Irene Lyon – Adrenal Fatigue Webinar
[1 MP4, 1 MP3, 2 PDF]
If you enjoy this then sign up for the groupbuy for the FULL 12 week course Smart Body, Smart Mind to really heal your trauma at – Burnout Really Is & Why It Can Be So Tough To HealWhen our body and mind have been on a constant merry-go-round and we live in survival mode, the body pumps out stress chemicals.The adrenal glands produce these stress chemicals, which are toxic on the body — they literally breakdown and “burn out” the entire human system (immune system, gut, brain, heart, etc.) Get this live webinar that’ll teach you what burnout REALLY is and why it can be so tough to heal.Here’s What You’ll Learn When YouSign Up for This Live Replay What the two stages of burnout are:The ‘Go Go Go’ Adrenalized Stage (wherein you might feel invincible!)The ‘Can’t Go No More’ Shutdown Stage (when the body literally says “NO!”) That healing burnout and adrenal fatigue means getting into the roots of your nervous system and healing old traumas and toxic stress patterns that keep us stuck in our survival physiology. There are no quick fixes to heal burnout and adrenal fatigue and it takes a slow and steady rewiring of the nervous system for deep change to stick. Becoming fluent in the ‘language’ of the nervous system is the first essential step to recovery (especially learning the deeper theory of the nervous system!) How burnout and adrenal fatigue affects the gut, weakens the immune system and impacts all cells in the body. In other words – you’ll start to discover from a biological perspective that EVERYTHING is connect. Healing our stressed out bodies starts with simple practices like noticing your body and the world around you. (Don’t underestimate the power of pausing and re-calibrating many times throughout the day – even if only for 30 seconds!)
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