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Igor Ledochowski – Private Hypnosis Club July 2008

Igor Ledochowski- Private Hypnosis Club Jul2008 [7 MP3s 1 PDFs]
[7 CDs – MP3, 1 eBook – PDF]



This Month’s Topic:How To MakeA Lot Of Money With Hypnosis –Either Part Time Or Full Time!As usual, this product is  being provided to ALL members of elib.clickPlease keep them in the community in order to keep them coming !!!From the manual:There are two basic ways to get a lot of practice and make money quickly as a hypnotist:1. Become a stage hypnotist.2. Run hypnosis stop smoking sessions.By far the most common reason people see a hypnotherapist is to stop smoking. And fortunately stop smoking sessions are1. Easy to do.2. A great way to get hypnosis experience in the real world and hone your skills.3. A great way to earn good money part time or full time.4. A valuable way for you to practice conversational hypnosis.It is not unreasonable to comfortably earn over $500 a week just by doing stop smoking sessions.This is basically a guideline on how to conduct stop smoking sessions…the biggest takeaway is found in Appendix B of the manual- a checklist for the new hypnotist on how a session should be run.  You can make the appropriate changes for different types of sessions.


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