Heather Havenwood – Dating Up: How To Date Younger Women
Dating Up How to Date Younger Women
[ 5 CD – MP3, 8 ebooks – PDF]
Heather HavenwoodDating Up: How to Date Younger Women It’s a given that older men in general upon finding information in this genre are naturally intrigued – it’s in our older DNA and not much we can really do about it. Anyway, I was intrigued.The author’s name is Heather Havenwood, who teaches and coaches men how to succeed with women and how not to be taken advantage of.She is a seductive looking creature who introduces herself as “your new best friend”.She extends that introduction by stating that “she is a woman who thinks like a man” and that she helps older guys live out their fantasies with the beautiful young women of their dreams while turning their buddies green with envy in the process.OK, at that point she’s got my attention so let’s investigate further.Revelations According To Heather Dating Up: How To Date Younger WomenAccording to Heather, younger women of her ilk would prefer not to date men their own age. They enjoy fine dining, wine, good music, stimulating conversation – the touch of a real man as opposed to the “wham bam” usual of the average 25 year old “one-hump-chump” that thinks he’s God’s gift.According to Heather, us older guys have it all but we are too blind to recognize it. We trip and fall over pretty young girls, into the laps of the same old hags that are on a mission to make our lives a living hell.According to Heather, it’s not our fault it’s just what we are used to, all that we know.And according to Heather, like anything else we have to learn the steps to securing and closing the deal. We have to learn the new vocabulary, the new mannerisms, and most importantly the sequence and rhythm that attracts young women.She still has my attention, let’s investigate even further.Why She Created This CourseHeather says that young women in today’s world are quite different from their mothers. They make their own money drive their own cars live in their own apartments and manage their own lives.They want it all and they want it now.But the the big secret she says is that a majority of young women today are miserable. While outwardly they portray themselves as happy and independent, secretly they hate making all of their own decisions and desperately crave leadership.Thus the reason she created the course. There is a major disconnect.Her premise is there are scores of older men out there who want to be with young women (if they knew how), and scores of young women who have figured out that with older guys if they give them everything they need, older guys will be there to lead them, to take care of them, and advise them.I hadn’t considered that. Let’s keep going.The 17 “Hush-Hush” Psychological TriggersIt boils down to, she says, 17 simple psychological triggers things that women don’t even know attract them but do… uncontrollably.These are primitive triggers and more tricks and tweaks than anything else rather than things you have to do.All you have to do is follow the formula which can be mastered in as little as a weekend.Triggers she says are amazing things because they don’t work some of the time, but all of the time. And she promises that if you follow the triggers she shows you will succeed.Once you have mastered them she assures you won’t have to learn them again, triggers that work with all women even women that you deal with in business, or other personal relationships.No point in turning back now. Let’s get to the meat of this.Her Complete 1-2-3 System Dating Up: How To DAte Younger WomenApparently, there is a science to older men dating young women.Information is power and Heather sates that she has it and that us older men need it. She presents that information in her Complete 1-2-3 System which she seals with her personal guarantee.The system is laid out in 5 core modules and there are two additional bonus modules as well.Heather’s sales page has several client endorsements and her concluding message is a humdinger:“Just follow my system, listen to the recordings, make a few notes, and go out on the town. If you haven’t met, dated, and even bedded the hottest young woman you’ve ever had in your life within 30 days, I insist you take your money back. Am I that sure that this will work for you? You bet I am. Why wouldn’t it work for you when it’s worked for every other guy I’ve ever showed it to”?
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