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Guntwitch – Dynamic sex life (for ipod)

1-01 Dynamic sex life.m4b
[1 m4b]


Description Induce arousal in a woman without her even knowing what is happening. Other guys nearly become physically ill at your ability to do this and have her loving every minute of it.# Get over the fear of approaching women anytime, anyplace and instead feel GOOD about it. Be compelled to approach automatically. You learn this without any sort of self hypnosis style “mind-fu”.# Know the best and worst places to meet women based on exact specifics about all the common places. No guess work.# Target the right women to approach and avoid the wrong women. A HUGELY overlooked area to save you time.# Understand how the HOTTEST women are in fact the easiest to get in to bed vs average or plain looking types, if you know what to do.# Destroy the problems you have in thinking about women, compared to guys who are successful. Learn how these thoughts come through in your personality to destroy your vibe with women.# Figure out how women are conditioned by modern society, television and culture to make your mind twist and turn and have you never really “understanding the game”. Finally get how women LIKE having this control and how to turn it around on them.# Get her talking to you, not you simply talking at her. Worth the price of the course alone. You know that for sure if you have ever had one sided conversations that go nowhere before, and how weird that can make you feel.# Learn a FAST trick for getting her and yourself over the initial awkwardness of meeting OUTSIDE of work, parties, social gatherings etc. Never have to rely on: the places where its “OK” to talk to strangers, again.# KNOW ONE simple sentence that will get you out of a dead spot in the conversation. FAST, and in fact get her talking a ton, while lightening the mood.# Get oral sex without even asking for it.# Install all the mindsets I teach you. So they are part of YOUR REAL PERSONALITY, not altering you in any way, and not some fake act you aren’t comfortable with.# Make women think they have “invited” you to approach them, even though you induced it.# Get women to think about certain things you want them to think about, without her even knowing you have done anything. There is a way to do this that most just never realize, or enjoy the power of!# Get a certain woman in bed you already know, or a woman you want to get back. A woman that any change in personality you show her will not work on. How to break out of that state of limbo and actually make her COME TO YOU.# RULE over parties and social circles while still being yourself.# Blow away “players” or “cool guys” at parties who are in competition for the women you want, and seem to be winning because of charm, dominance, looks or status.# Never feel like a wimp or loser because of some other guys actions again, and instead dominate the scene. You will not believe my 5-pronged approach to social control, until next time you are out at a party or get together and then watch it happen just as I explain it.# Easily handle it when she brings up a boyfriend during your conversation. Never miss this one again and end up her “friend” rather than her lover.# Approach and meet a woman without saying a single word at the beach or lake, or on a bus or train and have her be really receptive.# Get over your ex-girlfriend or a bad relationship and move on without that “cloud hanging over your head”.# Not ruin long term relationships when you do find that one special chick. I ain’t gonna claim to be an expert here, I suck with relationships after the “honeymoon phase”, but do have some advice on things not to do, that have ended several of mine.# Know the RIGHT things to say to start a conversation.# Know the WRONG way to think about or deliver your first line or approach.# NOT do ONE thing, which will install many positive ways of behaving, thinking about yourself and dealing with women RAPIDLY.# Have a blast with a friend, AND work with him to get you both laid out at a bar or nightclub. Special “wingman” tactics.# Knock THE biggest single mistake guys make in dealing with women right out of you. Take care of this and you get laid a lot. Ignore it and you simply don’t.# Avoid the wrong topics of conversation. “Vibe killers” from the beyond that will make SURE you don’t get laid.# Replace the old ones with the right topics of conversation so you don’t seem like a tongue tied weirdo.# Avoid going in for the kiss altogether and work around it in a natural smooth way that lets it just happen.# Relate with her to get her feeling like she already knows you and can trust you.# Have THE key, every wanna be pick up artist misses this one. One key to getting a woman to go home with you, THE SAME DAY you meet her, and have sex with you.# Be able to get ALL types of women in ALL types of places. From bars and nightclubs, to classes at school, to the mall, to the local grocery store. From that busty perfect blond in the minni dress, to the brunette with the perfect face and body. Younger to older women, smart or stupid, classy to punk rocker.# Do all this while STILL being yourself, without looks money and status.


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