How to Hear the Voice of God 30 Day Course
How to Hear the Voice of God 30-Day Course
[ 31 MP3s]
Description DescriptionDavidPaul Doyle and Candace Doyle have taught tens of thousands of people all over the world how to hear God’s Voice within them as a distinct and conversational voice. Anyone of any age, life experience, or faith can immediately begin to enjoy the life-enriching benefits that hearing God’s Voice within them offers.”This has been an amazing process! In just a few short hours, I’ve learned how to go within and hear the Voice of God within me. I’ve never done anything quite like this before. I now know that with the tools I’ve learned I can become quiet and “tune-in” to hearing God’s Voice very quickly. The benefits are unequalled.” Suzanne Baker, Fort Collins, CO”The very first exercise I did to hear this Voice—BAM! It was there! I now know that in my darkest times I am able to connect with this Voice and see things differently. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.” Robyne Harrington, Whidbey Island, WA”Thank You! I am really overwhelmed by your “How to Hear the Voice of God” audio course! THIS is what I have been waiting for, and I’m only on Lesson 11! I now have the Inner Peace I’ve been seeking for the past 51 years!” Jan Westerhof, HollandWill the Techniques for Communicating with God in this Course Take Up A Lot of My Time?It doesn’t take hours and hours of daily meditation, hiding away on a mountaintop, or participating in a silent retreat three times a year to learn how to hear God’s Voice. The techniques you will learn for communicating with God are adaptable to any schedule. Each daily message is only 5-8 minutes long and includes one 5-minute exercise for you to practice. You can move through the course at your own pace. Some people complete the course in only one week, while others spend more time mastering each step before proceeding to the next.If you’ve ever had the desire to hear God’s Voice within you to receive guidance and direction about your finances, your relationships at home or at work, parenting difficulties, or overcoming tragedies and loss in your life, now is the time to learn how. You will be amazed by how simple it can be. Imagine being able to receive communication from God on any topic you want!What You’ll GetIn this 30-Day Course, you will learn: * How to open the door to a two-way dialogue with God * How to dissolve the obstacles within you that keep you from hearing God * How to know when you are hearing the Voice of God and when you are not * How to tap into this Voice for Love and Peace at any time * How to integrate God’s Voice into your daily lifeYou Will Also Gain Access to: * A simple and effective process for quieting your mind * The 3 keys to hearing God’s Voice as a recognizable, conversational Voice within you * Increased confidence as you receive guidance and direction in your life * PLUS…. a direct and permanent process for healing your most painful emotions, past and presentDo you think it’s impossible FOR YOU to learn how to hear God’s Voice as a distinct and conversational voice in your life?For the first nine months this program was available, every participant was surveyed at the end of 30 days. Thousands of people were surveyed.The results were incredible … * 82% of all students said the course was effective or very effective in helping them open up to hearing God’s Voice in their lives. * 78% said it was effective or very effective in helping them quiet their mind. * 98% said they had more, a lot more, or a tremendous amount more peace, understanding, and personal connection in their lives as a result of the course.Some of the gifts you’ll receive from hearing God’s Voice: * Ability to receive clear guidance and direction for any question you ask * Understanding your life’s purpose and how to achieve it * Direct experience of your True Nature and how to live your highest potential each day * More love for yourself, your family, friends, and others * More peace and clarity in your life * Knowingness that you have never been separate from God, and never will be * The state of mind necessary to be a catalyst for true healing in the worldDavidPaul and Candace Doyle have poured their hearts and souls into making this 30-Day Course the simplest, quickest, and most effective way to learn how to hear the Voice of God in a very clear and recognizable way.”I’ve always had the desire to learn how to hear the Voice of God, but I didn’t think it was attainable for me. DavidPaul and Candace have such a gift for making communicating with God entirely attainable and within easy reach that after only a few hours, I was able to connect with God’s Voice within me and receive very direct communication with God during meditation. This connection has meant so much to me. It is like talking to someone who truly loves you and wants only the best for you, and who gives you exactly what you need to hear, exactly when you need to hear it.” Brenda Johnson, Kansas City, MO”I am thrilled beyond belief about your How to Hear the Voice of God 30-Day Course. I have been to soooo many workshops, even have my Masters in Spiritual Psychology and nothing has made a difference in shifting out of the ego into the Voice of God like your messages. I am so grateful to you both for sharing what you’ve learned and experienced. From the bottom of my heart, thank you, thank you, thank you.” Sue Ellen”God bless you for your 30-Day Course on how to hear God’s Voice! Your teachings have touched my life in ways that I never thought possible. I have more faith and trust in God than ever before. This experience is one of the most precious gifts that God could have given to me! I just wanted to say thank you God for DavidPaul and Candace Doyle’s program. This is so beautiful, so peaceful, so wonderful. I feel sincerely blessed. Thank you!” Rose Johnson”I personally found your instructions on how to quiet the mind chatter and get in touch with the Voice of the Holy Spirit to be the most helpful and transformative I’ve ever been given.” Rev. Georgie Richardson, Unity Church of Salem, ORIf You Want to … * Understand how to hear the Voice of God * Know and feel you are not alone * See your world through God’s eyes * Let go of guilt, fear, sorrow, blame and anger * Receive your own answers, instead of seeking answers from others * And much more…Don’t let this opportunity for hearing God’s Voice in a very clear and recognizable way pass you by.
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