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Frederick Dodson – New Reality Creation

New Reality Creation
[1CD – 3 MP3s]



Message from uploader: GET THIS – IT’S VERY GOOD.THIS IS A elib EXCLUSIVE – SHARE ANYWHERE ELSE AND A CRAZY CHICK WILL BITE YOUR DICK OFF.Proudly presenting our brand new Audio-Programm “New Reality Creation”. It combines all the best Reality Creation Tools in one simple-to-use 10 Minute (Short Version) or 30 Minute (long Version) Session.* As with many other Reality Creation Products, this one does not tell you what to focus on, imagine or visualize in your minds eye, but only provides the Template for your own goals and makes imagining and focusing so much easier.* This technique does not only address creating something new but taking credit for your old creations or “owning the negative”. Each Session in this Guided Meditation begins by viewing the negative, releasing resistance towards it and experiencing oneself as the Creator of the unwanted reality, and only then shifting to the Reality that is wanted instead. Finally you enter the preferred reality and experience it as-if it is true.* The audio is structured in a way that it contains 0% Theory and 100% Practice and that you can apply it either 10 Minutes, 20 Minutes or 30 Minutes, depending on your schedule. It is also structured in a manner that you can either use it one one topic or on numerous subjects, possibly even taking care of all of your goals in the same Session.*You cannot experience any reality you cannot imagine, remember or feel. This audio helps you either feel or visualize what it is you truly want, through the use of various trigger-phrases developed by us. You cannot experience any reality of which you resist the opposite so at the same time you will be letting go of the polarization that goals normally create. This mental shift will allow you to move towards your goal with more ease and speed.* You will have three versions of this Audio. One contains the spoken voice / guided Meditation only. The second one contains the spoken voice + sound. The sound is brain-hemisphere synchronisation or “binaural technology” meant to induce a deeply relaxed alpha state. It is easier to Visualize and Focus in this state. The third one contains the Sound / Music only, for your own Relaxation-Sessions.* This Audio combines a number of Methods: The “Mental Screen” and “Swish” Technique from NLP, The Releasing Technique, the Duality-Surfing Technique and our very own Identify-with-the-new-Reality method. It is suitable for those who prefer feeling over visualizing and for those who prefer visualizing over feeling.* This product is meant to be a “All-in-One” item. If you have no other Audio from our Collection except one, it should be this one. Simply practicing this one about 10 minutes or more a day will have dramatically positive effects on all areas of your life. We recommend you make a list of things you would like to de-create (overcome, rid yourself of) and a list of things you would like to create, and then apply this Audio-Meditation to that list every day.Default


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