Jack Ellis – The Lucifer Complex 2
Jack Ellis – The Lucifer Complex 2.pdf
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This product was brought here by THIS Group Buy. Sharing else where will result in your being bannedJack Ellis – The Lucifer Complex 2Mind Secrets So Powerful Governments Have Spent Millions Trying To Suppress Them!”From the desk of Jack EllisDear Friend:When the first Lucifer Complex was released last year I was amazed at the response.Not only were many of you open enough to try it, but the refund rate was the lowest we’ve ever had.That’s the ultimate test of what works and what fails to work!I was so inspired by all this that I’ve kept reading and studying, finding techniques even more effective than the ones you’ve learned before!The main reason you should be interested in these methods is:Almost every day scientists keep getting closer to proving they work!Cornell Psychology Professor Proves: Time Is NOT Linear!National Public Radio ran an article about Professor Daryl Bem of Cornell, one of the most respected psychology professors in the world.The article said that his studies: “…suggests that people — ordinary people — can be altered by experiences they haven’t had yet. Time, he suggests, is leaking. The Future has slipped, unannounced, into the Present.”One of the experiments he conducted involved students memorizing words for a test. They were tested on how many words they could memorize.After the test the students were shown the words again. Results showed that “practicing a set of words after the recall test does, in fact, reach back in time to facilitate the recall of those words. Apparently, scanning and retyping those words later somehow improved recall earlier.”Here’s Just A Taste Of What You’ll Discover In This Course: Command others psychically to say what you want them to say The secret Psychic Masters in India used to part crocodile-infested rivers for their followers How to draw your astralized knowledge into yourself The difference between “reality” and “actuality” explained – most people are too ignorant to know this, and it costs them… big time Generate “Ghostly” Muscle Power Contraction Win anybody you want to with Secret ESP+ Control How an American Marine fought in the thick of the action time and time again – yet never suffered a scratch Create the right force to convert a desired miracle into a reality The secret formula for “sensing” the most probable outcome of any contest or life problem Enjoy slow-wave sleep – eliminate rapid-eye movement and watch your power soar
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