Geoffrey Murray – Frontiers of Healing (1958)
Geoffrey Murray – Frontiers of Healing (1958)
[1 Scan – 131 JPG]
Description AGNELLET This is the Lourdes book that has long been wanted. Its sole aim is to set out with complete objectivity the ascertainable facts, particularly about the cures. The author, with his s atheistic and medical background, was particularly well qualified to em-bark on the research involved, and it was a tribute remarkable to his luci-dity and absolute honesty that, after it had been published in France early in 1958, the book received the imprima-tur of the Catholic Church — this in spite of the author’s philosophy which made him unwilling to concede any supernatural intervention. As Dr Strauss, the eminent authority on psychological medicine, writes in his Foreword : ‘It is inevitable that the author should end with a “giant question mark”; but he will doubtless feel his purpose completely fulfilled if his readers come to believe with him that Lourdes is quite certainly the scene of some remarkable cures, cures more-over that cannot be explained scienti-fically, and which can only be satisfactorily denied on the improb-able basis that there exists a gigantic conspiracy, or the most terrible in-efficiency and slovenly investigating, by a very reputable body of men.’ Contents: Introduction Villain with a Halo : The Medical Act of 1958 Sir Herbert Barker and the Bonesetters The Osteopaths Thomas and Jones, the Beloved Physicians Mary Baker Eddy and Christian Science The Miracles of Lourdes Pendulums and Hazel Twigs The Mystery of Cancer The Doctors’ Dilemma Book List IndexPlease contribute back by OCRing and Spellcheck/Proofreading this book. I recommend ABBYY Finereader 11 (or similar) for doing this work in a relatively easy way. If you plan to do that please leave a comment here so the effort won’t be duplicated by others. Please upload back the final pdf. Thank you.Please note that the high quality scan images are posted here for a specific purpose – to make it easy to OCR/spellcheck the book and not spend 100 hours doing that from a crappy, lossy compressed pdfs that are sometimes posted here. So please don’t waste your time asking why this is not a pdf file. Instead please contribute a few hours of your time and OCR and proofread the posted book. Thank you.
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