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Hellinger, Bert u. Beaumont, Hunter – Reconciliations – WS New York 2000

[3 VHS – MP4]


Upload by a000 __________________________________________ Quote:Bert Hellinger with Hunter Beaumont Reconciliations Workshop in New York City, June 2000, Vol, 1 – 3 In lune 2000, New York City hosted, for the first time, a workshop with Bert Hellinger and Hunter Beaumont. This videotape set „Reconciliations” documents several of the profound familiy constellations that took place during this histonc two-day event. In a too-small meeting room, with gos-pel music seeping through the walls uninvited and an unpredictable air-con-ditioner, a remarkable gathering of diverse people came together to disco-ver, ..truth about themselves…strengths in one another…movements of the soul as they manifest through family constellations. „Reconciliations” offers viewers the opportunity to see firsthand how various „movements” unfold, as participants mine their own histories to unlock secrets and unacknowledged forces at work. Often obscured from the participant’s visions, out of awareness and yet powerfully, some times destructively, influential in his or her fate, these currents exist whether or not they are attended to. The constella-tions represented here range from very complex and dramatic movements – reaching into the distant past for answers – to simpler, subtler move-ments where questions and answers turn out to be side by side. Bert Hellinger continues to explore, to listen, to remain open and receptive. His work reflects this penchant for growth as it evolves to encompass ever-greater dimrnsionality and purpose. This work is never finished – and always complete. Bert Hellinger is the primary developer of the phenomenological/systernic approach He has won international recognition for his insights into the hid-den laws governing the repeating pat-terns of dysfunction and tragedy in families, the dynamirs of the family conscience and the Orders of Love. His current work is expanding to include an investigation of the ways deceased members may confinue to influence their families and the movements of the soul at work behind family system dynamics Hunter Beaumont continues to develop a broadly based, integrative psycho-therapeutic approach. He has contributed to the development of the phenomenological /systemic approach through his special feeling for the “Child-Soul* within and his ability to facilitate processes and movements of the soul becoming heart felt experien-ce. He is especially interested in incor-porating the insights of the phenomenological/systernic approach into contemporary spirituality. Vol. 1: Lecture About Life, Soul and Conscience • Work Dear Father, bless me as your son • Surrounded by Death Vol. 2: Working with the Descendants of the Nazi Perpetrators and Victims. My Father was in the SS • Surviving the Holocaust Vol. 3: Work: The interrupted Movement • My mother was killed in a car accident • Suicide • Lecture: About Health Reconciliations Bert Hellinger with Hunter Beaumont, Workshop in New York City, lune 2000. 3 * ca 70 min (english), PAL s,LCX.P. 112001 MOVEMENTS OF THE SOUL Video Productens Contact Harald Hohnen Uhlandstraße 161 10719 Berlin, GermanyRipped from VHS by me . A thanks is appreciated.


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