Frank A. Gerbode – Beyond Psychology
Beyond Psychology.pdf
[1 eBook – PDF]
Applied metapsychology is the application of structured techniques within a generally person-centered context, designed to permit a person to examine his or her: life, mind, emotions, experiences (including traumatic experiences), decisions, fixed ideas, and successes, with the aim of resolving areas of emotional charge and returning to a more productive and satisfying life.Dr. Gerbode began the development of Applied metapsychology in the 1980s. It grew mainly out of the work of Carl Rogers and Sigmund Freud. In “Two Short Accounts of Psycho-Analysis”, Freud describes a method to resolve sequences of similar traumas:”What left the symptom behind was not always a single experience. On the contrary, the result was usually brought about by the convergence of several traumas, and often by the repetition of a great number of similar ones. Thus it was necessary to reproduce the whole chain of pathogenic memories in chronological order, or rather in reversed order, that latest ones first and the earliest ones last; and it was quite impossible to jump over the later traumas in order to get back more quickly to the first, which was often the most potent one.”metapsychology is the science of human nature and experience as viewed by you–the one who experiences–from the inside out, not by an outside “expert” trying to look in. The methods of “Applied metapsychology” recognize you as the authority at the center of your world of experience, and provide tools to enable you to improve personal relationships, increase personal power, and fashion your world into the loving, fascinating, and fulfilling place you always wanted it to be.Readers of this book will learn…The principles and methodology of Applied metapsychology, a truly effective method for understanding yourself, your own mind, and your world of experience. The principles of Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR), a technique for resolving the traumatic incidents that build upon each other to produce a network of distress that can lead to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) . Specific other techniques to help you address the issues which concern you most–relationships, job satisfaction, and unwanted emotions such as grief and anger. A systematic method of case-planning for designing coherent and effective strategies for achieving these ends in a relatively short period of time.
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