Private Library for Anything and Everything Stop Seeking Approval

[1 CD- 1 MP3]



It’s time to stop constantly seeking approval from othersWe all like to be liked and to bask in the sunshine of approval from other people. That’s human nature. We are social creatures, and we like to feel that we are ‘getting along’ with those around us. Conversely, we don’t really like friction and conflict, and can feel very uncomfortable if we think others don’t approve of us. But getting the balance right is tricky. The unfortunate fate of the people pleaser But if you don’t find a healthy balance between pleasing others and valuing yourself, you risk becoming a ‘doormat’ – someone whose own views and values are of no account to themselves or anyone else. And this can leave you feeling bitter and worthless. The fact is, everybody uses a doormat, but nobody appreciates one. They are beneath notice. Recognizing the approval seeking trap The trap we fall into is believing that if we always do what others want, they will be bound to approve of us. This is what it looks like on the surface, and many people exploit it, consciously or unwittingly. Parents use it on their children, teachers on their pupils, bosses on their employees, friends and lovers and spouses on each other. Do what I want and I will ‘approve’ of you. What does ‘approval’ mean? That ‘approval’ can manifest in many different ways. It might be ‘love’. It might be permission to do certain things. It might be a pass mark. It might be keeping your job. It might be not being abandoned. But whatever the manifestation, we all tend to interpret it as meaning ‘this person approves of who I am, so I must be alright’. And if the approval is not forthcoming, we tend to instantly conclude ‘I am not alright’. Finding the balance so we don’t need approval all the time If we’re lucky, as we grow up we gradually learn that trying to please everybody all of the time ends up pleasing no one and not even ourselves. We slowly identify our own standards and values, and can hold to those in the face of disapproval from others. We learn to cope with not being liked and approved of by everybody. We find the balance. The consequences of not finding the balance But if we’re not so lucky – perhaps raised by parents who were impossible to please, or growing up in a culture which maintains control by belittling or criticizing people – we can get caught in a pattern of people pleasing and constant approval seeking. We hand over our sense of self-worth to others and give them undue power over us. In the long run, this leads to bitterness, resentment, low self-esteem and poor relationships with those around us. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Using hypnosis to stop seeking approval from others Stop seeking approval is an audio hypnosis session which uses the power of hypnosis to reach right down to the unconscious roots of approval seeking behavior patterns and pull them up. When you listen to Stop seeking approval you will find yourself entering what may be an entirely unfamiliar state of deep peace of mind, where whatever you are and whatever you feel is perfectly okay. You may realize for the very first time what a terrible drain on your energy approval seeking has been. It’s truly wonderful when that stops. As you take in the powerful therapeutic suggestions from Stop seeking approval more deeply through repeated listening, you will find yourself effortlessly constructing a new ‘model of the world’ in your mind. You will begin to see yourself in a much more balanced relationship with the world. And you will hypnotically experience what it is like to get out there and be your own person, living your own life, in your own way.…Always am up for a group buy from downloads from hypnosis downloads .com, just shoot me a PM if you are up to gaining some more knowledge from the site.


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