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Gold Medal Bodies – Floor One

GMB – Floor One
[6 eBook – PDF, 75 M4V]


The EXCLUSIVE!!What Do You Really Want From Your Body?You’ve prob­a­bly never been asked that before, have you? It’s OK, take some time to think about it, because it’s important.We’re not going to try to tell you what to think. People have been doing that all your life, and maybe you’ve even started to believe that the answers you’re sup­posed to give are really the right ones for you. They may be.Maybe the most impor­tant thing in your life is six pack abs. Or hav­ing right­eous biceps you can show off in pictures.That’s cool, because we all get to decide our own priorities.But if we had to wager, we’d put our money on you hav­ing deeper motives. Not to say you aren’t inter­ested in look­ing hot. Everybody wants to look hot. But maybe, just maybe, that’s a sec­ondary or ter­tiary goal for you. Maybe the thing you really want from your body is just to know that you can count on it to serve you when you need it.For some peo­ple, that’s going to mean being able to per­form wicked feats of strength like hand­stand push-​​ups. For oth­ers, it’s going to come down to “How am I going to get this new TV up the stairs?”Regardless of how lofty (or not) your spe­cific per­for­mance goals hap­pen to be, you can prob­a­bly dig the idea of feel­ing at home in your body, mov­ing with pur­pose, and hav­ing con­fi­dence in your abil­i­ties when play­ing with your kids or help­ing your cousin move. Wouldn’t you like to feel that you could be ready for anything?The point is that your body is your inter­face with the world. The bet­ter you can con­trol that inter­face, the more you’re going to get out of life (and the more you’ll be able to put back in).In Floor One, you’ll develop full body con­trol by learn­ing how to per­form var­i­ous bal­ance and tum­bling moves sim­i­lar to those you’d see in gymnastics.So How Is Doing Gymnastics Going To Help?Honestly, if we thought that was the answer, we wouldn’t have even made this. We’d tell you to find a gym­nas­tics stu­dio to train at.At Gold Medal Bodies, we draw on a vari­ety of influ­ences. Gymnastics is cer­tainly one of them — gym­nasts are mas­ters of body con­trol and apply­ing that abil­ity to learn­ing new skills. Besides that, they are proof that this kind of train­ing will make you strong.But Gymnastics, as a sport, takes a lot of time and ded­i­ca­tion to get any good at. Anyone who thinks they can just start doing back tucks and iron crosses is sadly mistaken.Athleticism, real ath­leti­cism, is a com­bi­na­tion of qual­i­ties that allow us to apply our strengths to the task at hand. Some of those qual­i­ties are bal­ance, grace, agility, coor­di­na­tion, adapt­abil­ity, poise, etc., etc.. We think a lot of these sim­ply come down to one thing: being able to con­trol your body.And that’s some­thing you don’t need to be an ath­lete to ben­e­fit from.While Gymnastics is a great sport and obvi­ously pro­duces ath­letes who are as skilled as they are strong, Floor One isn’t about teach­ing you Gymnastics.Here’s what’s really going on:The GMB MethodAll of our Gold Medal Bodies pro­grams are built on a shared foun­da­tion we call “the GMB Method,” which is prob­a­bly not the most cre­ative name we could have set­tled on, but by this point, it’s just too hard to change.The GMB Method is obvi­ously influ­enced by gym­nas­tics, but it also draws heav­ily on our years of expe­ri­ence in clin­i­cal phys­i­cal ther­apy, edu­ca­tion, and a laun­dry list of var­i­ous mar­tial arts.It looks a lit­tle some­thing like this:Strength Building > Skill Building > Flow Acquisition > Flow MasteryLearning to do new things with your body always comes down, at the most basic level, to expand­ing your phys­i­cal abil­i­ties. That’s why we begin all our pro­grams with Strength Building, to help you build a foun­da­tion for pow­er­ful and con­fi­dent move­ment. And since we never want to just be “almost strong enough,” this is where we work very hard to make sure you develop the strength nec­es­sary to per­form the later skills right.The next phase is Skill Building, and this is were we work on per­form­ing more com­plex and sophis­ti­cated move­ments. In this part of the pro­gram, you’ll have two main goals:Manage to per­form new skillsMaster per­form­ing them beautifully.Throughout F1, you’ll find us remind­ing you to “make it pretty” by focus­ing not only on proper exer­cise form, but also on mak­ing each move­ment as grace­ful and smooth as pos­si­ble. The ben­e­fit of mind­ful skill prac­tice is not just coor­di­na­tion (which can be devel­oped by con­tin­u­ally per­form­ing tasks with greater com­plex­ity) but total body con­trol, which you can only learn by… con­trol­ling your body.Doing more reps is nice, but doing bet­ter reps is the secret sauce that cre­ates athleticism.Once your basic skills are honed, the real fun begins. The Flow Acquisition phase is all about piec­ing these var­i­ous skills together into mini-​​routines that chal­lenge you to adapt to changes and fur­ther refine the indi­vid­ual skills. Instead of train­ing hand­stands, jumps, and tum­bling as sep­a­rate goals, we’re actu­ally teach­ing your body to shift seam­lessly from one style of move­ment to the next, and this means greater agility and adapt­abil­ity in all your activities.Finally, we come to the Flow Mastery phase, which is where we’ll drill a sin­gle “mas­ter rou­tine” what includes all of the fun­da­men­tal skills of ath­let­ics: hand­bal­anc­ing, leg bal­anc­ing, jumps, tum­bling, and iso­met­ric holds.The mas­ter Floor One flow rou­tine will chal­lenge every aspect of your body’s capa­bil­i­ties in a short, self-​​contained pat­tern, much like a mar­tial arts kata except for the fact that it’s totally scal­able to your own level of fit­ness — con­tin­u­ally ready to add the next layer of dif­fi­culty once you’ve mas­tered the cur­rent challenge.Strength vs. Skill – A Delicate Balance?Unfortunately, this seems to con­fuse some peo­ple. Let’s set the record straight right now: prac­tic­ing the skills in F1 will not make you lose the strength you’ve already built. No way, no how. In fact, it will make you even stronger.When we talk about “skill train­ing,” we’re not say­ing you should quit doing things that make you strong and focus instead on under­wa­ter bas­ket weav­ing or some jive like that. F1 is 100% jive-​​free.It all comes down to choos­ing skills that con­tinue to chal­lenge your strength.As an exam­ple, take the 180-​​degree con­trol jumps from Phase 2 of Floor One. The jump is still an explo­sive strength move. At first, you’ll dial down the ampli­tude of your jumps so you can focus on land­ing pre­cisely, but as you build con­trol (“make it pretty”), you’ll start jump­ing higher again. F1 is full of this kind of thing — strength exer­cises that become skill exer­cises and then become strength exer­cises once again after some practice.You’ll also be doing ded­i­cated con­di­tion­ing all through­out each phase of the pro­gram, so los­ing your strength will be the least of your wor­ries on Floor One.You will learn skills.You will have fun.You will also get strong.Word.Floor One Course ComponentsThere’s a lot of mate­r­ial in Floor One, so let’s go ahead and break down each of the com­po­nents so you can see what you’re getting.Essential Programming for Strength and ControlThe Core Edition of Floor One includes every­thing you need to get strong and learn some very cool skills.Movement Library – These videos explain, in detail, every sin­gle vari­a­tion of every sin­gle exer­cise in the pro­gram — over 50 of them. GMB is famous for teach­ing the high-​​leverage details that make a dif­fer­ence. As always, the instruc­tion videos include clear voice over instruc­tion and writ­ten points that match those in the manual.Workout Videos – Session ref­er­ence videos for each day of the pro­gram at both begin­ner and inter­me­di­ate lev­els. You can load these into you iPhone or other device and carry them out­side to refer to dur­ing your session.Printable Training Charts – 14 weeks worth of charts (for each level, so 28 weeks, total) that guide you though the entire process with no guess­work. Just tape the week’s chart to your wall as a ref­er­ence and record your progress after each workout.Warm-​​Up Session – To ensure you get the most out of your prac­tice with the least chance of injury, we cre­ated this full-​​body warm-​​up rou­tine that pre­pares your joints and mus­cles for the work you’ll per­form dur­ing your train­ing sessions.GMB Flexibility Module – This is prob­a­bly the most thor­ough instruc­tion you’ve ever seen on how to increase your flex­i­bil­ity safely and incre­men­tally. Flexibility is not optional on F1, and you’ll be using this mate­r­ial dur­ing your cool-​​downs and on active recov­ery days.Floor One Implementation Manual – This is what ties it all together, includ­ing back­ground on the GMB Method, train­ing the­ory, how to prac­tice, how to progress, how to know when you need more work before mov­ing on, etc… We’ve totally redesigned our train­ing man­ual tem­plate to be even eas­ier to use than those in pre­vi­ous courses, so you can quickly access the info and find answers to all your questions.Targeted Training for Specialized SkillsIn the Deluxe Edition of Floor One (yes, you absolutely want this), you’ll of course have all of the essen­tials listed above, but we’ve also included the fol­low­ing com­po­nents you’ve been ask­ing us to cre­ate for you.Trunk Strength Series – You’ve never seen core exer­cises like these. Everyone knows that core strength is a major key to health and per­for­mance, and this is a com­pletely unique rou­tine designed to strengthen your trunk from every angle and direction.Movement Explorations – These are extra videos show­ing some of the pos­si­bil­i­ties for play­ing with gym­nas­tic skills. We’ll demon­strate some appli­ca­tions and ideas for tak­ing the move­ments you prac­tice in the F1 and going a step beyond.Planche Progression – By pop­u­lar demand… how could we not include this. The planche is one of the most cov­eted skills of body con­trol and sheer strength, and until now, there hasn’t been a good resource for learn­ing it (and what tuto­ri­als you could find left way too many gaps in the progression).Sit Progression – The “Sits” are the non-​​inverted skills of hand­bal­anc­ing. In this spe­cial video, we’ll teach you how to build the strength you need to pull them off right and show you a log­i­cal pro­gres­sion from the very basics (lit­er­ally sit­ting) all the way up to a high V-​​Sit.GMB Recovery Guide – Also avail­able as a stand­alone guide, we feel this resource can make the dif­fer­ence between mak­ing your­self tired and actu­ally mak­ing progress. Recovery is one of the most impor­tant and most often over­looked aspects of phys­i­cal train­ing, so make sure you put this tool to good use. Includes our ency­clo­pe­dia of recov­ery meth­ods, Vibration Method video, and Big 3 daily yoga pos­tures video.Odds and EndsLiving Room Gymnastics – One of the first things we always hear from peo­ple when we talk about prac­tic­ing gym­nas­tic move­ments is “I don’t have any­where I can do gym­nas­tics.” This isn’t gym­nas­tics, so you don’t need a spe­cial floor, tights, or really even very much space at all. We made this short video in Andy’s liv­ing room to demon­strate how the F1 flow rou­tine can be per­formed in a tight space and how to make adjust­ments for your environment.More – Yes, “more.” There are a bunch of things we want to give you as part of F1 that we know are going to help you get strong and have fun, but hon­estly some of them are much eas­ier to show you than to tell you about.If all of that was half as exhaust­ing to read as it was to type, we apol­o­gize, but don’t worry: each of the com­po­nents in Floor One fits into a spe­cific place and serves a pur­pose towards help­ing you build the body you want — one that responds to your wishes and looks damn good in the process.We’ve spent count­less hours decid­ing what we’d include in this pro­gram and what just didn’t belong.We know you don’t live to work­out. We don’t either. Everything you see above has been tried and tested and worked into an inte­gral whole that you can imple­ment as part of your lifestyle.We’ve taken all the guess­ing out of mas­ter­ing your body. All that’s left is for you to do the work.Put This To Work In Your Life And Learn To Move Like You’ve Always Wished You CouldAll together, the Deluxe Edition of Floor One includes dozens of videos (not even going to bother count­ing), seven months of struc­tured pro­gram­ming, and plenty of addi­tional prac­tice to keep you busy for a long time after that.After this week is over and we begin sell­ing F1 at full price, it’s going to be a steal at $97. In fact, you’d pay at least that much just to buy the bonus and Deluxe com­po­nents separately.More impor­tantly though, Floor One bridges the gap between prac­tic­ing the skills you want to learn and build­ing the strength you know you need. We have seen noth­ing on the mar­ket (and we have been look­ing) that even approaches F1 in terms of pro­vid­ing a com­pre­hen­sive course in devel­op­ing the core com­pe­ten­cies of an ath­lete with­out going so far as to devote your life to actu­ally being a full-​​time athlete.Strength, yes… but also agility, coor­di­na­tion, bal­ance, flex­i­bil­ity, and full body control.


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