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Ideagasms – Womanize 30 Day Course (1 Ebook – PDF)




This is ONLY the written course for the 30 days, not the video. I don’t have the videos, I copied and pasted this off seductiondatabase and made a pdf. I was going to rearrange the text and stuff, but it would take days, its VERY big.Quote: To Womanize.30-Day Intensive Step-by-Step Training in the Art of Pickup, Dating, “Getting Physical”, and Living the Dream….Unlike Anything Else on the Market… this is Guaranteed to Blow the Mind’s of Students at All Levels (and even the World’s Best Pickup Instructors) Because it is so Simple….A Complete Paradigm Shift in Dating Technologies.From: Stephane HemonDate: October 2009Dear Reader,Today we shall focus on letting the greedy inner ‘pickup artist’ take a well-deserved, long, long sleep… forever. It is the inner ‘rock star’, the smooth-talking inner ‘PUA’, the socially clever ninja who is able to accomplish any magical pickup of the hottest “tens”… in fact, he doesn’t even bother with “tens” anymore; he only does 12’s and up!He represents, of course, not the real ‘you’, but the ‘you’ that hypothetically could, would, and should have been. He is the guy you were supposed to become when you discovered the Internet and learned that there were lines and tactics and strategies that could be used to make women think you’re just wonderful. Marvelous, really. God’s Gift to women.The ego, despite all of its claims of humility, thinks that you, Dear Reader, are just wonderful. Absolutely incredible. Even the man who claims to hate, loathe, and despise himself is actually secretly ‘in love’ with himself.That is, there is a tiny invisible layer of consciousness which envelops the body-mind… it is right between the ego and the Silent Witness. It represents narcissism, and it is a quality of consciousness you could call “self-love.” It is so enamored and ‘in love’ with the body-mind that it has invented all kinds of wonderful archetypes, identities, self-images, and personality aspects.One such aspect of the male ego is the inner ‘god of women’. Even if women don’t really respond all that well to him in the real world, that’s quite alright… he loves to imagine that they do. He loves to fantasize and romanticize, and he dreams big.“Let Your Pride Die For Women”It is time to let him rest. He is, after all, a very hardworking imaginary friend and he got you this far. He is the one who helped you practice seducing women in your mind (and furiously masturbating to them and enjoying them as fully as possible and in every direction). Although the average male sleeps with about seven women, in his mind, he f-cks the whole world. And, he does them sooo well that they never had a better lover; he leaves women stunned and shocked, forever catching their breaths… he silences their mind’s with his mighty cock and heart of gold. No man will ever hope to compete with the inner PUA, that is a fact!The reason he has to go to sleep for a long time (i.e., for eternity) is simple. It is because he is the one responsible for all of that performance anxiety. Performance in bed, performance in pickup, performance during dates, and performance in love relationships… he is definitely a performer, and where we’re going, Dear Reader, there will be no more need to “perform.”FREEDOMIn the Land of the Truly Free, performance is a childish notion that actually repels women, rather than attracting them. Where we’re headed, less is more. Nothing is needed… Not even a winning personality. Not even high caliber social skills. Not even a massive tree trunk of a hard-on.Pickup, dating, kissing, sex, relationships… it’s all the same.The inner PUA who fancies himself “king of the jungle” tends to view everything as a performance, rather than as a Beingness. A performance involves you, of course, doing all the work, cracking all of the jokes, telling all of the “cool stories that’ll keep her interested”, making all of the right moves, and doing all of the sex. What the performance paradigm is lacking is that it blocks one’s simple Beingness, which is actually the most important and attractive aspect a man can have.The performance paradigm is so narcissistically self-involved that it often actually forgets the woman.It is so concerned about the Me and the My Performance (or lack thereof) that it ends up generating a million thoughts in the space of only one single moment, and when there are too many thoughts going on, they tend to bottleneck. It is like a traffic jam occurs within the mind, and the body simply doesn’t know what to do. So, it freezes. It jams up with emotion, stress, excitement, hesitation, desire, and restlessness.The mouth either stops talking, or it talks way too much and says stupid and unnecessary things. The body becomes tense and rigid; it either puffs up with pride when the woman responds well, or shrinks down in shame when she loses attraction… and there is so much blood in the brain due to all those thoughts… that there isn’t enough blood left over for running the penis.It is time to let the inner PUA dreams of socially-clever perfection go to sleep, forever. The dreams all served you up to this point, but like I said, where we’re going today, no dreams and no performances of any kind are required. Women can be picked up in a state of Silence. Surprised? Well, in the Land of the Truly Free, only Beingness exists. Perfect, harmonious, joyful, innocent, blissful Beingness… in the Land of the Truly Free, attraction and love happen spontaneously of their own when conditions are favorable.I’d like to take you on a 30-day journey into the unknown. After many, MANY years of seeking… and searching… and dating… and picking women up… and relationships… I’ve not only found the Keys to the Kingdom, but I’ve discovered how to actually TEACH MEN how to find their own Keys in a very short period of time.The only requirement is humility.What I’m talking about has nothing to do with fancy tricks, nor is it particularly difficult to learn because there is only un-learning. Anyone ranging from the 27-year-old virgin, to the world’s genius-level pickup artists… to the relationship guy… to the spiritual guy who loves women but can’t quite figure ‘em out… literally ALL MEN shall be stunned by what I’ve gradually discovered and laid out in this program.Over the next 30-days, every day will feel like Christmas morning as you discover brand-new and exciting inner and outer game “Womanizing” tools which are so counter-intuitive that NOBODY in the “seduction and dating community” has figured them out yet, nor are they likely to any time soon. This is because what is shared in this new program is of a different paradigm altogether.Success is DangerousSuccess is “dangerous” in that it often leads to the presumption of “I know the truth about women because I’ve slept with so many of them.” Thus, men often stop seeking, stop searching, and stop evolving because they are successful.Whether you’re a long time student of mine, a complete newbie, or just a guy who reads the free newsletters but hasn’t decided to buy anything, this program is for you. If you want to learn the art of Womanizing to a stunningly successful and fulfilling degree — so much that it makes you cry tears of joy — this is it.If you’re low on cash or can’t afford this program, just sell your car. Re-mortgage your home. Borrow the money. Do whatever it takes. Pray to the good Lord and your dreams of effortless Womanizing will come true.* I don’t usually like to offer “money back guarantees” because I like having clients who know what they want. I have mixed feelings about “marketing” and overly “promoting” things. I’m not “Mr. Marketing Guy”, I’m the man who has been here — available and real, open and vulnerable, hated, slandered, and absolutely adored — for many years… and working damn hard around-the-clock to crack the male/female code in such a way that makes it easy for guys to “get it” and start to live it.Over the years I’ve written newsletters… hundreds of solid newsletters… I don’t tease you, I don’t promise things in an exaggerated fashion, and I don’t make you think my newsletter is going to contain something, only to have you realize it is just another typical sales pitch with nothing but sales-fluff… No, no, no, I have fed you with some pretty tasty treats over the years, but still, I’ve given you NOTHING like what is in this 30-day home study program.Over the years I have brought you squirting orgasm girlfriends and shown you some rather intimate and vulnerable stuff, to say the least. I’ve introduced you to my girlfriends, my ‘circle girls’, and even my wife… I’ve been on the forums with you guys and I’ve shown you that I care deeply about ideaGasms’ students and their results in the real world. Through thick and thin, with the Lord’s help, I’ve stood the test of time and weathered some pretty crazy storms over the years. I’m asking you for just a little trust here…If you want to get this product or not, that is your decision and I respect you. It’s just that… I know what I’ve just created here, God help me, thank you, Oh Lord, and it is SOLID GOLD. I don’t mean to be pushy… I feel like I just won the “female lotto” and all I want to do is share it and party with everyone forever.A Brand-New Paradigm for Pickup and DatingToday’s Internet pickup and dating materials do contain wisdom and practical advice, but what I am offering you here is of a totally different paradigm. In a sense, it is nearly the complete opposite of what the whole world teaches about succeeding with women. I’m not “against” that other stuff, but in Reality, there is a much Higher Way.Although many of the Internet pickup gurus are indeed social engineering geniuses, a whole new world has just opened up for ALL of us to enjoy.Moreover, I’ve found ways of explaining all of this to make it easy to follow and absorb for anyone who understands basic logic and reason.So, while I don’t like offering “money back guarantees”, just this once, I’m going to make an exception. Try this for thirty days. If this will help you to trust me enough to give me the honor of sharing this with you, then I’ll do it. Not only will I refund you if you don’t like this 30-day program, but I’ll even do it with a smile on my face, even if I don’t understand your reasoning. I will forgive and forget. Just follow along for 30 days and see for yourself.What Could Possibly Be More Fulfilling In Life Than Womanizing??To me, nothing is more important than learning how to Womanize to a severe degree. Everything else in life is a distant second. Personally, I can be happy without fame, success, money, cars… I could even be happy working at McDonald’s… as long as I am satisfied with my level of “Womanize” where every-other-girl that I talk to shines Attraction-Joy through her eyes when I speak with her, I feel happy and fulfilled. Therefore, I have spent this entire lifetime focused on this one topic.The average man never gets to feel satisfied on this level.Moreover, men usually think they need to develop “ninja level” social skills to pull it off. But in Truth, the less you speak, say, and do, the greater your success will be.Womanizing means a lot to me and hope my enthusiasm has come through. This is your life we are talking about so I don’t want to leave anything out. This is perhaps the most important skill a man could ever develop, and it is a great honor and privilege to be able to share the kind of information that makes your lifestyle with women so easy and effortless that you stand in a state of awe… and wonder how the whole world has missed the mark and not already discovered how stupidly easy it is to live the dream.Forum AccessThis particular program will grant you access to the ideaGasms Forum, but it is a strict forum in the sense that we absolutely require kindness at all times, no condescending exceptions. We fancy our forums as one of the Internet’s “higher vibing” forums, in that everyone contributes a little something and “plays well with others.” We keep a good vibe on there so that everyone can feel safe enough to just be what they are (at any level of consciousness) and post what is truly going on inside them; this way, students are unafraid to open up and gain true, sincere, life-long friends in the process. The forum is also a nice resource for deeper clarifications and understanding.CaveatJust one caveat. This program is intensive and could be emotionally disturbing. (Especially the first 15 days are intensely focused on ‘inner game’ before getting into the advanced ‘outer game’ materials.) This information is confrontive to the ego and especially to Pride. Many people take themselves too seriously and don’t like to have their belief systems questioned or challenged. (Secretly, most men believe their way with women is the “right” way, even when they are utterly unsuccessful.) This program is not for the faint of heart, the spiritually timid, or the easily offended.Opinions and belief systems are essentially worthless. On one’s death bed, what good are opinions? To effectively Womanize, there must be a sincere willingness to let one’s pride essentially ‘die’ to a significant degree. Opinions and fear become replaced by a silent Knowingness and effortless competence with women and even with life itself.Therefore, take a moment to visualize women responding to you in ways that are downright incredible, and ask yourself if this is what you truly want. Do you WANT to live the dream? Most men secretly love pain & failure with women. You should really want Love in your life and already have a “fire in the belly” before we get started.The decision to Womanize has to come with the declaration, “No matter what.” Again, this is your life we are talking about, and I don’t want us to waste each others time. The daily lessons (and over 5 hours of video) I will be sharing with you over the next thirty days are not a joke. It is the fruit of a lifetime of incredibly agonizing research, “blood, sweat, and tears”, and the un-learning of that which stands in the way of absolutely effortless (as unbelievable as it sounds) Pickup, Dating, Escalation/Sex, Relationships, Marriage, and thus true Womanizing.OK, thanks for reading, and God bless you.Many Blessings, Stephane HemonEnjoy


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