Igor Ledochowski-Ericksonian GB Bonus Material
Igor Ledochowski-Ericksonian Bonus Material
[WEBRIP – 13 MP4+ 1 MP3+3 PDF]
Additional buys and bonuses to the Igor Ledochowski “Ericsonian Hynosis” and “Secret Formula GB”Covert Hypnosis Revification How to Motivate and Empower Others by using Covert Hypnosis Revificationin Your conversation“If I Could ONLY Ever Use ONE Hypnotic Process – This Would Be It…” This is about one of the most underrated, yet most important hypnotic process in both conversational and regular hypnosis.I’m talking about a hypnotic process that, technically, is called: Revivification.Revivification is the process of immersing a person in a vivid memory to the point where they start re-living (again) the experience of their memory in real-time.But so what?How Does The Process Of Revivification Help You As A Hypnotist? Well, would you like to help people to “re-use” unconscious resources from their past and, in doing so, give them more freedom and choice for their future?The process of revivification is the key to that. Would it be useful to be able to take someone back into their past to clean up a disturbing issue?Or would it be useful to enable someone to remember some attribute they used to be good at; in one area of their life (like, say painting); and help them “re-apply” the attribute for better results in another area of their life (like, say building their business)?Revivification is the tool to do all that. Would it also be useful to collect key memories from someone’s life (i.e., when they’ve learnt things in wonderful ways) and help them “re-purpose” those memories in such a way that they automatically go into a super-learning state?Wouldn’t that be useful? In fact, I would go so far as to say this:Of all the hypnotic processes there are, if I had to forget everything… lose all my skills… and I only got to keep one thing… then… revivification would be it.It’s why I say that if you learn the process of hypnotic revivification, it will serve you in pretty much any environment with any person – with your children, with your friends, with your colleagues, with your therapy clients.Truly… (if you ignore everything else on this page, just remember this one thing): Undoubtedly so.It HAS to be done correctly though.And to do it correctly, you really need to SEE a model of hypnotic revivification in action.Well guess what?My new online training video gives you just that – namely, examples and demonstrations of hypnotic revivification in action. It also gives you the full teaching of a humanizing way to use hypnotic revivification for any purpose. Hypnotic Journeys How to Run Dynamic Group Hypnosis Sessions to Build Your Hypnotherapy Practice Fastdonated by user zone300How Hypnotists Just Like You Are Making A Solid Income From “Hypnotic Journey” Group Programs… … And Getting More 1-On-1 Clients As A By-Product … … and how you can too … From: Igor Ledochowskiear Reader, If you want to know how even a “beginner” hypnotist can reliably fill a hypnosis practice (and get paid well to do so)… then here’s how some in-the-know hypnotists are already doing it. And why you can do the same thing with the information that follows.Here’s what it’s all about: Recently in Las Vegas I spoke from the stage to a group of hypnotists about a simple, reliable and repeatable process that…Enables you To Get Well-Paid To Create Demand For Your“Core” Hypnosis Services It “gets around” all the typical problems and limitations that hypnotists routinely run into when trying to fill a private practice the traditional way. For example:One of my students in Florida – who had been struggling and failing to build a hypnosis practice the traditional way – came to me for advice.I outlined to him what I’m about to outline to you. I told my student in Florida that all he needed to do was follow a NEW, yet SIMPLE model and process that’s designed to make a six figure a year income from hypnosis. And guess what else? I Told Him To Work This New Process (At Most) A Couple Of Hours A Day, Monday To Friday Nothing about his hypnosis skills was to really change. He’d still be the same person. He’d still living and working in the same area with the same “opportunities.” All that would be different is instead of using the traditional model to fill his hypnosis practice – he was now to follow the simple, reliable and repeatable process I outlined to him. And the reason I told him that was so it would… Allow him to “reach” more people with his hypnosis. Allow him to have a greater impact in his community (impacting many people with hypnosis that wouldn’t otherwise get in touch with him for help). Allow him to leverage his time and… in a very real sense… have people pay him weeks in advance to get a “taste” of what hypnosis can do for them. And perhaps best of all: Even if nobody ever came forward for one-on-one hypnosis sessions… the new model I told him to follow (the model and process I outlined to him)… Would Still Continue To Provide Him With A Reliable And Very Viable Income! Secret To Generating Tons Of InterestYou know what, though? If you follow the new model and process I outlined to him… you’ll have more people than ever coming forward (of their own volition) asking about – and signing up for — your private (higher-priced) one-on-one hypnosis sessions. Those people “sell themselves” on the idea of having a one-on-one private session – or, more correctly, a series of private sessions – with you. How come? Well, in case you haven’t already guessed, the new model and process I outlined to my student in Florida (and subsequently explained and demonstrated in even more detail during the training in Las Vegas) is all about doing GROUP PROGRAMS. But not just any run-of-the-mill group programs you might have heard about elsewhere. See, there happen to be… A Number Of “Secret Ingredients” To Doing Hypnosis Group Programs If Your Goal Is To: Have sufficient number of people WANT to turn up for the group program in the first place (hint: this is where most hypnotists fail big-time!). Have sufficient number of people WANT to continue attending your program for weeks at a time. And, also…Have sufficient number of people who WANT to pay (up-front) for a package of weekly group programs. For the model to work: You have to make people want to attend your group program… …you have to make people want to continue attending the weekly group sessions and… …you must set things up in a way that makes people feel happy about paying (up-front) for the number of weeks you will be holding the group program. And then, of course… …you have to know what you’re doing in each group session itself so that the people attending actually experience their own unique and individualized transformational result. I need to repeat that (because this is KEY): You Absolutely Have To “Individualize” The Experience For Everyone In The Group Everyone MattersEven if there are 10 or 20 (or more) people in the room. Which is a BIG, BIG problem for most hypnotists. Why?Because most hypnotists only know how to do classic guided visualizations when working with a group.Guided visualizations are fine… if… you ONLY want people in the group to show up… once (thus, ONLY paying you to attend one group session). However… If you want all the group members to really get something significant and transformational out of your group sessions… … and if you want all the group members to want to commit to paying for a package or program of, say, 5 to 10 weekly group sessions… …then you NEED to deliver something more valuable and more “personalized” than the typical, classic, guided visualization. In short, to ensure the maximum number of people attend your group program, and continue attending for multiple weekly group sessions… (and gladly pay you to do so)… you first need to know how to manage the dynamics of the group, and then secondly (and even more importantly)… Path to Mastery donated by user zone300The 4 Steps To Hypnosis MASTERY (And Yes – It Works For Anyone!)What if there were a 4-step process to hypnosis MASTERY that — if followed — would guarantee you’d be doing hypnosis at a rarefied level even most current expert hypnotists will never reach?And what if you could begin following that 4-step process to hypnosis MASTERY starting TODAY? Well…Listen In On A Private 1-to-1 Training & You Really Can Get Started On The Surest & Most Direct Path To Hypnosis Mastery – Starting TODAY!Here’s the promise: When you listen to this training, you’ll get to eavesdrop in on an insightful and illuminating high-level conversation I had with one of my best students, Steve, who is now a top hypnotist. Steve wanted me to explain to him how he could make the developmental jump from expert level to the elusive MASTERY LEVEL at hypnosis. More specifically, you’ll hear my answer to Steve’s question in point-by-point simplicity. And by getting this training you’ll hear me reveal…The difference between an expert hypnotist and a MASTER hypnotistThe 4 keys to mastery (anyone who understands and applies these in the manner in which I describe will achieve mastery, guaranteed!)What really went on in Erickson’s legendary “Garage Workshops” that produced a string of master level hypnotists – hypnotists who quite literally transformed the face of hypnosis — including: Paul Watzlawick, John Weakland, Ernest Rossi, Stephen Gilligan, Jeffrey Zeig and Sidney RosenThe curious “talent secret” of the Curacao — and what it means to you on your path to hypnosis masteryMy 5-step “filtering process” that ensures you are always making great strides in your mastery of hypnosisHow to “own” your hypnosis knowledge in such a way that it becomes… Immediately UsableThe ONE THING you can do today that will automatically develop your hypnosis skills far and beyond what they are to date (even if you never study another hypnosis technique in your life!)The “virtuous circle of mastery” that, when combined with my 5-step “filtering process”, will snowball – and accelerate — your progress to hypnosis mastery What neuroscientists and video game designers know about getting you into the OPTIMAL learning zoneWhy practising new hypnosis skills is NOT enough — you must get the sequence of practice right. What’s the ultimate sequence of practice? Listen to the training now and you’ll find out!How the myelin sheath factors into your journey to hypnosis masteryThe “lust trap” that most aspiring hypnotists fall into and get stuck at — and how you can recognise it and AVOID itThe astonishing secret of the 6-minute Virtuoso girl — she was able to practice a month’s worth of music tuition in just 6 minutes. You can condense your practice time with hypnosis too, once you know the secret of the Virtuoso girl!Why most people who practice more don’t improve much at all and… in some cases… actually get WORSE! (Are you making this common energy-draining mistake when practising new hypnosis skills? Listen to this training now and find out!)Plus — as you listen to this training– you’ll also soak up a LOT more insightful paradigm-shifting information that will GUARANTEE YOU’RE RAPIDLY MOVING ALONG THE FASTEST & MOST DIRECT PATH TO HYPNOSIS MASTERY. You don’t have to already be at expert level like Steve is (who you’ll hear me talking to), either. In fact, whatever level you’re at (even if you’re at beginner level) just listen to the Training and you’ll get all the secrets and processes you need to quickly, efficiently and predictably advance yourself all the way to the MASTERY level at doing hypnosis.All It Takes Is To Get This Training Now, And You’re On Your Way! Download:Contributors: ratio free (to all participating in the Igor Ericksonian Hyposis and Hypnotic Storytelling GBThe rest: as per elib rulesEnjoy
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