Examine.com – Supplement-Goals Reference.pdf (11.07.2017)
[1 ebook – PDF]
I’ve seen that there are only very outdated versions available so here is the version from 11.07.2017.—If you’ve found this page, then you’re probably looking to find out the truth about supplements – which work, and which don’t . You know that supplements can help, but you don’t know who to trust. Everywhere you turn, you’re overwhelmed with companies promising you the latest and the greatest.For the past five and a half years, we’ve been trudging through thousands and thousands of peer-reviewed scientific studies so that we can thoroughly understand supplements. Having analyzed over 33,000 individual studies, we’ve come to learn what works (and what doesn’t).Now, before we go any further, it’s important to note: we are NOT here to sell you supplements. We don’t own a line of supplements that we will steer you towards.Beyond that, we’re not in cahoots with anyone that does. In fact, we make NO brand recommendations. We make NO product recommendations. All we do is make sense of scientific research on supplementation and nutrition.We’ve been compiling this research for a long time, and our Supplement-Goals Reference Guide puts it all together in an easy-to-use manner. You simply look up whichever supplement (eg “Vitamin D”) or health goal (eg “blood glucose”) you’re interested in, and you will instantly know which supplements work (and which don’t). Our guide literally solves all your supplement confusion.Confused by Supplements? We can Help…So who are we? We’re an independent organization , and we do not get paid to shill for supplements. We don’t recommend brands, and we don’t recommend products. Instead, we keep our heads down, make sense of all the scientific research being conducted, and make recommendations based on evidence. We let the research speak for itself, and it’s how we’ve gained the respect of doctors and nutrition experts. Every day, over 15,000 people visit our site to learn more about supplementation and nutrition.These are just a few of the reasons why we’re proud to present a guide that’s:-Simple and easy to use. Look up any supplement or health goal, and instantly know what works (and what doesn’t).-Neutral & Independent. We don’t recommend any brand or any specific product, and we make no money on any purchases you make.-Comprehensive. You won’t need to use any other resource. We have the references to prove what we say.-Transparent. Every single one of our conclusions links directly to the corresponding scientific papers. For those that want more information, we even breakdown the demographics, the conclusions, and notes on every single paper we’ve reviewedAnd What’s in The Supplement-Goals Reference Guide?300+ Supplements. We cover everything from 5-HTP and Aloe Vera all the way to Whey Protein and Zinc. We even cover supplements you may not have heard of, from 1,3-Dimethylamylamine (also known as DMAA) to Valerian. If you can supplement it, we have it covered.180+ Health Goals. You want to live a healthier life, and we will help you get there. Find out which supplements help you (and which hinder you) towards your goals.2,605 human studies. We’ve excluded animal and petri-dish studies, and only list human studies. You can rely on them being applicable to you, not rats.With easy to use tables, all you need to do is simply search and click on whatever supplement or health goal you’re interested in. Instantly, find supplements that work.
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