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Gerald O’Donnell – The Complete Remote Viewing System

Gerald O’Donnell – The Complete Remote Viewing System
[8 CDs – 11 MP3s]



Note – I downloaded it from The Occult  so credit to the original uploaderO’Donnell – The Complete Remote Viewing System [8 CDs – 11 MP3s]Discover How You Can Achieve Success After Success And Perceive Anything Anywhere In Space And Time Within The Screen Of Your Own Inner MindWith The Complete Remote Viewing Training SystemThe Complete Remote Viewing Training System offers a comprehensive set of knowledge and techniques that will permit you to explore wide realms of your inner mind and will train you to develop your natural capability of Remote Viewing which is the ability to perceive, through a projection of heightened consciousness, both animate and inanimate objects, people, and events, distant in time and/or space.Created by ARVARI (The Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing) in 1997, this revolutionary training system was the first to reveal the link between the Deep Theta (4.5Hz.) brainwave state of mind and the ability to access the Universal Mind (Delta state).Beyond Remote ViewingPerceive anything, anywhere, in space and time using potent techniques that go powerfully beyond current Western and Eastern intelligence agencies’ espionage methods. ARVARI uniquely enhances the standard militaristic protocols by applying ancient spiritual secrets in the Academy’s training systems.This is a revolutionary methodology as compared to classical psychological and meditation protocols. These systems which use the bridge of biological relaxation often coupled with complex breathing, posture, or chanting rituals, tend to keep one’s concentration away from the awareness of becoming pure thought. In effect they often fail to achieve the necessary shift in concentration to attain the sensation of being pure consciousness.In contrast, The Complete Remote Viewing Training System makes it easy for you to achieve Remote Viewing success by rapidly shifting your mental concentration away from your body and bodily sensations, toward a one-track hyperconscious focus upon your thought processes. Your sensation of being embodied disappears quickly and you then have full access to the infinite powers of your mind.No Prior Training Is NeededThe Remote Viewing techniques taught by the ARVARI are unique in that they teach you the easily attainable state of mind focused upon the level of the Universal Mind (undifferentiated knowing).You will be taught to locate your awareness at the brain level of deep Theta (border of Delta) and operate a sort of “mental dance” concentrating attention in a passive-receiving state on the data originating from the Universal Mind and questioning from an active state while avoiding being sucked in by the powerful pole of attraction to the higher Delta level associated with sleep and somnambulistic unconsciousness.Other techniques such as Associational Remote Viewing are taught in order to permit you to predict in advance the accuracy of a future forecast.You can investigate your probable future, especially targeting a proximate time frame and then make decisions accordingly.This method has been successfully applied to predict with a remarkable degree of accuracy the proximate directions and amplitudes of moves of financial markets and other financial instruments.In this course you will easily learn to integrate our powerful mind enhancement technology which has vast practical applications such as…   * Enhancing your life in almost any conceivable way   * Perceiving any present, past, or probable future situation, event, or place   * Improving your prosperity – the application of viewing the future is extraordinary for investments, business, and employment opportunities   * Improving relationships   * Intuiting dangerous or unpleasant situations in advance and avoiding them   * Sensing health issues and preventing or correcting them   * Learning to recognize and listen to your inner guidance that sends messages to protect and help youBetter Health For You and OthersYou can use Remote Viewing to sense health problems and then take corrective action — with Remote Influencing — and restore perfect health for yourself and othersImproved Love Life and RelationshipsRemote View your relationships and foresee potential problems before they develop. You see the other person’s real desires and needs, sense barriers, and this allows you to respond appropriately. You then know the best way to improve your love life and relationships.Remote View your children to see what they are doing, and then Remote Influence them BEFORE someone else influences them – the wrong way!Increased Career And Business OpportunitiesRemote View a better job and view the job interview before being interviewed so as to know the needs and wants of the company beforehand. Then use Remote Influencing to establish rapport and convince them that you are the employee that they need.Remote View to start your most successful new business. Use Remote Viewing to detect the information that will help you solve problems, then use Remote Influencing to implement your ideas and influence others that you have the right answers.Educational BenefitsStudy and memorize any material while being in a Theta brainwave state, and experience super concentration and accelerated learning abilities. Use Remote Viewing to intuit what test subjects might be asked of you.Enhanced Investment AccuracyRemote View the most appropriate and safest investment vehicles that will keep your financial assets safe and growing through these troubled times.Timing is essential in all investment decisions and you will Remote View the right moment to enter and/or exit an investment vehicle and know when to switch to another one.Complete Course Contents Included in this productRV Disc 1RV Secrets Revealed Audio Book and eBook PDF fileTrack 1 Audio Book (57:44)Explains the basic mechanisms involved in Remote Viewing and its modus operandi.Track 2 Remote Viewing Secrets Revealed eBookRV Disc 2RV Training Session 1 (46:26)Trains you to easily refocus your mind to a much deeper level of your inner awareness where Remote Viewing is a natural ability: deep Theta.The content of this session is targeted at the very high level of your Higher Self which is the level of your Soul. Therefore, if you do not experience the Light while doing this exercise, don’t worry. Your subconscious listens and will instruct its core (your Higher Self) to increase its rate of energy/vibrations, even though you might not physically feel the vibrations at the level of your biology yet. Realize that your Higher Consciousness operates from the interface with the “other side” as pure vibratory Light anyway.Doing the exercise in front of the Sun or in front of a full spectrum light bulb with eyes closed is very helpful. Ancient Egyptian initiates did this exercise while facing the sun and considered this a highly energizing and efficient way of allowing the spirit to rise in vibrations.Also don’t worry if you fall asleep while listening. Your subconscious is hearing every single word and will emerge from the session when the command is given. By the time they have finished with the Complete RV/RI training , most students should be able to experience the Light once they go back to this session.If at any time while following the program, you feel you have difficulty concentrating on the material presented in the courses (this could occur due to stress in your daily life, by feeling overwhelmed, or by the material itself) you may want to listen to this session and the next one as a refresher which will help you relax, increase your vibratory rate, and get in touch again with your increasing psychic abilities.RV Disc 3RV Training Session 2 (45:34)Teaches a powerful technique to allow you to operate your mind as a highly concentrated focus of informational input/output through the use of vibratory light that we know, from quantum mechanics and religious traditions, is the basis of creation as a storage and instant conveyer of sensory and data streams.RV Disc 4RV Training Session 3 (43:41)Guides you to totally separate from the awareness of having a biological reality and as pure mind you start expanding tremendously your perceptive connections to any point in time and space. Possible out of body experience.RV Disc 5RV Training Session 4 (44:49)Instructs you to connect instantly to different points in perceived space and to processes rapidly streaming sensory data relating to those sites.RV Disc 6RV Training Session 5 Track 1 (30:05)Teaches you to connect to a stream of data relating to past events and situations with full sensory awareness.RV Training Session 6 Track 2 (30:09)Provides a vivid experience. A method is given that connects you to the probable future. You perfect experiencing of parallel paths (futures).RV Disc 7RV Training Session 7 Track 1 (29:26)Explains methodologies to be used during Remote Viewing sessions. Reveals the origin of Remote Viewing data. Teaches Associational Remote Viewing (ARV) applications for financial trading and gambling and its ability to filter out parasitic noise.RV Training Session 8 Track 2 (30:04)Trains the mind’s eye to perceive many points of reference, mainly inanimate, with a wide variety of perceptual senses.RV Disc 8RV Training Session 9 Track 1 (30:40)You explore elements of the vegetable and animal kingdoms with full sensory awareness. Emphasizes connective ability to the emotional level. This extremely powerful experience deeply reprograms your mind to improve visual and other sensory decoding abilities of the deep inner mind.RV Training Session 10 Track 2 (29:31)Trains you to connect with the biology and mind of humans. Experience telepathic methodologies. Scanning and energy healing techniques are taught. Teaches you to operate at very deep levels of mind and to Remote View with your eyes opened.Note: Sorry guys I don’t have the Course book pdf and Remote Viewing Secrets Revealed pdf. But you can listen to the Remote Viewing Secrets Revealed audiobook. It’s the first mp3 of the collection.————-MP3 format128kbps


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