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Erika Awakening – 30 Day Abundance Challenge

Erika Awakening – 30 Day Abundance Challenge
[32 WebRips – M4V]



Erika Awakening – 30 Day Abundance Challenge [32 M4Vs]Course aimed at helping people attract more abundance into their lives, using Holistic Belief Reprogramming (HBR), a method based on EFT. Below is a summary of the course contents in terms of topics covered (taken from product description):Quote:DAY 1 – LET’S ATTRACT MONEY MIRACLES!Are you ready to manifest an extra $50,000 this month? It’s time to attract money miracles into our lives! Erika Awakening introduces the 30-Day Abundance Challenge, setting up our intention of manifesting an extra $50,000 in the next 30 days. In this video, we clear skepticism that tells us it’s not even possible that this could work and that there must be a catch … releasing psychological reversal and opening up the possibility that something new could happen in our lives even if it has never happened before!!DAY 2 – CLEARING FEARS ABOUT “THE ECONOMY” SO YOU CAN ATTRACT MONEY MIRACLESAre you worried about the economy and thinking that it’s “impossible” for you to manifest an extra $50,000 due to “circumstances beyond your control”?Tap along with Erika Awakening to release your fears about the economy, and learn how to become “immune” to the economy, rising above it to attract money miracles no matter what is going on around you! If you’ve been laid off and are struggling right now with your finances, Erika helps you understand how the Universe is trying to guide you to something better …DAY 3 – CLEARING SCARCITY MINDSETDo you find yourself saying “can’t afford” a lot? Do you realize that this negative mantra is creating a financial reality that is no fun at all?!? In fact, you are blocking your ability to attract money miracles.Tap along with Erika Awakening to tune in to the real fears that motivate you to say you “can’t afford” things, and reach into the deeper part of yourself that KNOWS that you are a powerful manifestor who can create financial abundance whenever you want …DAY 4 – CLEARING THE BELIEF THAT “IT’S NOT POSSIBLE” TO ATTRACT MONEY MIRACLES Are you highly skeptical that $50,000 could just show up for you out of nowhere? Perhaps you have never attracted money of this magnitude before. In this video, Erika Awakening helps you clear the skepticism so we can open up the space for a miracle to happen in your life. We will connect you to the Source of All Abundance. It’s not necessary that you know HOW it’s going to happen, so let’s give the Universe permission to handle all the details of HOW you are going to attract money miraclesDAY 5 – CLEARING GUILT ABOUT RECEIVING $50,000 SO YOU CAN ATTRACT MONEY MIRACLES TODAYDo you feel horribly guilty when you imagine receiving $50,000 out of the blue? Is there a part of you that would even want to give it back, for fear that there are “strings attached” or that you don’t deserve to attract money miracles?It’s very difficult to attract money miracles if you feel guilty about it. Even if you do receive your $50,000, you will probably sabotage it, so … Tap along with Erika Awakening to release guilt about receiving gifts, and open yourself up to receive freely and attract money miracles todayDAY 6 – ATTRACT MONEY MIRACLES BY FINDING THE EXTRA $50,000 THAT IS ALREADY IN YOUR LIFEDo you realize that your $50,000 is probably already there in your life, and you just aren’t seeing it or allowing yourself to ask for it? This video will help you clear all kinds of assorted beliefs that may be standing in the way of you seeing where the money is so you can attract money now…DAY 7 – CLEARING THE BELIEF THAT “IT’S TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE” TO ATTRACT MONEYDoes part of you think that “it can’t be this easy” to manifest $50,000 or everybody would be doing it? If it is this easy, does that undermine the rest of your belief system? If so, it will be harder to attract money miracles. As we learn in Holistic Belief Reprogramming (HBR), all of your beliefs are self-fulfilling prophecies.DAY 8 – CLEARING FRUSTRATION AND DESPAIR BECAUSE “IT’S NOT HAPPENING FAST ENOUGH AND I DON’T THINK THIS WILL WORK” TO ATTRACT MONEYAre you experiencing impatience and frustration because attracting money is “not happening fast enough”? Are you tempted to give up right before your miracle happens? How are you going to attract money miracles if you give up now? This impatience actually blocks your abundance from coming more quickly!! So at this point in the challenge, we are going to clear these negative emotions and disbelief. This clears the way for your miracles to happen.DAY 9 – ATTRACT MONEY MIRACLES BY BREAKING THROUGH YOUR INCOME “COMFORT ZONE”Have you been stuck in a comfort zone with your income? No matter what you do, it just doesn’t seem to go up?In this video, Erika Awakening helps you address the unconscious part of you that thinks it’s safer to stay in your income comfort zone, so that you can break through to a whole new level of income … and attract more money now. DAY 10 – BREAKING THROUGH YOUR WEALTH “COMFORT ZONE”Have you been stuck in a comfort zone with your level of wealth? This is an entirely different comfort zone from your income comfort zone.Tap along with Erika to discover and erase the secret fears and doubts that prevent you from being wealthier. It’s time to go to the next level with your wealth! This will definitely help you attract money now. DAY 11 – ATTRACT MONEY MIRACLES BY LETTING GO OF FINANCIAL CONSTRICTION (GIVING MORE, ASKING FOR MORE, RECEIVING MORE)Do you spend a lot of time and energy chasing discounts and coupons? Do you really want to live a “discounted” life? To attract money miracles, you must let go of financial constriction and be willing to invest in yourself and others. This video will help you open up your energy around money, so you can spend money, ask for money, and receive money in a more relaxed and empowered way. Tap along with Erika Awakening to bring the giving and receiving in your life into perfect balance and alignment.DAY 12 – ATTRACT MONEY MIRACLES BY CLEARING DEEPER BLOCKS TO GIVING AND RECEIVINGDo you find yourself turning down other people’s offers to help you? Do sales pitches make you queasy? Are you trying to be an island and do everything all by yourself?Tap along with Erika Awakening to release deeper subconscious blocks to giving, receiving, and being interdependent with other people. Feel the palpable relief as you relax into the flow of an abundant life NOW.DAY 13 – ATTRACT MONEY MIRACLES BY CLEARING THE “NEED TO CONTROL” HOW THE MIRACLE IS GOING TO HAPPENDo you feel uncomfortable with surprises, uncertainty, and the unknown? Are you trying too hard to “control” how your miracle is going to happen? If so, your subconscious mind is probably BLOCKING your money miracles and not allowing you to attract money miracles. The Universe knows the best and fastest way to deliver your $50,000, and it’s entirely possible that it will do so in a way you haven’t even thought of yet!Miracles usually ARE surprises, by definition. Miracles require a lot of “letting go and letting God,” so we must clear our fear of the unknown if we are going to be open to receiving miracles. In this video, we release these fears and embrace the benevolent power of surpriseDAY 14 – ATTRACT MONEY MIRACLES BY UNBLOCKING YOUR ROOT CHAKRAAre you familiar with the chakra system? Your root chakra governs your connection with the Earth and your ability to manifest physical abundance. When your root chakra is clear and open, it is much easier to receive the sustenance that you need.In this video, we clear blocks to your root chakra, including family loyalties, negative ancestral blueprints, and past traumas. Opening you up to a whole new level of thriving on the physical plane. You can attract money miracles when your root chakra is clear, healed, and balanced. DAY 15 – ATTRACT MONEY MIRACLES BY INVOKING GODDESS ENERGY WITHIN YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MINDWe will invite the Goddess energy within you to bring you greater abundance and blessings!! You can attract money miracles now with the help of the Goddess Lakshmi. DAY 16 – ATTRACT MONEY MIRACLES BY USING THE POWER OF GRATITUDE AND APPRECIATION SO THAT YOUR “LITTLE” MIRACLES START BECOMING BIG ONES Do you find yourself focusing on what you don’t have instead of appreciating what you do have? This will make it harder to attract money miracles now. Many people don’t understand that one of the fastest ways to receive more miracles is to notice all the little “signs of land” that are sent to you by the Universe, to let you know your prayers have been heard and are in the process of being answered. This video helps you shift your vibration from “lack” to appreciation and gratitude, to increase the flow of abundance into your life and attract money now.DAY 17 – ATTRACT MONEY MIRACLES BY SETTING YOUR SIGHTS HIGHER – IS $50,000 REALLY ENOUGH, OR WOULD $50 MILLION BE MORE INSPIRING?As I went along with recording the videos for the Abundance Challenge, and $50,000 did show up for me in several different surprising sort of ways … it dawned on me that the goal of $50,000 really didn’t feel that inspiring to me … mainly because it’s not a large enough sum to have true financial freedom.So this video is dedicated to setting our sights higher. What if you could manifest $50 million? How would that feel? Today, even if it seems “impossible,” at least be open to the possibility by tapping along to this video … so you can attract money miracles today. DAY 18 – ATTRACT MONEY MIRACLES BY CLEARING FEAR OF “LOSING MY MIRACLE AFTER I GET IT”Do you find yourself blocking your own success because you’re scared of losing it after you get it? Many people avoid success because they are scared of disappointment and loss.In this video, Erika Awakening helps you clear this debilitating “psychological reversal” and self-sabotage so that you can have the success (and money) that you truly deserve. This will help you attract money miracles today. DAY 19 – ATTRACT MONEY BY CLEARING THE SUBCONSCIOUS FEAR THAT “SOMETHING BAD WILL HAPPEN IF I GET WHAT I WANT”Do you keep yourself small and powerless without really even knowing why you are doing it? If so, you will have a hard time attracting money because money makes us feel “bigger” in the world. Most people don’t even realize how much they block their own success due to subtle subconscious fears of “what might go wrong” if they succeed.Tap along with Erika Awakening to release these deep and primal fears from your subconscious mind, clearing the way for money (and other forms of abundance) to come to you easily and effortlessly. Attract money now! DAY 20 – ATTRACT MONEY MIRACLES BY LETTING GO OF THE BELIEF THAT MONEY IS A “SCARCE RESOURCE” AND OPENING TO THE UNLIMITED ABUNDANCE OF THE UNIVERSEHave you fallen prey to the belief that “there’s not enough money to go around”? Do you feel guilty “having more than they do”? You won’t attract money miracles if you feel guilty about receiving it. This video will help you open to the idea that abundance is really just an idea, and therefore it is unlimited. From this new core belief in unlimited abundance, it is much easier to bring the un-manifest into the physical world.DAY 21 – ATTRACT MONEY MIRACLES BY ERASING THE LIMITING BELIEF THAT “I’M NOT LUCKY, I DON’T WIN ANYTHING,” ETC.Do you have a core belief that you’re not a “lucky” person and you “never win anything”? Think it would be impossible to win the lottery? Do you have trouble accepting gifts because you think “there must be a catch”?Tap along with Erika Awakening as she guides you to resolve the inner conflict that arises from a win/lose mindset so that you can start “winning” and receiving gifts from the Universe without guilt or regret.Can you imagine a Universe where everyone gets to win the jackpot? What fun!! This lighthearted attitude will make it much easier to attract money miracles. DAY 22 – ATTRACT MONEY MIRACLES BY LETTING GO OF THE FEAR THAT MY ABUNDANCE AFFECTS THE PLANET IN A NEGATIVE WAYDo you find yourself staying small because you believe that having a lot of abundance contributes to the destruction of the planet? If so, you are certainly sabotaging your results.Erika Awakening helps you let go of this guilt and find a win/win mindset that offers abundance and healing to everyone and everything on the planet. This way, you can attract money miracles guilt-free. DAY 23 – ATTRACT MONEY BY DE-CLUTTERING YOUR LIFE AND YOUR FINANCES FOR FASTER MANIFESTATIONDo you find that your physical space and your finances and your mind are cluttered? This will definitely slow down your ability to create the life that you want.Follow along with this video to release cluttered thinking and environment so that it becomes easier to have clear intentions that manifest easily for you.(By the way, this video worked wonders for me. In the hours, days, and weeks after recording it, I gave a bunch of stuff to charity, cleaned out all my old paperwork, and generally streamlined my whole environment, leading to a deep sense of peace and relaxation as well as manifesting more than $50,000 in several different ways!! You, too, can attract money miracles starting now.)DAY 24 – CLEARING BLOCKS TO ALLOWING YOURSELF TO ATTRACT MONEY BECAUSE “THE WORLD IS SO UNFAIR”Are you secretly sabotaging yourself because you don’t really believe it’s okay to have more than others? If you are holding yourself back to the level of the lowest common denominator, you will probably find yourself in lack and limitation.The thing is, unless you allow yourself to attract money miracles, you won’t be empowered to help anybody else. You must put on your own oxygen mask before helping others. So tap along to this video and learn to let go of the guilt so that you can serve the highest good of yourself and others by receiving and giving abundance.DAY 25 – ATTRACT MONEY MIRACLES BY TRANSFORMING THE BELIEF THAT ABUNDANCE IS “PHYSICAL” AND THAT THEREFORE WHAT PEOPLE GIVE THEY LOSEDo you think that 1+1 = 2? Are you sure, lol?In this literal and linear view of the Universe, abundance is a “zero sum game.” What one gains, another loses. And thus there is always guilt and self-sabotage. You will not attract money miracles when you feel guilty about it. Erika Awakening guides you to a surprising and delightful re-frame of this limiting belief in this life-changing Day 25 of the 30-Day Abundance Challenge.DAY 26 – LETTING GO OF THE FEAR THAT ATTRACTING MONEY COMES WITH TOO MUCH RESPONSIBILITY (FEAR OF YOUR OWN POWER)Is there a part of you that avoids having more money because of its “downsides”? Do you think it will be too much responsibility? Will you feel guilty having more than others?This video will help you have more trust in yourself, in life, in the abundance of the Universe. Maybe your life will get EASIER with abundance. Let’s be open to the possibilities so you can attract money now!!DAY 27 – ATTRACT MONEY MIRACLES BY RELEASING YOURSELF FROM A DEEPER LEVEL OF GUILT SO YOU CAN KEEP AND EXPAND YOUR WINDFALLSIf you’ve been manifesting miracles during our 30-Day Program (and if you have been committed to tapping every day, I’m confident that you have!), you may be noticing feeling guilt even AFTER you received your miracle. You may find yourself saying “it can’t be that easy,” and even thinking that “it shouldn’t be that easy.” Egads!! It’s very important to clear this deeper layer of guilt so that you can keep your miracles. That’s what we accomplish in this video  To encourage full commitment (which is how you’ll see the greatest results), all Erika Awakening products are NON-refundable.DAY 28 – TAPPING TO LET GO OF ANGER WITH GOD AND CULTIVATE GREATER TRUST IN THE DIVINE TO ATTRACT MONEY MIRACLESHaving trouble “letting go and letting God”? Did God let you down in the past, and now you want to control everything yourself? (And by the way you can use whatever word you want, Source, Nature, Divine, God, Universe, whatever works for you.)DAY 29 – MESSAGES FROM THE ORACLE TO HELP YOU ATTRACT MONEY MIRACLESIn Day 29, Erika Awakening gives an Oracle card reading for the 30-Day Abundance Challenge, and then helps you tap the issues that the Universe suggested we erase. Tap along to “unlock the prison” of your mind!!DAY 30 – CONGRATULATIONS AND GRATITUDE SESSIONIn this final day of the 30-Day Abundance Challenge, we count our blessings and thank the Universe for all the miracles it has already given us, which is a clear invitation to the Universe to send us MORE miracles so we can attract more money from now on.Link to product catalogue:


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