HypnoZorro – Psychic Pathways
[9 MP3s]
The Amazing HypnoZorro presents PSYCHIC PATHWAYS , a series of hypnotic recordings to build a framework for developing and amplifying psychic talents like telepathy , aura sensing , object reading , pre and post cognition etc . There will also be future application modules like THOUGHTFORM PROJECTION and DREAMNOSIS .There are a couple of induction choices along with the patter . Also included are mp3s for waking from trance or transitioning to sleep . There is even a mp3 to transfer hypnotic guidance from my voice to another person’s voice if you want to include different methods for psychic development or do psychic work with someone else in the room .During week one , you will listen an induction , the patter psychic pathways , and either the waking or transition mp3 . During week two , your patter will be psychic timelines , and week three , the patter will be dragonflight . If you have time , you may listen to the previous week’s patter . For example in week three , you would listen to the dragonflight patter , then the timeline patter , and if you still have time the pathway patter .
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