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Gay & Katie Hendricks – Breakthrough To Bliss

Gay Hendricks – Breakthrough To Bliss
[5 MP3s, 1 PDF]


End The Fighting, Blame, And Criticism In Your Relationship – Once And For All.You Can Finally Feel Blissfully Connected, Appreciated, and UnderstoodAbout authorsGay Hendricks, Ph.D., and his wife Katie believe that it’s never too early or too late to improve your relationships. They’ve seen people begin the journey of a lifetime in just a moment of conscious choice. Their mission is to teach singles and couples everything they’ve learned in a combined 80+ years of counseling and teaching, as well as what they practice in their 30+ year marriage.Gay Hendricks has been a leader in the fields of relationship transformation and bodymind therapies for over 45 years. After earning his Ph.D. in counseling psychology from Stanford, Gay served as professor of Counseling Psychology at the University of Colorado for 21 years. He has written and co-authored (with Katie) 35 books, including the bestseller Conscious Loving, used as a primary text in universities around the world. In 2003, Gay co-founded The Spiritual Cinema Circle, which distributes inspirational movies and conscious entertainment to subscribers in 70+ countries.Gay has offered seminars worldwide and appeared on more than 500 radio and television shows, including OPRAH, CNN, CNBC, 48 HOURS and others.Product Info:How can we bring peace to the inner wars that are in the way of having the life we want? For more than 30 years now, Ann Weiser Cornell has been exploring, teaching, and writing about the mysteries of emotional process, including the paradox of how we become more whole by acknowledging our parts, how the most despised places in us contain our greatest treasure, and how the body’s felt sense, held in a compassionate state of Presence, is the key to change. Now her key writings have been brought together in one place, freshly edited for this volume, with four new articles offering Ann’s leading-edge work. All are accessible both to the seeker of personal change and to the professional who wants to be more effective working with others.In this breakthrough program, you’ll learn:•The same 5 tools we’ve used to consistently and continuously generate a flow of passion and harmony within our own marriage – and how you can transform your relationship, no matter how stuck or frustrated you feel right now •The tried-and-true technique to turn your relationship into a blame-free zone – doing this will cause a surge of vitality and good feeling between the two of you•The quick and fool-proof way to spot the unconscious drivers that are hindering your ability to fully experience all the love you’re meant to enjoy•Why traditional wedding vows are a recipe for disappointment, and how to make new promises to each other that create a truly enduring and forever-deepening bond•The not-so-obvious reason you’re feeling compelled to criticize each other – and a simple, enjoyable strategy that will reverse the pattern of criticism in a relationship (even one hour a week doing this will produce magical results)•Why relationship breakdowns are actually a good thing, and how to use any crisis as a springboard to a whole new level of intimacy in your relationship•The 5 listening filters or shields that will prevent you from truly connecting with your partner – becoming aware of these will help you get to know your partner in ways you never have before•The best aphrodisiac anyone has ever discovered (it’s powerful, works instantly, you can do it anytime, and it won’t cost you a thing)•The 4 key feelings you must be able to communicate to your partner – plus a simple, powerful 2-step process to help you accurately identify and clearly express your emotions•The quickest way we know of to enhance the flow of positive energy in any relationship (this is our favorite tool – one we can’t live without. If you have 10 seconds, you can do this!)•The 2 commitment problems that are responsible for much of the energy drain in a relationship – 3 out of 5 couples experience significant enhancement in their relationship when they recommit in the way we’ll teach youProduct Page:…


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