Igor Ledochowski- Power states-teleseminar
Igor Ledochowski-power-states-teleseminar.mp3
The teleseminar on Power-states by Igor Ledochowski-Runtime-97 minutesIgor’s holding an exciting teleseminaron Hypnotic Power States this comingWednesday 7th of December… And I wanted to give you a sneakpeek about some of the topics he’llbe covering like… * The 3 key areas to use Power States forthe success in life and business you deserve * A simple thought experiment so you canexperience just how easily you can changeyour emotions (and by doing this you startto have greater control of your own states * The 2 reasons why most people cannot getinto a Power State when they need it the most.You can easily avoid this problem when youknow what to do * 3 tips to help you access Power States whenyou need them (plus the “5 Ps” of peakperformance) * The “Unconscious Success Drill” and howto prime your unconscious mind for successat any upcoming meeting, task or event.There are 3 broad steps that will lead youto a great result, whatever the occasion * What the “Flow” state is and the 8 conditionsyou need to make it work for you * A tip to help you master skills in afraction of the time it would usually take And of course much much more…
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