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Innertalk – Success Power OZO (Web Rip – 1 MP3, 1 PDF)

Innertalk – Success Power OZO



Success Power— Fill your mind with the expectation of ultra success. When you absolutely know that you can succeed, then nothing can get in your way!This program combines the InnerTalk subliminal affirmations for Prosperity and Abundance, with the OZO tones, frequencies and forceful verbal coaching, to create a super-charged program. Many customers report even faster results when using both the InnerTalk and the OZO programs together, playing the OZO program once or twice a day and then using the InnerTalk subliminal program as much as possible for the rest of the day.Sample Affirmations”I am prosperous. I appreciate my success. I have many blessings. I focus on my blessings. I become a magnet attracting prosperity. Prosperity is attracted to me. Abundance and prosperity flow to me now. I naturally receive. I deserve prosperity. I invest my time. I work hard. My energy is stored in money. I use money in good ways. I know abundance exists throughout nature. I am a child of the universe. Abundance is naturally mine. I am already successful. I realize my prosperity. My mind magnetically attracts prosperity. I hold prosperous thoughts. I visualize my prosperous reality,” etc.Sound SamplesOZO is a very experiential program and as such, a sound sample of the track would not do it justice. In addition to the soundtrack and subliminal affirmations, there are tones and frequencies and other sound patterns all designed to put you into an altered state. In this state, the music is just one aspect of the entire experience.Usage GuideOZO programs are designed for use once a day when there is time to just sit and relax, usually at the end of each day, and are designed for headphone use only. In addition to the InnerTalk subliminal affirmations, OZO also uses a special mix of three-dimensional sounds, tones and echo-effects that stimulate positive and highly receptive brain states. We refer to this as subliminal hypnosis.Also featured is an audible narrator who provides powerful, and forceful, verbal coaching.Many users report using OZO for its “kick-in-the-butt” approach.The echoing effects and other sounds and tones, along with the three-dimensional sound patterns, help synchronize the left and right hemispheres of the brain, allowing the program to create powerful, long-lasting impressions that will make a big difference in your life!


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