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George Hutton – NLP Mind Magic

George Hutton – NLP Mind Magic
[Webrip – 26 MP3’s & 2 PDF’s]



Vital HumanDevelop an unshakeable belief that you are essential to the safety and health of everybody on Earth. That your contributions to society not only matter, but will forever and positively enhance all you interact with.    Gargantuan Self Confidence    Titanic Conviction    Fearless Social Skills    Relentless Curiosity    Genuine Desire To Help    Become A Natural Role Model    Inspire Millions    Tremendous Encouragement    Vast Creativity    Obliterate All Doubt    Squash All Hesitation UnstoppableThis will install the powerful motivation that will never rest. The internal drive to keep succeeding, keep learning, keep achieving, and keep building. The internal unlimited forward momentum to power the building of your empire.    Be Bursting With Enthusiasm    Find New Excitement Every Day    Unbridled Improvement    Never Ending Refinement    Continuous Calibration Of Success    Every Day A New Discovery    Life Becomes A Journey    Epic Mind Exploration    Unlimited Resourcefulness    Infinite Backup Plans    Internally Driven Reality ManipulatorUnderstand that you are a cause, and the world around you is an effect. Realize your natural potential to shape the world to your intentions and specifications.    You Are Cause    World Is Effect    Control Conversations    Manage Emotions    Easily Achieve Outcomes    Inspire Crowds    Develop True Leadership    Unbeatable Re-Framing Skills    Unstoppable frame Control    Mesmerizing Social Charisma    See Things Others Don’t Perfect HealthLive naturally and ideally. Naturally sleep, eat, and exercise in harmony with what your body needs. Use your body as a source of power and vitality.    Perfect Sleep    Ideal Diet    Intuitive Lifestyle    Deep Inter-Communication    Leverage Your Dreams    Enjoy Exercise    Maximize Physical Efficiency    Decrease Pain and Discomfort    Increase Flexibility    Maximize Stamina    Relentless Physical Resilience Natural LearnerSoak up new ideas, behaviors and information like a sponge. Become exceedingly hungry for new ways of looking at things, new ways to interpret things and the never ending raw material of information to spur your ceaseless growth.    Expand Your Deep Mind    Increase Skills    Maximize Mental Data Recovery    Consistently Increasing Genius    Always Be Hungry For Information    Immersion In New Ideas    Inner Mind Exploration    Re-Connect With Your Vast Experience    Infinitely Expanded Resourcefulness    Learn From Any Source    Uninterrupted Mental Growth Genius VisualizationClose your eyes and see a rich representation of your ideal future. See everything, smell everything, feel and touch everything. Use your vast mental powers to create a canvas upon which to plan your empire.    Mentally Plan In Rich Detail    Visualize Multiple Outcomes    Be Ready For Any Response    Create Your Own Mental Simulation Machine    Try On New Ideas    Describe Abstract Ideas In Perfect Detail    Gain Incredible Understanding    Accelerated Learning    Plan Multiple Futures    See Years Again    Easily Experience Multiple Perspectives CreatorAccept your primary role. To create, to build to make, to invent, to bring forth that which others cannot imagine. To forever improve the world by your very presence. Accept your responsibility to be an inspiration to others.    Feel Complete Control    Build Any Life You Want    Connect With Unlimited Possibility    Consistently Turn Thoughts Into Things    Natural Initiative    Become A Leading Thinker    Never Be Stumped Again    Rebuild Any Experience    Extrapolate Any Desire    Achieve Your True Human Potential    Enjoy Never Ending Growth Master MixAll sessions mixed together. Blast your mind with over 1500 voices are filling your being with positive messages about your unlimited potential. Perfect for balancing.    All Sessions Mixed    Gamma Master – Perfect For Real Time Social Activities    4V Theta Master – Quick Confidence Boost    256V Theta Master – Over 1500 Voices    Overflow Your Subconscious with New Beliefs    Slow Growth In All Areas    New Belief FloodSales page:


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