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George Hutton – Hypnotic Storytelling

George Hutton – Hypnotic Storytelling
[Webrip – 26 MP3’s & 2 PDF’s]



Charismatic PerformerUnleash your inner performer and tell stories like a pro. Learn how to use your gestures, facial expressions and tonality to their fullest extent to deliver a powerful set of stories filled with a wide variety of wonderful emotions.    Become Outgoing    Magnify Magnetism    Use Gestures Effectively    Use Facial Expressions Like A Pro    Connect With Large Crowds    Become Irresistibly Mesmerizing    Deep Love Of Speaking    Feel Natural On Center Stage    Feel Deep Desire From Others Creative StoriesLearn to take the simple experiences from your past and turn them into epic tales of adventure. Take a few of these stories and map them to some of the most famous fables, historical events, and metaphors that have ever been created.    Insane Story Creativity    Connect Any Idea To Any Story    Rich Emotional Fluency    Enchant With Your Characters    Mesmerize With Your Arcs    Leverage Your Library Of Experience    Turn Mundane Events Into Thrillers    Turn Normal Ideas Into Poetic Beauty    Share Deep Insights With Others Emotional OpennessLearn to feel and openly express all your emotions. Feel safe and make others feel safe as you create an emotional exchange of energy that will turn any conversation on fire. Radiate the room with pure energy wherever you are.    Feel and Express Deep Emotions    Feel Comfortable Expressing All Emotions    Read The Deep Emotions In Others    Appreciate Emotional Importance    Emotionally Connect With Everybody    Elicit Wonderful Emotions in Minutes    Create Deep Desire    Elicit Unstoppable Attraction    Generate Breathtaking Courage Engaged SpeakerReach out mentally to everybody in your audience. See each of them as individuals and let them each feel that wonderful connection. Create a connection with them no matter who they are or where they’re from. Never feel separate again.    Connect With Everybody    Move Entire Audiences    Feel Their Emotions Movie With You    Allow Yourself To Open Completely    Connect On Profound Levels    Reach Hidden Feelings of Power    Elicit Any Action Imaginable    Become An Inspiring Leader    Easily Relate On All Levels Massive MemoryKeep track of endless loops, names, events, dates, and make your stories and speeches come alive with accuracy. Keep track of several conversations at once. See a person you haven’t spoken to in months and pick up exactly where you left off.    Keep Track Of Many Threads    Hold Many Loops At Once    Easily Pace Large Audiences    Remember All Inflection Points    Naturally Collect And Remember metaphors    Spin A Story For Every Occasion    Retell Childhood Experiences With Astounding Accuracy    Naturally Model From Expert Storytellers    Endlessly Hold Audience Spellbound metaphor MakerLearn to give mundane events deep metaphorical meaning. See the rich metaphors that are in everyday conversations. Learn to use simple events as metaphors for deep and profound purposes. Make every sentence come alive with rich meaning.    Create Rich A Vivid metaphors    Use Wonderful Anecdotes    Be Lyrical With Your Words    Use Effective Symbols    Inspire Deep Appreciation    Naturally Connect With Hidden Meaning    Touch Them On Simultaneous Levels    Unforgettable Allegories    Easily Leave Lasting Impressions People MoverMove people on deep and profound levels. Spur powerful action, release old fears, free their minds from the prison of self-deception. Implant deep desire and thirst to experience life to its fullest. Impact their lives in a way they’ll never forget.    Move People On Profound Levels    Inspire Wonderful Feelings    Generate Deep Desire    Motivate Lasting Healing    Stimulate Courageous Action    Perfect For Sales Professionals    Deepen Relationships    Induce Irresistible Attraction    Covertly Alter BehaviorsSales page:


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