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Gregory Bateson – Rare Material

Gregory Bateson
[3 MP3] + [5 DOCs]



For those who are interested in the history of NLP.This is bonus part of the Virginia Satir GB ans is uploaded according to the request of user Muinro and is presenting you Gregory Bateson who  is considered one of the forefathers of NLP since Bandler and Grinderdid their modeling of NLP on Bateson, Satir and EricksonEpigrams coined by or referred to by BatesonNumber is different from quantity. The map is not the territory, and the name is not the thing named. Coined by Alfred Korzybski. There are no monotone “values” in biology. “Logic is a poor model of cause and effect.”[9] Language commonly stresses only one side of any interaction. Double description is better than one. Bateson defines information as “a difference that makes a difference.”[10] The source of the new is the random. What is true is that the idea of power corrupts. Power corrupts most rapidly those who believe in it, and it is they who will want it most. Obviously, our democratic system tends to give power to those who hunger for it and gives every opportunity to those who don’t want power to avoid getting it. Not a very satisfactory arrangement if power corrupts those who believe in it and want it. Bateson also coined the term double-bind and also the term “unearned fish”(give prize even when none deserved to encourage learning).While NLP was born under the influence of the two prominent figures of this century, namely, Milton H. Erickson and Gregory Bateson (1904-1980), Guhen Kitaoka firmly believes that Bateson will before long (presumably in the 21st century) come to be recognised posthumously as “another Einstein of the 20th century” or even as beyond him. Bateson was a British born anthropologist who studied communicational patterns in New Guinea and Bali and later conducted research in psychiatry at the Mental Research Institute in Palo Alto, California, USA. The “Palo Alto Group” under Bateson’s theoretical and Don D. Jackson’s clinical leadership contributed the formation of the theory of schizophrenia in the 50’s; the notions of their theory such as “Double Bind” and “Logical Types” are not limited to the cases of schizophrenia but have an universal applicability to human communication in general. What is important in their research is the discovery that, contrary to common sense, the difference between schizophrenics and “normal” human beings is not absolute but rather relative; namely, both are governed by the same principles of mentation, but a minor error in applying these principles makes a big difference; this is well shown in the example of “syllogism in grass” used by schizophrenics which is given by Bateson in “Angels Fear”, his posthumous book edited by his daughter, Mary Catherine Bateson. Namely; Short but rare recordings of the man.EnjoyBateson writes: ‘By change I mean a ceasing to be true of some little chip or big chunk of descriptive material. … I started to study change on the assumption that there was something called “not change”, and I arrived in a world in which the only thing that is ever reported to me is change, which either goes on independently of me or is created by my movement – change in relationship to me.’ Enjoy


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