Evan Osar – Complete Core Conditioning
Evan Osar – Complete Core Conditioning
[2 DVDs – Rips, 1 ebook – PDF]
This new exclusive material is part of the $681 USD – Mike Robertson, etc. – Functional Strength group buy.This group buy is still open and the group buy forum is listed at: Core ConditioningAuthors: Evan OsarDescription: 2 DVDs ripped to .AVI 101 page PDF scanned, OCRed with bookmarks added.Complete Core Conditioning: The Evolution of Core ConditioningComplete Core Conditioning will take you step by step through core conditioning with your client. It takes out all the guesswork when working with your client. These DVDs cover: exercises, grading exercises, proper cueing, why to use the exercise, compensation techniques your clients will use to cheat and more!What you will see and learn in these DVDs:ϖ -Functional Anatomy (and why knowing this will benefit your clients and make you even MORE popular with your clients)ϖ -Neutral Spine (how to clue your clients to find neutral spine)ϖ -Core Activation (inclusive of transverse abdominus, multifidi, pelvic floor muscles as well as psoas.ϖ -Maintaining core activation while dissociating the limbsϖ -Planksϖ -Bridgesϖ -Quadrapedϖ -Bridgesϖ -SquatsIt doesn’t stop there. It highlights what you NEED to know about crunches, Russian Twists and Scorpions before having your clients do them again.ϖ These DVDs will highlight many reasons why our clients are tight and how it the importance of understanding global and local muscles of the core.ϖ It will show how teaching proper core activation can decrease that feeling of “tightness” These DVDs will show you how to:ϖ assess your clients breathingϖ how to cue them to breath differently ϖ how this will allow them to activate their core, stay connected and decrease feeling of tightness.The key to stability is proper core control. Proper core control potentially:ϖ allows for increased ranges of motionϖ decreases painϖ will increase distal strengthϖ decrease fatigueϖ creates higher levels of energyOften times when working with a client they will compensate to complete an exercise that is challenging. It is important to recognize compensation patterns and to change the exercise for the client or to cue the client out of the pattern. Poor patterning increases the likelihood of future breakdowns of joint and muscles. This DVD will teach you how to recognize poor patterning during:ϖ Core activationϖ Psoas activationϖ Basic dissociation exercisesϖ Plank patternsϖ Quadraped exercisesϖ Bridge progressionsϖ Squat patternsNot only will you learn how to recognize poor patterns you will learn how to cue your client out of the patterning so they will achieve success with the exercises and allow you to progress them to higher level exercises. If you need more information before you buy please continue to read, because these DVDs offer even more information.I never new that which seemed like such insignificant exercises could teach me so much.We CANNOT load clients up with heavy weights if they are unstable with just their body weight. Have you ever seen a person standing on one leg trying to do shoulder presses and he/she is wobbling all over the place? Why does he or she wobble? Because that person is unstable. Chances are if you took the dumbbells away that person would still be unstable. I don’t know about you but, I don’t want to train my clients in patterns that create more instability. Complete Core Conditioning will break down each exercise to allow you to:ϖ Assess your client’s ability to perform the exerciseϖ Cue your client properly no matter what kind of learner they areϖ Identify compensation patterns your client will use ϖ Cue your client out of compensation patternsϖ Up or down grade the exercise to match your client’s skill levelϖ Progress you client through the exerciseFrom start to finish you will learn:o Functional anatomy of the core o Importance of local vs. global muscleso How over dominance of global muscles causes tightnesso Importance of teaching proper breathing patternso Core activationo Arm and leg dissociation from the coreo Core integration patternso Achieving neutral spineo Maintaining core activationo Proper visual, verbal and tactile cueing for core activationo Plankso Side plankso Floor plankso Elevated plankso How to grade and modify plankso How to properly cue plank exercises to achieve proper formo Planks related to proper use of serratus anterioro Quadrapedo How quadraped helps helps decease hip stiffnesso How quadraped helps incease serratus strengtho How to cue verbally, visually and tactilely quadrapedo Quadraped progressionso Bridgeso Core control during bridgeo Dissociation of spinal segments during bridgeso Functional use of bridges for pain and stiffnesso Compensation patterns clients will useo Why the clients compensateso Bridges in the transverse planeo Mobilize hips and low back paino Marching bridgeso How bridges strengthen glutes and hamstringso One leg bridgeso Squatso Finding neutral spine while standingo Proper core activation while standingo Tactile, visual and verbal cueingo Assess hip, knee and ankle mobilityo Improper squat patterns and what this means for your cliento Arms overhead squatso Push patternso Pull patternso Contraindicated exerciseso Cruncheso Russian twistso ScorpionsEach DVD is approximately 60 minutes long. The first DVD will highlight the functional anatomy, discuss local vs global, breathing, and neutral spine. The second will take show in detail the exercises listed above. How to set your client up, cue your client, how to identify compensation patterns.If you are a trainer and your client wants to work on their core, (which I don’t know may clients that don’t), if you work with clients who are unstable, complain of pain, demonstrate patterns of dysfunction and you are not sure how to help them.The web site for this material is at:www.fitnesseducationseminars.comPlease keep this a elib exclusive, thanks.This group buy is still open and the group buy forum is listed at:: Ratio FreeElite/VIP: 3 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeksUsers: Upgrade to PU or contribute at:, Mazen
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