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Gold Medal Bodies – Floor 2

Gold Medal Bodies – Floor 2
[ 6 PDF, 66 MP4 ]


Exclusive GroupbuyDO NOT SHARE OR YOU WILL BE BANNEDGold Medal Bodies – Floor 2Why You Can’t Do The Things You Wish You Could We’ve all got goals, some of them more ambitious than others.Some people want to change the world, while others are fine changing the channel on the TV. If you’re reading this, there’s an enormously high likelihood that you want to change what your body is capable of.Which is great for us, because that’s exactly what GMB is all about!We understand how frustrating it can be to learn new skills because we’ve spent most of our lives doing just that – and teaching others how to do it too. The important thing to realize is that it’s perfectly natural to get stuck sometimes.Unless you were a childhood athlete, you probably never spent much time really developing your physical abilities beyond the basics.Chances are, this timeline is a fairly accurate representation of your current path to physical mastery: Looking at that image, you may notice that all the good stuff happened before your 3rd birthday.Sure, maybe you lift some weights or run.Great, but when it’s all said and done, you haven’t really gotten better at anything but lifting weights and running. Your basic vocabulary of movement remains unchanged since childhood: crawl, stand, walk, run, and jump.Come to think of it, are you sure you can still jump?If you’re like most people, you’re trapped in “life happens,” and maybe you think that it’s too late to learn new things.It’s not your fault. Until now, you’ve had to make a choice between training for fitness and practicing cool skills.Unfortunately…“Fitness” Training Totally Neglects Skill DevelopmentIn the fitness industry, if you can’t do something, the usual answer is “try harder.”Do more reps. Lift more weight. Run further, faster.Do more.This works for building physical attributes like strength, endurance, flexibility, etc. These are great attributes to develop, but they aren’t the complete story of physical mastery.Will playing Chopsticks on piano 100,000 times will get you to the point that you can play a Billy Joel song?Of course not.Developing motor skills requires specific, mindful practice.However…Monkey-Climbing02Most Skill Tutorials SuckWho taught you how to drive? Probably your father, right? And despite all his years of experience in driving every day, you still have emotional scars from the experience.Just because somebody can perform a movement does not mean they can teach it.Sadly, the vast majority of people demonstrating impressive movement skills don’t have any idea how the learning process works.Most tutorials you find for performing a back flip or a handstand are focused on the mechanics of the individual movement. They know that you spell ‘cat’ with a C, an A, and a T, but they don’t offer much insight on learning how to draw the shapes of each letter.In the end, they tell you what to do, but completely neglect the how.What you need is a program that combines the physical attributes developed by traditional fitness training and the motor control to actually perform the movements that make up each skill. spaceGMB Offers a Comprehensive Program in Continuing Physical Re-Education Every GMB program moves through four distinct phases of training with exercises and protocols specifically chosen to build strength, skill, and overall body control.Each phase builds on the one before it for continual refinement of your abilities. Phase 1:Strength MovesStart with the basic movements on which the more advanced skills rest. We’ll show the exact technical details you need to make rapid gains in strength and motor control.Phase 2:Skill CombinationNext, you’ll work on transitioning smoothly and fluidly between the movements you learned in the first training phase to build combinations and more complex skills.Phase 3:Flow AcquisitionWith the basic combinations in place, you’ll practice mini-routines that further develop your balance and control while stringing together combinations.Phase 4:Flow MasteryFinally, you’ll put all your new strength and skills to good use in performing the complete flow routine, by which you’ll refine and polish your abilities. Ryan, Andy, and the GMB team are superheroes.Whenever I have any questions on anything relating to getting better with gymnastics or acrobatics, I call Spiderman. If he’s not available, then GMB is next on the list.Professional, personal, and funny, these guys know their stuff, create fantastic programs full of value, and really make you feel confident that you can learn some pretty epic moves. GMB rules!Steve Kamb, Rebel Leader at Nerd Fitness 3 Reasons To Get With The Program And Rebuild Your Skills From The Ground Up 1. Single skill tutorials only address the target movementThe steps to walking are simple enough:Pick up rear foot.Place in front of other foot.Repeat.But when you were learning to walk, a lot of other things had to happen at the same time.You had to build the strength to support your weight. You had to learn how to balance. You had to learn to correct your balance when you began to fall. You had to learn to look in front of you instead of down at your feet.Well, it’s the same for any complex movement pattern or skill you want to learn now.The 1, 2, 3 steps might look like a direct path when you write them down, but just knowing how to do something doesn’t mean you have the strength, flexibility, or motor control to pull it off in real life.TangoKnowing the steps without feeling the rhythm will make you a terrible dancer.Andy isn’t nearly as fluent in Japanese as Ryan is (which is OK, because he’s way funnier).2. Skill isn’t a yes/no propositionThink about learning a language. Between “no habla” and 100% fluency, there’s a wide continuum of conversational ability.If you’re vacationing in Europe, you probably won’t have time to practice any particular language to fluency, but you can still benefit from learning a few key phrases about bathrooms and bar tabs to get by.Learning new movement skills is the same way.You might never reach every goal you initially set for yourself. But, along the way, every practice session improves your understanding and control over your body.You’ll build the kind of agility, grace, and body confidence that will show in every move you make – whether you’re showing off some moves or just trying to navigate a busy sidewalk without tripping over somebody.3. It’s not really about the specific skills anywaySure, we’ve made jokes about “ninja skills,” if we’re really honest, the movements aren’t the point.Don’t think! Feel. It is like a finger pointing out to the moon. Don’t concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory…~ Bruce LeeDoing an aerial isn’t what this program is really about.It’s about mastering your body by practicing movements that demand your full concentration, so you can feel instead of just thinking about moving better and experience that “heavenly glory” for yourself.This guy knew a thing or two…Ultimately, You Have a Choice“The Usual”You can follow a traditional program of running and lifting heavy things – getting stronger but without actually getting better at much of anything.“Extra Spicy”You can begin to systematically teach yourself new skills and movement patterns that will change the way you think of what your body is capable of forever. Realign Your Perception Of Movement Reality bwandcolor02Changing the way you move changes the way you see your body’s place in the world.When you unlock your movement abilities, it’s like discovering a new color you’ve never seen before. Physical experiences are richer. Pain and doubt are replaced by confidence and curiosity.Suddenly, everything is just a lot more fun. Here’s how we make it happen:Clear Instruction – The tutorials are clear and easy-to-follow and can easily be put on a mobile device to take them with you when you workout. Ryan shows you exactly what you need to know in the clearest possible way and then gets out of your way.Sophisticated (but not complicated) Programing – Floor Two consists of over four months of programming that constantly builds week after week to create a total training effect that’s greater than the sum of the skills you’ll be practicing.GMB Method – Our imaginatively named GMB Method is the educational philosophy which underlies our entire curriculum of training programs and makes it easy for you to learn to move better, regardless of your background.Each component contributes directly to your mastery of the flow routine you’ll train to develop graceful and fluid movement with total body control.


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