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Guy Finley – The Four Fundamental Principles of Spiritual Freedom

Guy Finley – The Four Fundamental Principles of Spiritual Freedom
[WebRip – 1MP4, 1 MP3]


Description Exclusive… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned! Guy Finley – The Four Fundamental Principles of Spiritual Freedom ~~~ NOTE: Video and audio have the same content – no need to download both unless you want to. ~~~Product DescriptionWithin you dwells a beautiful, higher mind that you may not yet be aware of. Its power includes perfect judgment, effortless intuition, tireless compassion, and spontaneous creativity. Once you’re introduced to its infinite possibilities and feel even a touch of its celestial strength, your experience of life will never again be the same!The higher mind defies easy description, but the essence of its power comes from giving you the option, any time you wish, to enter into a completely different world.A world where: • You have direct contact with higher wisdom — so that your understanding in every moment is deeper and clearer • Your relationships are more true, more loving, and less complicated — because you yourself have a closer relationship with these celestial qualities • You have a greater sense of serenity and security, because you understand the nature of stillness and strength • You experience new impressions and new energies • Something within you can meet each moment — whatever it may bring — and transform it for the good of everyoneThis new, higher order of reality within you is the world of spiritual freedom.And no matter how old you are, or what cards life has dealt you thus far, you can learn to touch this brighter realm any time you wish — even as you continue to live your regular, practical life.The Four Fundamental Principles of Spiritual Freedom offers you all the tools you need to break out of the cycle of dissatisfaction and discover a higher inner kingdom grounded in clarity and contentment! ~~~ VIP+ Now Power Users: 3 days Users: Please upgrade, as per the rules. Thank you for understanding! ~~~ IN Joy! ~~~


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