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Jack Canfield & Paul Scheele – Effortless Success Mindfest 2014

Effortless Success Mindfest
[ 13 MP3 – 1 HTML File Set ]



                      Effortless  Success  Mindfest                                              Activating the Law of Attraction                                                                           presented by Learning Strategies Corp                                                                                                    hosted by Jack Canfield   Welcome to the Effortless Success Mindfest: ACTIVATE the Law of AttractionDear Friend,Today everything changes.  Today you learn how to make the Law of Attraction work for you.You have been given a gift of a seven-part, professionally produced audio course, created by Law of Attraction master Jack Canfield (co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, author of The Success Principles, and featured teacher in The Secret). It is called the Effortless Success Mindfest: “Activating” the Law of Attraction, and it truly is free with no obligation. Just start your download and you’ll be listening in a few short minutes.This is a comprehensive course to transform your life forever    • 6 audio Sessions to teach you the core principles and practices for activating the Law of Attraction. You will uncover your life      purpose and align it with your deepest wisdom. You will express your dreams, goals, and daily plans in ways consistent with the      Law of Attraction. You will align each day of your life with your purpose. And, you will experience new results in your life      every day. As a result of these sessions, you feel confident and excited about where you are headed and clear about how      to get there.    • 5 “Fast Finish” Sessions to train your brain to learn at faster speeds and quickly review the teachings in a very short period      of time.    • “Asking” Paraliminal Session so that on a deep, inner level you form your intention and ask for what you want in a way that      will get the results you want.    • A One-hour Question and Answer Bonus Sessions to make sure you can benefit from everything Jack teaches you. During      the Effortless Success Mindfest you will hear a one hour informative sessions.            The audio sessions are portable, meaning you can listen to them any where,                       any time, as often as you want, whenever you feel the need to.Paul Scheele, creator of the Asking Paraliminal that is part of the Effortless Success course, offers a powerful way of thinking to break free from self-imposed limitations.  Thousands of people purchased Jack Canfield’s self-study course called Effortless Success: Activating the Law of Attraction, and they paid $297.  The audio sessions of that course make up the Effortless Success Mindfest. Right now you have access to Jack Canfield’s wonderful Law of Attraction material, and can own this wisdom for the rest of your life.  We know you will enjoy the Effortless Success Mindfest. We’re excited to hear about the new results you create in your life.                   Here are the sessions for the Effortless Success Mindfest:Effortless SuccessThis is the preliminary session for the mindfest.  In your first session you will learn Jack’s secret to Live with Purpose and Celebrate Success.Day 1 – Receive InspirationOn Day 1, we invite you to begin a journey with us—to activate the Law of Attraction by receiving inspiration. This means going inward to access your inner guidance, which is available to you at any time.  Jack will help you Receive Inspiration. The topics on this recording include: Open to Guidance, Universal Laws, Inner Wisdom Meditation, Life Purpose, and Manifestation.Day 2 – Form Intention and Asking ParaliminalYour second session will help you Form Intention. Jack teaches you: Dream Big Goals, Clear Vision Meditation, Create the Vision, Intentions and Affirmations, and Appreciation. And you’ll be able to use Paul Scheele’s Asking Paraliminal so that you ask for what you want in a way that the universe delivers it for you.  Flesh out your dreams by adding details about when, how, and where you will take action on your inspiration. You will be guided through activities that allow you to be a deliberate creator of your life.  Then listen to the Asking Paraliminal to ask for your intention to materialize. Jack Canfield and Paul R. Scheele created this amazing Paraliminal to guide your inner mind to ask in the clearest way possible. Plan on listening to this session every day for the rest of the week if you can!Day 3 – Take ActionYour third session will help you Take Action. You will explore: Affirm then Act, Rule of Five, Positives from Negatives, Creating Your Day Meditation, and Take the Leap.  The first two sessions are all about thinking big—opening to inspiration, dreaming big dreams, writing big goals. Today you will learn to visualize your important activities. You will also learn how to release negative emotions and “chunk” large goals into small steps, creating a clear path for inspired action.Day 4 – Experience GrowthOn Day 4, Jack will help you Experience Growth. Jack will help you with: Trust and Respond, Daily Review Meditation, Review and Transform, Focus on Solutions, Believe the Dream, and Law of Least Effort.  The universe is designed to support your success. Stay alert to the clues and resources the universe is continually providing to make things easy for you. Trust what emerges.Day 5 – Questions and Answers – Session 1Your fifth audio session reviews the Effortless Success Basics and get answers to common questions that help you with Staying Inspired, Keeping Faith, Your Calling, Real Guidance, Finding Purpose, Finding Clarity, Jack’s Practice, and Feeling Good.Day 6 – Questions and Answers – Session 2On the final day, Jack will answer questions about living a life of effortless success and inspire you to take these teachings forward in your life.You can now listen to Effortless Success Course One: ACTIVATE the Law of Attraction to think big, take action, and grow expansively.  You will set the path to get from where you are right now to where you want to be.Since success happens from the inside out, you will begin by traveling inward to explore your life, dreams, and passions. You’ll learn how to bridge between the invisible world of thought and the visible world of people, things, and events. It is precisely at this point that the universe starts to comply, circumstances fall into place, and resources become available, creating a clear path for inspired action.You’ll find yourself automatically thinking new thoughts, feeling new feelings, and taking new actions. As Jack knows from his personal experience, this will attract new results in your life.There are two other courses offered by Paul Scheele and Jack Canfield through Learning Strategies Corporation that are not featured in this mindfest, Effortless Success  Course Two: INTEGRATE the Law of Attraction for an automatic and continuous flow, and Effortless Success  Course Three: APPLY the Law of Attraction cascading enviable results in all areas of your life. These two additional courses were designed to build upon and strengthen the “ACTIVATE the Law of Attraction” course you’re listening to now.When you live an Effortless Success life, you will:    • Discover what truly gives your life meaning, and translate your insight into a compelling vision.    • Learn how and when to ask for what you want.    • Generate concrete plans that carry the power to change your life.    • Use resources you already have to start manifesting what you want.    • Create powerful goals with guidance from your higher intelligence that is not tainted by fear, self-limiting belief,      or other issues you have.    • Access inner guidance for achieving goals.    • Trust that the universe is guiding you for the highest good.    • Tap the hidden reservoir of positive energy that surrounds everyone, whether or not you know it yourself.    • Clear the way for involuntary emergence of Inspired Action, the most striking element behind Jack’s unparalleled success.    • Determine exactly what you want, and get ways to meet even the most outrageous goals.    • Move beyond negative emotions—fears, sadness, doubt, and more.    • Let go of distractions and self-sabotaging habits.    • Walk away from your current limitations.    • Give up victim thoughts and take 100 percent responsibility for the results you create.    • Be in the “now”—not the future or the past.    • Be at peace with yourself and others.    • Be open to change and take risks while remaining light-hearted.    • Be grateful for all life experiences—from the ordinary to the extraordinary.    • Serve the greater good from your personal passion.    • Collaborate with others in ways that enrich everyone.    • Discover the secret of giving to others—and how this helps you attract what you want.    • Give and receive unconditional love.Can you imagine a better way to live your life?  These are the ideals.  These are the aspirations of effortless success.About your host Jack Canfield    As the beloved originator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul® series, Jack Canfield fostered the emergence of inspirational anthologies as a genre – and watched it grow to a billion dollar market. As the driving force behind the development and delivery of more than 123 million books sold through the Chicken Soup for the Soul® franchise (and over 500 million copies in print worldwide), Jack Canfield is uniquely qualified to talk about success.    Behind the empire Time Magazine called the “publishing phenomenon of the decade” is America’s leading expert in creating peak performance for entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, managers, sales professionals, corporate employees, and educators. Over the last 30 years, his compelling message, empowering energy and personable coaching style has helped hundreds of thousands of individuals achieve their dreams.    Affectionately known as “America’s #1 Success Coach,” Jack has studied and reported on what makes successful people different. He knows what motivates them, what drives them, and what inspires them. He brings this critical insight to countless audiences internationally—sharing his success strategies in the media, with companies, universities and professional associations.    Jack is a Harvard graduate with a Master’s Degree in psychological education and one of the earliest champions of peak-performance, developing specific methodologies and results-oriented activities to help people take on greater challenges and produce breakthrough results.    His proven formula for success reached global acclaim with his most recent National Bestseller, The Success Principles: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be. This new standard in self-improvement contains 64 powerful principles for success utilized by top achievers from all walks of life and all areas of commerce. The Success Principles —and the entire empire of “Principles” books, products, coaching programs and branded retail merchandise —is Jack’s most recent offering to the more than 100 million readers he currently reaches worldwide.


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