Ethnomed – Handbuch der Ethnotherapien – Handbook of Ethnotherapies (german & english)
Ethnomed – Handbuch der Ethnotherapien – Handbook of Ethnotherapies (german-english).pdf
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Ethnomed – Handbuch der Ethnotherapien – Handbook of EthnotherapiesThis is a dual language book – all articles are in german and english!(if you don’t understand german, you won’t miss a thing)556 pagesQuote:Healer and shamans from distant countries lead us back in our own European past and carry us off geographically into other, non-European cultures. Healers of North American Indians are called medicine men, since they have assimilated knowledge concerning human beings, nature and the cosmos. This knowledge they use in rituals in order to re-establish a balance between an individual or a group and the other components. Africans are fetish sorcerers, oracle priests, or izangomas. Knowledge is kept secret and is secretly transmitted. Magic plays an important role and can be used for either curative or letal intentions. Balinese, Brazilians and Haitians are temple dancers, mediums, Voodoo, or Candomblé priests. Spirit possession occurs spontaneously unable to control the trance state. In Korea and the Amazon the archaic healing technique takes a fierce and competetive form. Healers and shamans fight for their power and influence status – both in the visible, material world as well as in the invisible world of spirits and demons. In Nepal, Ladakh and Mongolia shamans are working together, support each other In healing ceremonies, and respect their varying abilities. However, the shamanic universe in its essence is cyclic – neither variation is better or worse. They all serve the same goal: the unity and health of body, spirit and soul and the balancing of family, society, nature, and cosmos. from the introduction of Dr. Claudia Müller-EbelingContent:Quote:EINLEITUNG UND ÜBERBLICK INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW NICHT AUE HEILER SIND SCHAMANEN – EIN ÜBERBLICK ÜBER DIE VIELFALT DER HEILMETHODEN Not all Healers are Shamans -A Survey about the Variety of Healing Methods Claudia Müller-Ebeling 13/17 EIN SCHAMANISCHES MANIFEST: DIE PRINZIPIEN INDIGENEN WISSENS A Shamanic Manifesto: The Principles of Indigenous Knowledge Stanley Krippner 21 / 29 VOM SCHAMANENTUM ZUR MODERNEN NATURTHERAPIE From Shamanism to Nature Therapy Holger Kalweit 37/45 GEBET UND SPIRITUELLE HEILUNG IM MEDIZINISCHEN UMFELD Prayer and Spiritual Healing in Medical Settings David Aldridge 53 / 65 ALTE WELT / OLD WORLD Europa und westliche Kulturen Europe and western cultures MAGISCH-RELIGIÖSE HEILRITUALE IN DER ZENTRALSCHWEIZ Magic-Religious Healing Rituals in Central Switzerland Kurt Lussi 77/87 MAGISCHE HEILUNG – VOLKSMEDIZINISCHE PRAKTIKEN DES VULTURGEBIETES SÜDITALIENS Traditional Healing in the Vulture Area of Southern Italy Andrea Pieroni & Cassandra Leah Quave 97 / 109 Afrika /Africa DIE PRAXIS EINER PEPO HEILERIN IN TANSANIA The Practice of a PEPO Healer in Tanzania Jessica Erdtsieck 119/ 133 IGBO HEILER UND WEGE ZUR HEILUNG VON GEISTESKRANKHEITEN IN SUDOST NIGERIA Igbo Medicine: Practitioners and Ways of Healing Insanity in Southeast Nigeria Patrick Iroegbu 145 / 157 DIE MAFA IN NORDKAMERUN The Mafa in Northern Cameroon Godula Kosack 169 / 183 SÜDAFRIKANISCHE MEDIZINPFLANZEN IN DER ZULU-VOLKSMEDIZIN Medicinal Plants Used in Zulu Folk Medicine John A. O. Ojewole 197 / 209 NAHER OSTEN / NEAR EAST Israel VOLKSMEDIZIN BEI ORIENTALISCHEN JUDEN IN ISRAEL Folks Medicine Among Oriental Jews in Israel Ofra Greenberg 221 / 229 Türkei/ Turkey ALTORIENTALISCHE MUSIKTHERAPIE Traditional Oriental Music Therapy Gerhard Kadir Tucek 237 / 253 VOLKSGLAUBE UND PSYCHIATRIE – PATIENTEN TÜRKISCHER HERKUNFT Ethnic Belief and Psychiatry – Patients of Turkish Origin Hans- Jörg Assion 269 / 281 ASIEN / ASIA SCHAMANINNEN IN ZENTRAL ASIEN Women Healers in Inner Asia Eva Jane Neumann Fridmann 291 / 301 VON DER URZEIT LERNEN -BAAWAI, SCHAMANE DER MONGOLEI Learning by the Primeval Tintes-Baawai, Shaman of Mongolia Amelie Schenk 311/317 Indien / India DHRUPAD – HEIL UND HEILUNG IM KLASSISCHEN GESANG NORDINDIENS Dhrupad- Healing in the Traditional Singing of Northern India Dierk Tietze 323 / 331 PFLANZENMEDIZIN IN ZENTRALTNDIEN Ethnomedicine in Central India Ranjay K. Singh et. al 337/341 GEISTER-BESESSENHEIT UND GEISTERAUSTREIBUNG IN INDIEN IM TRADITIONELLEN UND WESTLICHEN VERSTÄNDNIS Spirit Obsession and Exorcism in India in Traditional and Western Terms Traute Dattenberg- Holper 347 / 355 VOLKSMEDIZIN BEI DEN ZEME NAGAS IN INDIEN Folk Medicine Among the Zeme Nagas of India Babul Roy 361 / 367 Bangladesh CHAKMA TALIKA CIKITSA – DAS THERAPEUTISCHE SYSTEM DER CHAKMA VON BANGLADESH The Therapeutic System of the Chakma of Bangladesh Mahmoud Tareq Hassan Khan 373/381 Nepal JHARPHUK- EINE SCHAMANISCHE HEILBEHANDLUNG IN NEPAL Jharphuk – A Shamanistic Healing Ritual in Nepal Andreas Reimers 387 / 397 NEUE WELT / NEW WORLD Nordamerika / North America TRADITIONELLE HEILVERFAHREN IN DER KULTUR DER ALTEN ORDNUNG DER AMISH The Approach of Traditional Healing in the Old Order Amish Culture Sharyn Buccalo 407/413 DIE THERAPEUTISCHE SEITE DER HAITIANISCHEN RELIGION VODOU IN NEW YORK CITY Therapeutic Aspects of Vodou in New York City Bettina E. Schmidt 419/425 Mittel- & Südamerika Central America & South America Einheimische Systeme / Indigenous Systems KALLAWAYA MEDICINE: AN ANDEAN SYSTEM OF CURING AND HEALING Kallawaya Medicine: An Andean System of Curing and Healing Stanley Krippner 431 / 437 ZAUBERSPRÜCHE ALS THERAPIE – ZUR ETHNOMEDIZIN DER LAKANDONEN IM MEXIKANISCHEN REGENWALD Magic Spells as Therapy – Ethno-Medicine of the Lacandon Indians of the Mexican rain forest Christian Rätsch 443 / 453 DIE HEILTRADITION DER HUITOTOS IN KOLUMBIEN Healing Tradition of the Huitotos in Columbia Fabio Alberto Ramirez 463 / 469 Synkretistische Systeme Syncretic Systems HEILUNG IM CANDOMBLE IN BRASILIEN Healing in Candombé in Bahia, Brazil Christiane Pantke 475 / 483 Ozeanien / Oceania O LE FOFO – DIE HEILER VON SAMOA O LE FOFO – The Healers of Samoa Christian Lehner 491 / 501 Herausgeber dieses Bandes Editors of this Issue 511 Autorenregister /Authors 512 Bildnachweis / Picture Credits 513 Schlagwortregister / Index 514 / 534
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