George Ohsawa – Zen Macrobiotics
George Ohsawa – Zen Macrobiotics.pdf
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Zen Macrobiotics is a must read classic by George Ohsawa which was one of the key books responsible for spreading the macrobiotic movement in America. This unabridged edition combines the original manuscript corrected by Ohsawa in 1960 with the 1965 Oles edition, including a restoration of over 240 recipes left out of other editions. In 1965 the second edition of Ohsawa’s Zen Macrobiotics (first published in mimeographed format in 1960) was prepared and published by Lou Oles of the Ohsawa Foundation in Los Angeles. It contained much more information about soyfoods including Ohsawa Tamari (defined as “macrobiotic soy sauce produced by the traditional, biological, sugarless method,” to be used both in cookery and in medicinal drinks), miso, tekka miso, miso cream, miso-ae, miso-ni, muso (miso mixed with sesame butter), tofu, and yuba. Thereafter these soyfoods appeared in virtually all Western macrobiotic cookbooks and cooking classes. The influence of this book can not be underestimated.# Paperback: 207 pages# Publisher: George Ohsawa Macrobiotic; 4th edition (June 1995)# Language: English# ISBN-10: 0918860547# ISBN-13: 978-0918860545Brought to us by redepe Thank you!
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