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Harv Eker – Secrets of Inner Power 2.0

[Webrip – 48 MP4, 19 PDF, 39 MP3]


FREE FOR CONTRIBUTORS OF:Mike Mandel – Graphology GB CLOSEDThe Secrets Of Inner Power Revealed: How To Master Your Mind, Uncover Your True Self & Succeed In Any Area Of LifeStop dreaming of success & start living it – train your mind to work for you (instead of against you) in this enlightening 7-part video training by T. Harv Eker. It’s one of our most powerful programs yet.Introducing The Secrets Of Inner Power 2.0 Program – A Powerful Video Course To Help You Finally Claim The Life You DeserveHave you ever found yourself wondering why you aren’t as successful as you’d like to be?Have you ever put off the opportunity to pursue your goals, or told yourself it’s “not the right time” to go after them?Do you already know what path you want to take, and what steps you need to get there… but it feels like a force is holding you back from moving forward?If you’re like most people, you probably answered “yes” to at least one of these questions.But there’s no need to be embarrassed.Because if you’re struggling to create your ideal life… if you find yourself wondering how you’re ever going to meet your goals… and if you’ve started to wonder if you’ll ever get to start crossing items off your bucket list……then CONGRATULATIONS. You’re in the right place!The Secrets Of Inner Power 2.0 Program Will Help YouMaster Your Mind, Develop Your True Character & Succeed No Matter What – In Just 7 Simple LessonsSecrets Of Inner Power 2.0 teaches you how to become confident, happy, fulfilled, loving AND successful, while demolishing any self-destructive beliefs and disempowering thoughts that are preventing you from living your ultimate life.Taught over 7 Modules in 7 weeks, you’ll learn the exact strategies T. Harv Eker has used to find success in his own life. By the end, you will master your mind and become the powerful being you were meant to be.This is the most powerful mindset course that we have ever published. The format is super effective, yet easy to apply. It’s all rooted in techniques and practices that Harv has discovered, developed and taught for the past 25 years.Module 1: True Self vs. False SelfMost of us live not as our original self, but our FALSE SELF — the person we were taught to become. Using the Japanese Samurai philosophy of becoming a warrior, you’ll learn how to differentiate between your true self and false self, and develop and master your true self — the powerful person you originally were when you came into this world.Module 2: The Power Of Unconditional ActionLearn specific techniques on bridging your Inner World (thoughts and emotions) and Outer World (RESULTS) to help you take action in spite of your fears, doubts, worries, and ANYTHING — in order to succeed and find happiness in the real world.Module 3: How To Detect & Eliminate Your “Mindfrick”Don’t believe a thought you think! Your mind will tell you anything and create any stories it wants you to believe to protect you. But that could also mean thoughts that are stopping you from taking action. Harv calls this “Mindfrick”, and he teaches you how to detect its many toxic phrases and flip the script to work for you instead.Module 4: 16 Ways To Access Your PowerIn this Module, you’ll discover 16 strategies and practices that Harv personally uses to access your power and conquer your “Mindfrick”, including powerful declarations, mottos and statements that will strengthen your trust in yourself.Module 5: How Accountability Shapes Your RealityA warrior is 100% accountable and takes full responsibility for her or his life. In this Module, you’ll learn how you create your own reality, success, failure and mediocrity, and how to hold and nurture your power by taking responsibility for the results in your life.Module 6: Integrity Is Your Most Important ValueIntegrity is probably the most important value you can have, yet many of us still struggle to keep our commitments by turning to excuses, exaggerations and “little white lies”. In this Module, you will learn why your word must be LAW and how that one principle will dramatically impact your life.Module 7: Develop Self-Approval For Happiness & SuccessThe final Module highlights one of the biggest obstacles that causes misery and prevents you from reaching your true potential — both in happiness and financial success. You’ll learn how to eliminate the need to seek validation from others by developing your own self-approval, so that you can truly accept, recognize and not give a damn what others think about you.VIP Access: 2020-03-04PU Access: 2020-04-04USER Access: NEVER


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