Gambler – PUA Training Home Study System
[3 eBooks – PDF]
* How to manipulate the 4 critical factors that determine your first impression to create an incredible powerful sexual connection * The subtle little body language shift that allows you to scope out the women in the room without coming off as “the creepy pickup guy” * The body language mistake that 9 out of 10 guys make (and how it instantly kills attraction…no matter how long you’ve been talking to her) * A tiny little shift in the way you hold your hands that immediately conveys confidence, strength, and dominance * Brad Pitt, Colin Farrell and George Clooney all do this. You can too, and it will produce THE SAME EXACT RESULTS * Body Language On The Approach – How to position your feet and your shoulders so that you communicate high value while simultaneously making your approach “rejection proof” * How to use the unwritten code of fashion to instantly convey a powerful image before you say a word * Peacocking – There’s a right way to use this technique and a wrong way. Most men don’t do it right. You will * How to use my proprietary state control system to instantly snap yourself into state on-demand (Whenever you see a woman that you want to approach you’ll be able to get in the zone and bowl her over with your infectious confidence) * A simple technique for instantly triggering a surge of confidence from your head to your toes – girls can smell this from a mile away and this technique alone is worth its weight in gold * The thousand year old technique of the Pranayama Yogis that you can use to develop unshakeable state control. (This is by far the coolest technique I know and is responsible for a very big chunk of my success) * An easy 3-step system for generating surges of confidence on demand so that you can always be “ON” (If you see a girl you want to approach just do *this* and she’s going to) * How to manipulate your energy levels so that you stand out from every guy in the room – this one’s powerful and when you do it, girls’ heads will turn and their mouths will salivate * Make THIS your new default position when in set * How to draw women into your reality using secrets of “pause” body language – I havn’t heard ANYONE talk about this…until now * The Three Characters of Seduction (Master These And You’re 90% of the way home) * How to transition from the “fun social guy” to the deeply seductive lover. Most guys can’t do this and it’s why they’re going home alone * A simple word association technique that will develop unbreakable conversational ju jitsu skills * Learn the 3 ____ of ____ and you’ll move smoothly from starting conversations to getting intimate. (This is the most useful tool in your toolbox of attraction) * A Sneaky little technique that makes her think she invited you to approach. It’s impossible to get rejected if you just do this before you speak to her * Why getting a girls’ name in the first few minutes of a conversation is a key factor when you’re working the room * The Actual Blueprint Drawn Out laid out step by step in a full color flow chart. Keep this in your mind when you are out at the bar and you’ll ALWAYS know where you stand * The one little word that will increase a woman’s receptiveness to your opening line by up to 300% * Friends are always asking me what the best openers are but what they don’t realize is that ____ is actually MUCH more important * A Step By Step Plan for overcoming the fear dancing at nightclubs. It took me a long time to figure this one out but once I did, the selection of girls I could choose from skyrockets * A 3 part formula for crafting opening lines that are nearly unstoppable (Just make sure it has the three secret ingredients and you’re good to go * The powerful “Low-Pressure Hook Elicitation” system that ensures your conversation progresses effortlessly from “hi” to “let’s get out of this place and watch a movie” * The Power Of Leading Questions * Warning. If you talk about any one of these 6 things (that most guys talk about) you are going to lose her * The “Secret Six” Questions you’ve got to ask if you’re serious about building a deep rapport * The 4 step formula for creating a connection with her she’ll never forget (Please do not use this information in the wrong’s very powerful and I’m trusting you to use this technology only on girls who you seriously care about) * How to isolate a girl when she’s talking with her friends. Hint: The secret is to speak at a lower volume and then _______ with _____. * These four subjects are literally the keys to her heart. Get her talking about them and she’ll instantly associate you with memories from her child hood (hint: I just gave one away) * 8 Step Kino Escalation Road Map * Most guys make the mistake of making small talk for a period of time and then just coming out and asking for a number. This is wrong. Here’s what you need to do * Here’s how to minimize flaking: A powerful one-two punch that ensures you’ll see her again * The secret of establishing an intense sexual vibe using your eyes, voice, and ___. * A simple little test to see if she’s ready to be kissed * How to take things from the club to the bedroom on the same night. If this is your goal this is how you do it
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