakening unlimited possibilities through Prayer ~ The Transformative Power of Prayer.Join us as Angela shows us how her process helps to effortlessly DISSOLVE blocks and obstacles and let wonderful new possibilities emerge!!!In today’s POWERFUL call you will learn how to:    • Experience the INSTANTLY transformative power prayer    • Learn how to pray, what to pray for, when and where to pray    • Discover a new perspective on prayer that allows you to create a life of LOVE    • Learn new prayer technologies that are SIMPLE, EFFECTIVE, and EASY to use    • Explore ancient principals of prayer that TRANSFORM consciousness    • Learn new prayer technologies that are SIMPLE, EFFECTIVE, and EASY to use    • Understand how to use prayer as a bridge to DIVINE healing energy    • Embrace prayer to experience more LOVE, PEACE and JOY in your life    • Live with clarity and freedom    • Pierce the veil of isolation and experience communion with Universal Love    • Experience the courage to express your unique self    • Discover new and expanded ways to share your love with the world    • Connect to inner peace and experience harmony    • Trust in your connection to Infinite Possibility.    • And much, much more!Mary Beth VanderlindenEntity ClearingDo you have a curse or black magic from this or previous life time?  Is an entity attachmnet ruining your life?Due to the over whelming response to the entity call (Eram’s Bonus Call) we had to put together an emergency series just on this subject with some of our top favorite healers!Are entities, hexes, negative energies, black magic, or spells creating a havoc in your life?Then you can’t miss today’s call! Entity Series Call #1Mary Beth is an expert on this subject and has helped many people find out what the REAL cause is behind chronic patterns and stubborn blocks. Sometimes they are through no fault of your own…but rather due to the influence of entities!!Join us as we dig into this topic that many shows have called taboo. No holds barred call with Mary Beth will answer all your questions PLUS Mary Beth will take live callers!!!Jarrad HewettAbundanceThe Carnelian Gem Stones programmed for Abundance! Effortlessly and QUICKLY draw to you a life full of EASE and JOY!!!! Your frequency Holds the key to EVERYTHING! Changing your frequency is the fastest way to transforming your life. Now, you have a friend by your side that carries the HIGHEST FREQUENCIES on this planet!In today’s talk you will learn:    • It’s all in the frequency…CHANGE YOUR FREQUENCY, CHANGE YOUR LIFE!    • Why do so many people struggle with creating abundance? Even after years of meditation and/or visualization?    • Crystals and gem stones carry the HIGHEST frequencies on the planet! Science has proven that these can be used to assist us in      REPROGRAMMING our own belief systems!!!    • This means that just by carrying this high energy stone, you begin to SHIFT your reality…FAST!    • My personal results that are INCREDIBLE plus other case studies    • A FANTASTIC new package by Jarred. He especially recorded the frequencies of these gem stones for this package!      Never released before! You can charge your business, your home, your office….ANY WHERE you want!    • Jarrad and I are SUPER excited to bring this mazing, incredible gift that we have been working on.      Believe me, you don’t want to miss out.Marilyn AlauriaThe Truth of Your SoulDo What You Love And Money Follows…The Truth of your Soul Are you FINALLY ready to learn about YOUR soul purpose? Join us as Marilyn teaches us the important truth: Why it is IMPERATIVE for us to learn about our Soul purpose…..Do what you love and the money follows!The TRUTH about entities, black magic and curses… and entity clearing was discussed on this call also.In today’s talk you will learn:    • Does everyone have a soul’s purpose?    • How can you know your soul’s purpose?    • How do our Guides help us with work?    • Do we all have gifts?    • Are we all creative?    • How do I stop thinking it’s too hard to do what I want to do?    • Is it true you can do what you love and make money from it?    • Is it okay to make money serving others?Michelle Manning-KoglerSimple and Effective Ways to Prevent and Remove Entity AttachmentsHave you been SLIMED by entities?  Join us today to learn How to FINALLY learn Simple and Effective Ways to Prevent and Remove Entity AttachmentsEntity Series Call #2This information has never been revealed before! What can this world famous healer teach you about entity attachments?    • What Are Entities?    • What Do Entities Really Want?    • Where Do They Come From?    • What Causes Entities to Show Up in the First Place and Attach?    • Are Entities Dangerous or Harmful to Me or My Family?    • Should I Be Afraid or Should I Just Ignore Them and Hope They Go Away?    • How to Keep from Being Conned: Can I Clear Entities Myself, or Do I Have to Have Someone Do It For Me?Lisa Jaya WatersAll About Entities: how to Selfhack and Take Back Your Own Power!!!How to transform NOW by accessing the magical YOU!!!!Tired of the chronic patterns?  Tried everything with the same frustrating, dismal results?  What if you have an entity attachment or a curse???? This problem is more common that you realize and these entities can cause HAVOC in our lives. But it’s time to TAKE BACK your power!!Join us for this special, Entity Series Call #3 live today and learn from a master how to NEVER have to deal entities again! We will cover topics like:    • What Are Entities?    • Why they attach and hook in…    • How to recognize them…    • How to decalcify your pineal and increase your own hidden powers!    • How to remove entities from yourself….yes it can be done!    • How to create protection around yourself….    • How to hack your Self and take back your power!    • Lisa will do live readings and clearings…DON”T miss this chance!Joshua BloomGet Rid of Entities Once and For All Through Quantum TransformationINSTANTLY Release and Protect Yourself From Entities with Quantum Transformation Join us today to learn How to Instantly Release and Protect Yourself From EntitiesThis information has never been revealed before!Entity Series Call #4. What can this world famous healer teach you about entity attachments?    • What Entities are, and why they are here    • Are Entities safe or should I be concerned?    • How Entities cause harm or havoc in your life and what will stop them.    • Where and how do we pick up Entities, and what to lookout for.    • Learn how to repel Entities so you don’t pick them up.    • What no one else will tell you about how to protect yourself in the world of energy, we live in.Chief Robert and Terri Talltree7 Signs You Are Dealing With Entities and What to Do About ThemJoin us today to “Discover the 7 Signs to Tell If You — or a Loved One — are Experiencing an Entity … and the Process for Dealing with It”Never before Revealed information Entity Series Call #5. What can these world famous healers teach you about entity attachments?Get answers to these burning questions:    • What is an entity? … Learn the truth    • spirit Discover the 7 signs to tell if you or a loved one are experiencing an entity    • spirit Why you might unknowingly be a magnet for an entity and what you can do about it    • spirit And Much MoreGabrielle PaoliReal Reason Behind “Stuckness”The real reason behind “stuckness” is it entities or something entirely different?Join todays talk Entity Series Call #6 as Gabrielle pulls back the curtain and REVEALS the real reason behind your symptoms in this final call of the “entity Clearing Series” Find out once and for all the REAL reason behind your “stuckness”!!!    • Would you like to know if you have tears or scars in your aura?    • Do you feel like entities attached and stalking you?    • Partial possessions, earth bound spirits/ghost/poltergeist around you?    • Negative thought forms directed at you?    • Contracts, soul facet lost, pact, binding or a spell placed on you?    • Gabrielle will be doing live soul readings and telling you all about them.About your host Eram SaeedEram is the producer of the Worldwide expansive tele summit series, From Heartache to Joy, where she interviews experts supporting individuals in healing old wounds and discovering their innate capacity to experience Joy.  Eram is also the founder of Journey to Joy Foundation, a global initiative launched to eradicate crimes against women such as honor killings and child marriages and to educate 100,000 women in the Eastern countries over the next year.


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